Muzzled Scientists

“There is this mismatch between what the climate models are producing and what the observations are showing,” says lead author John Fyfe, a climate modeller at the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis in Victoria, British Columbia. “We can’t ignore it.”
So, apparently PM Harper was muzzling scientists who are able to show that not only is the pause in global warming real, but that as of yet no one can explain it and that it needs to be understood.
Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis
Via Judith Curry

39 Replies to “Muzzled Scientists”

  1. So the CCCMA uses GIGO models to predict something that isn’t happening,and the LIV’s suck it up like a religion? CAGW isn’t a religion,it is a political/useful idjit cult. Judith Curry has long been calling BS on the so-called “climate sciencpolitico” goons for a long time. And it does not surprise me it is centered in LaLaLand.

  2. So another explanation and model which has turned out to be extremely dubious but of course should never have been questioned.

  3. These guys gonna get muzzled by the Libs — or maybe not necessary since the media will ignore anything that goes against the Liberal line.

  4. Here’s a longer quotation, with more appropriate context: “There is this mismatch between what the climate models are producing and what the observations are showing,” says lead author John Fyfe, a climate modeller at the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis in Victoria, British Columbia. “We can’t ignore it.” Fyfe uses the term “slowdown” rather than “hiatus” and stresses that it does not in any way undermine global-warming theory.”
    Attempting to explain the mismatch between models and observations = proper scientific method.
    Ignoring the mismatch = not scientific.
    Ignoring the latter half of the above quote = also not scientific.

  5. Gotcha.
    In other words they will see what they want to see, and they will call it what they want to call it.

  6. The latter half of the quote is the necessary mea culpa for daring to find something amiss in the theory. The “theory” is a theory and the statement is subjective– not scientific.

  7. Do we think the AGWers will try to halt the snowball they have created that garners votes,
    grants and taxes whilst polarizing the country? The liberals will give new meaning to the
    term double-blind study.

  8. It doesn’t kill global warming theory but it does prove one thing, CO2 is innocent of being a big climate bully.
    Free CO2!

  9. Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, is tired of the entire discussion, which he says comes down to definitions and academic bickering. There is no evidence for a change in the long-term warming trend, he says…
    “A little bit of turf-protecting and self-promotion I think is the most parsimonious explanation,” Schmidt says. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.””
    Nothing wrong with it? In science? What this dickhead has just said is that he sees nothing wrong with allowing personal vested interest to colour things. And you can be damned sure that if he doesn’t reject it outright it in the opposition’s camp, he damned well has no qualms about using it in his own.

  10. “A little bit of turf-protecting and self-promotion I think is the most parsimonious explanation,” Schmidt says. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”
    One grain of truth!

  11. If AGW were a real threat people would be clinging to every scrap of hopeful news.
    Instead, the public is indifferent while insiders have to repeat the catechism in every article that mentions possible doubts in the theory.
    The delusion is crumbling and is being held together only by those who stand to lose the most.

  12. The true science deniers are the faithful members of the Church of Global Warming. It follows the template of almost all organized religions throughout history. Built on fearmongering, apocalyptic forecasts, doom and gloom, sin, guilt, shame, penance, tithing (carbon taxes), blind faith and ridicule of non-believers. It’s got it ALL.
    And its members are similar to those indoctrinated into cults like the Moonies, ISIS and the Manson family, so rigid is their faith and devotion.

  13. The true science deniers are the faithful members of the Church of Global Warming. It follows the template of almost all organized religions throughout history. Built on fearmongering, apocalyptic forecasts, doom and gloom, sin, guilt, shame, penance, tithing (carbon taxes), blind faith and ridicule of non-believers. It’s got it ALL.
    And its members are similar to those indoctrinated into cults like the Moonies, ISIS and the Manson family, so rigid is their faith and devotion.

  14. “is tired of the entire discussion,” Everyone is tired of the discussion. Perhaps we can put the issue aside (including all the unnecessary carbon taxes) until there is some firm evidence of unusual warming. Of course it is warming — not so long ago Canada was covered with sheets of ice. So it is warmer now, but it is also pretty normal warming. Alas — some will not drop this topic while it still can be used for political gain. For historical background, Ezra Levant’s “Fight Kyoto” is still very informative.

  15. This is actually what is supposed to happen in science. Research is supposed to be questioned. No doubt another paper will be published that counters the new “the hiatus is real” one. Personally I’m suprised that the one that said the hiatus wasn’t real was not countered sooner. Using uncalibrated, unverified engine intake temperatures to correct buoys that are actually designed to accurately measure temps is the most bizarre “scienctific” adjustment I’ve ever heard of. If skeptics tried to confirm their hypothesis by such obvious data manipulation they’d be laughed at, and rightfully so. Activism passing as science is where being a lukewarmer is the most sensible since you don’t feel obligated to defend or accept really crappy data and methods.
    The reliance on models over observation is rampant in climate science. Remember how acidification was going to decimate coral reefs:
    Andreas Andersson of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, California, and his colleagues carefully monitored a coral reef in Bermuda for five years, and found that spikes in acidity were linked to increased reef growth.
    “At first we were really puzzled by this,” says Andersson. “It’s completely the opposite to what we would expect in an ocean-acidification scenario.”…..
    These corals didn’t seem to mind the fluctuations in local acidity that they created, which were much bigger than those we expect to see from climate change. This may mean that corals are well equipped to deal with the lower pH levels.
    More real world observations that are completely contrary to the catastrophic narrative. Nothing that data manipulation can’t fix, I suppose. And the media will never report a study that doesn’t support CAGW anyway.

  16. The Glibbering Climb Down continues.
    The stunning audacity of attempting to manipulate public behaviour, by projecting Doom using natural weather cycles.
    Proclaiming a coming cataclysm by extrapolating linear doom from a sine wave.
    Well why not, conmen have been doing this since language was invented.
    Climatology has no science, it even lacks a coherent hypothesis,it is religion pretending to be scientific.
    The best analogy is Gaseous Gangrene.A toxic infection that spreads.
    This version of gangrene was cultured in government laboratories.
    The Green Gang are fully funded branches of our kleptocracy.
    Amazing how many of these Untaxable “charities” and NGO’s (fully funded by govt grant) infest the “Public Policy ” realm.
    Now as measurements follow the same old cycles, the extrapolated Doom becomes ever more ridiculous to the easily gulled.
    Think about the benefit of this period of mass hysteria..
    School children have had CAGW/CC/Guilt shoved down their throats their entire conscious lives, yet there has been none their entire lives..
    I suspect they will truly learn to “Trust” authority.

  17. Satellite measurements explain the pause just fine. Where we go from here is anybody’s guess, we have no certainty of that. Once again that’s ignored. We have a precise measurement of global temperatures, but the climate change movement stubbornly uses thermometers unevenly dispersed around the planet, averaged per day, per year, then plotted on a graph for their conclusions.
    Data that has changed, adjusted, artifact proofed; whatever. Dump the corrupted NOAA dataset, there are a half dozen others that show a pause. Now even the most artificial record is clearly inaccurate. Models are completely wrong compared to any datasets. Humans are not causing catastrophic global warming. If we keep burning fossil fuels for another hundred years we’ll have bigger problems than a slight rise in global temperatures.
    Since this argument no way puts it to capitalism, the neo-monarchs ignore it. Nope, hottest year on record, with 36% certainty. Well at least their record has more integrity than Justin’s promises.

  18. That article is unbelievable. Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it — the bigger the lie, the more they fall for it. I do believe the people discussed in the article are suffering from mental health problems, but I am pretty sure it is not the climate that is causing this. The environmentalists, the good doctor and the American Psychological Association have lost touch with reality. So all those poor people, immigrants, etc. the association says will be affected with depression because of climate change are happy as clams without climate change. The silliness is unbelievable.

  19. Environmental science is the most corrupted with hysteria. Rather than undertaking the boring job of attempting to disprove an hypothesis, the enormous resources and political pressure encourages group-think and hypothesis reinforcement, directly advocating for political mitigation based on the unscientific notion of consensus. Climate modelling is not science but rather an attempt at demonstrating that the proponent has omniscience over all the variables and processes sufficient to predict the future and fuel the hysteria-pimping machine of government dominance in all things (save “scientific” freedom to speak on the “correct” side of the non-debate). This has all been bought and paid for with stolen loot.
    Socialized science is always teetering into, if not fully in the Lysenko mode. It should, along with education and almost everything else, be privatized.

  20. I was just reading about this psychological phenomenon the other day. Most people think with their amygdala, not their higher functions. The media and politicians use this to their advantage, consciously or unconsciously. So CO2 Almighty causing everything from acne to depression to the Apocalypse today is not different that our ancestors fearing Halley’s comet it 1910, witchcraft in the middle ages or angry gods in Greek and Roman times. MM CO2-caused extreme weather research is, at best, inconclusive:
    Pessimists by Nature
    Ridley’s recollection raises an interesting question: Why are we as a species so willing to believe in doomsday scenarios that never quite materialize in practice?
    In their 2012 book, Abundance: The Future is Better than You Think, Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler offer one plausible explanation. Human beings are constantly bombarded with information. Because our brains have a limited computing power, they have to separate what is important – such as a lion running toward us – from what is mundane. Because survival is more important than all other considerations, most information enters our brains through the amygdala – a part of the brain that is “responsible for primal emotions like rage, hate and fear.” Information relating to those primal emotions gets our attention first because the amygdala “is always looking for something to fear.” Our species has evolved to prioritize bad news. Pessimists survived, while optimists got eaten by lions.
    Newspapers and other media have long since recognized that pessimism sells. According to one analysis, about 90 percent of all articles in The Washington Post tend to be pessimistic in tone. As the old saying among journalists goes, “If it bleeds, it leads.” Politicians, too, have realized that banging on about “crises” increases their power and can get them reelected, and may also lead to prestigious prizes and lucrative speaking engagements. Thus politicians on both left and right play on our fears – from crime supposedly caused by playing violent computer games to health maladies supposedly caused by the consumption of genetically modified foods.

  21. If you want a real hoot, look at the claims surrounding the “warming” of the oceans derived from the Argo temperature buoy system. The claim being made is that there is a rise of the earth’s oceans’ temperatures of two one-hundredths of a degree representing x-number of nuclear bombs exploding every minute. That’s a bit rich in so far as there are approximately three thousand Argo buoys in the system which sounds like a lot until you realize that the volume of the earth’s oceans is approximately 325 million cubic miles! That means each Argo buoy has to measure the volume of (to be generous) approximately 100,000 cubic miles of water to within two one-hundredths of a degree. Wow! The most precise laboratory thermometers only claim precisions to within tenths of a degree. And they wonder why I’m a skeptic?

  22. This important peer reviewed paper by top scientists has been totally ignored by the main stream media.
    Compare that with the headlines given to the alarmist NOAA paper a few months ago claiming that the was no pause in warming.
    The intellectual dishonesty of our media is astounding.

  23. The solar system is not a control lab. It is also not a stable system. Nature does what it wants depending on the activity of the sun. Sometimes it’s warming and sometimes it’s cooling … for past many thousands of years, it has balanced itself out rather well. Volcanic eruptions have far more effect on the earths weather systems than people driving to work or cows farting in the pasture.
    This is nothing but a grand scheme to bilk the public of their money and to allow politicians to look like they are caring stewards of Gaia.
    It’s a much farce as the idea of internal deities watching over us …. All contrived as control mechanisms and they work very well.

  24. The theory of evolution was the precedent for using a theory to subjectively interpret the facts, in turn using the subjectively interpreted facts to prove the theory…circular reasoning all around.
    Exactly the same use of deception with AGW. Except neither one can explain why they both stopped.

  25. Of course at the base of all the AGW propaganda diktat, is that it is the models that were replaced for actual climate.
    It is the sleight of hand of the politicians and the ruling class to pretend that there is something wrong with the climate, while spreading propaganda generated by the models. They want more taxes from the plebeians.
    The insatiable greed of politicians and the ruling class is quite beyond comprehension of the citizen.
    Of course they want to appear as though they care about something, while they could not give a shit about those that get up ever damn morning and go to work to make some money for themselves. What they get is legalized theft from a small clique of dictator wannabes that want to look good to those outside of Canada.
    You know, one could go on and on, the thing is that the low information voter don`t get it. They don`t have the time or the patience or aspiration to find out, thirst for knowledge. They let the damn “experts“ do the thinking for them.
    One cannot blame them for that, imagine a guy that freezes for 8 hours a day on some construction or another. When he gets home, he probably could not care less about the climate or any number of things. He just wants to sit down have some meal, get a cold one and fall asleep watching the idiot tube.
    Many, here included would like to do something to stop the madness.
    It is difficult, not so much as to talk about it, as to make people understand that the political class is lying. They don’t believe the truth.
    The Big Lie, this was Hitler’s invention. Make the lie so big, so – “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”(quote from wikipedia)

  26. I’m auditing a university course right now. there are perks to having a valid student card @ my age.
    I think I might stir the pot on some occasion when the GGWN* pays a visit. we do get a great number of guest speakers. gawd help me I love to see their expressions as I pop their balloons. one bloke presented the thesis that the pop (no pun intended) music business exploited blacks, cheating them out of royalties. whereupon I cited the case of one Barry Gordy, founder of Motown Music in Detoilet back in the early 60s, who was BLACK and noted for exploiting *his* corral of BLACK artists.
    * great global warming narrative.

  27. Well said and it definitely was worth repeating.
    And the snake oil artists are doing their level best to tithe the fearful.

  28. “The Big Lie, this was Hitler’s invention. Make the lie so big, so – “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”(quote from wikipedia)”
    Not the originator, that con person is lost in history.
    Probably around the time we invented language and religion.
    But the LIE is the tool of choice for all who desire a free lunch at our expense.
    Government is theft.
    Some aspects of group action are necessary for a modern state.
    No way around that.
    However government for thieves by thieves is unsustainable if the mugs realize they are being robbed.
    So BIG LIES are needed.
    Canada is a classic, the suckers pay more than 1/2 the return on their labour to the thieves and attack anyone who points out how bare faced the robbery is.
    It is not a coincident that canadian bureaucrats/kleptocrats are key figures in the creation and promotion of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM.
    A Kleptocracy has to lie,always and nonstop, for if the victims were to pause and think ,the parasites would be in peril.
