23 Replies to “Enemy at the Gates”

  1. Shame the precious little do-gooder did not stay and preach longer.
    Then we might have a real interesting story.
    Course my first question was;Who?.

  2. The pictures for this series seem to all fit and be authentic, so did anyone else notice the general demographic of the migrants in the clothing line?
    Sure looks suspiciously like a camouflaged invading army to me.
    I swear, one of the secret rituals of the left must be to shave those little hairs on the back of the neck as to eliminate any chance of feeling them rise.

  3. The left are always demanding action; provided it costs everyone else. If they had to cover the costs themselves the message would be a lot different.

  4. I wonder if that wacky lefty learned anything from this little dust-ip…..no not likely
    Interesting how they just referred to them as behaving like football hooligans, is that the new pc term for barbarians.
    I can hear the message from the camp leadership tomorrow, “in future don’t attack those that we’ve conned into supporting us.”

  5. sooooo what this news item tells me is the ‘refugees’ are perfectly willing yet again to drag their kids on dangerous exhausting journeys like some sort of ‘lottery’ to get a higher standard of living, instead of collectively and individually standing their ground and make a better life for future generations WHERE THEY LIVE ALREADY.
    all these military aged men. why not divert all the funds from charity drives, housing, emergency food, transportation, on and on and on to arming them and training them to stand up to the oppressors? why in blazes can’t it at least be TRIED somewhere? a MILLION of them so far? think of the size of the army of the ones military age out of THAT crowd.
    do I have to let every bedraggled homeless unfortunate crash on my living room friggin couch because they are in need? why the fcuk are these situations allowed to GET this bad in the first place necessitating all this last minute poorly planned crap?
    politishuns. famous for solving 1 problem by creating thousands more.

  6. Isn’t an immigration wave as touted by the LSM – it’s an outright invasion. When they start doing this to private homes/business thru force & lawlessness maybe then people will wake up, maybe but I won’t hold my breath as history has shown far worse has to happen to smarten people up.
    No wealthy sharia ruled Arab country is accepting ANY of these so called ‘immigrants of war’ as this is part of the plan of the Caliphate – got the global oil rights/ownership and now the man power in all the right places…

  7. My small town will receive 10 Syrian families tomorrow. Each will receive $1500/mth from the feds, after which they’re dependent on whatever goodwill can be mustered.
    Of that stipend, $900 is allowed for rent. Landlords are being beseeched to provide a minimum 3 bedroom accommodation for that amount. Good luck with that.
    Will these new immigrants be okay with living in sub-standard housing in the rougher part of town – because that’s what $900 will offer.
    Meanwhile, the newspaper reports that no one in local government seems to know the composition of the arrivals. How many kids in each? Will they be children or teens? No information. How much schooling have they had? No one knows.
    It’s all happening on ‘a wing and a prayer’ basis, relying on the goodwill of both the immigrants and an uniformed community.

  8. I was really hoping that the story was about migrants beating the sh1t out of Jude law. One can always hope.

  9. If these “refugees” are the peace loving, looking-for-a-better-life folks “just like us”…
    Why would he need security to visit them?

  10. Will these new immigrants be okay with living in sub-standard housing……
    Are you kidding?
    They can`t believe their luck. Compared to their past centuries existence at home, this must look to them like paradise.
    Hey, they are thiking, if they participate in the activity, there should by some 72 virgins per.
    If they don`t get them, they will take them. It`s what they do. Have not caught up with the 2016 yet. The airhead in Ottawa should have a chat with them.

  11. In a related story, I will NOT be watching The Acadamy Awards tonight … because of twits like Jude Law. Since I already know … that the Transgender film will score big, along with Di Crapio”s bear butt-rape movie, and every other movie that is anti-capitalism, anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-conservative, anti-establishment (aka … ALL of the nominees).

  12. Ditto here, and what Ward said @ 3:41.
    We haven’t watched the Academy Awards in decades. For what, leftists rewarding each other for brainwashing the people.

  13. The number of Hollywood movies made in the last 20 years that I’ve seen and actually thought were worth watching I can probably count on one hand.
    Just because a movie was nominated for or won an Oscar, it doesn’t mean it’s good. For example, last night, I started watching a recent Best Picture winner: “The Hurt Locker” on Encore Avenue. After about 45 minutes of that drivel, I had enough.
    I switched over to TCM and watched “Apollo 13” and enjoyed that, even though I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen it.

  14. Agreed.
    The scary thing is that Hollywood stories are eagerly anticipated and have a large world wide audience. The narrative sells.
    If they started making movies with capitalist themes they’d be outa business by month end. Nobody would attend a movie where Jude Law plays the part of a benevolent family loving businessman.
    The movie moguls are all capitalists. They know their audience.

  15. Those stories or, rather, the movies made around them are anticipated only because they generally offer in-one-ear-out-the-other entertainment. Most remain in circulation until they no longer bring in suitable levels of revenue and are soon forgotten. They are like chewing gum for the mind.
    Most people I know couldn’t tell the difference between a movie that shows nothing but paint drying and one that actually has a plot and tells a decent story, along with proper character development. A featured cast member could stay on screen for the entire movie wearing a lampshade and making strange noises as far as those viewers are concerned.

  16. So should have attacked BEFORE the celebs boarded their busses; next attacks should be on said celebs homes.

  17. Today’s Globe and Mail has an article which answers a lot of your questions:
    53% of refugee families are composed of 5 to 8 people; 68% of adults have high school education or less; 40% of kids under 14 have no schooling at all; 67% of refugees speak no English or French

  18. The Syrian group that was brought to our community by a bunch of do-gooders is a truck driver and his ‘family’ of 10 dependents. We already have many unemployed truck drivers with current certification and training who speak English or French.
