10 Replies to “More Government”

  1. But until the IRA’s efforts to stop concervative/tea party groups from getting tax exempt status are disrupted then no problem.

  2. People already submit everything voluntarily about themselves on the interwebby.
    Its called Facebook

  3. Might be right revealing to check just whose information has been released/hacked.
    The IRS is without credibility, this “accident” may turn out to be just another way to harass people critical of the current government.
    Sure that may be a bit of a leap,however”Not a smidgeon of corruption” has no right to benefit of doubt.
    Just wait till the Turdeau Government loses the long form census returns.
    We guarantee confidentiality.
    We will prosecute you if you lie to us.
    Such is Good Enough for Government.
    They were completely unable to answer for that contradiction before the Long Form was made voluntary.
    Now it is compulsory again, I guess I will supply government grade “truths” on the form.
    After all in this age when self identification is the modern “truth” ..We are all Metis now.
    Sex? yes. Occupation? Slave to government. Income ?-Defict/#taxpayers.
    Net worth ?Nationaldebt/# of taxpayers.
    Funny how inept bureaucrats are with computers and private citizens information.
    Almost like they could not care less for those useless plebes.
    A flat tax would eradicate the IRS, but that is not the IRS’s real function.
    It makes such a wonderful tool of extortion and terror.

  4. of course, any large numbers of identity theft victims will be directed to the appropriate mickey mouse department where they get to wait indefinitely for substantive recourse whilst their credit record is demolished and the strange bills start pouring in.
    we’re from da gubbamint and we’re here to help you.
    the problem with the internet is the very architecture, the very theoretical beginnings were flawed from the start without sufficient attention to security and confidentiality. same as Bill Gates cludgey Microslop operating system, the business model was to get *something* out to get the revenue going. it’s been patch on patch on patch on patch ever since for the last 35+ years.

  5. No one is required to be on facebook. I am required to pay taxes… unfortunately in the US as well. If I don’t I go to prison.
    There’s a big difference between voluntarily giving up privacy and having the privacy taken away by incompetents with the ability to imprison you.

  6. I finally got a FB account last year after years of hounding by a relative. But didn’t use my real name and filled in everything with a fake personal data. Only use it to get pictures and quick ‘how ya doing’ chats otherwise nothing appealing about it to me. So I don’t understand the big attraction.
    Captcha: Progress Sch Rd. Not kidding LOL!

  7. I don’t provide any real information about myself on census forms; it’s none of the govts damn business. The answers are calculated to appear real, but none of it pertains to me. Like Idd also have a FB account with bogus info. I never understood the “look at me, look at me” attitude of so many narcissistic internet users.

  8. Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. — Ben Franklin

  9. *
    if the legal system can pull lucy decoutere’s decade old text messages and
    jam them up her patootie… then no one should be feeling digitally secure.
    just my two cents.

  10. All I ask of the IRS … is to keep my files out of Lois Lerner’s hands. Wait … she’s retired, isn’t she ? Raking in a BIG FAT taxpayer pension after having denied multiple Tea Party org’s. their rights. The LEFT takes care of their own, don’t they ? Shouldn’t both the FBI … and … the IRS be 100% non-partisan ? Looks like both agencies need to be purged of LEFTIST operatives
