44 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. My Trump-yes-Trump-Hell No! mood swings are driving me nuts.
    Anybody else suffering from this malady?
    I’m thinking that I should do pro-Trump tips Mon-Wed-Fri and anti-Trumps on Tue-Thu-Sat. Sunday off?
    This item puts me back in the Trump camp.
    Via ZeroHedge.
    Trump Must Be Stopped” Plead ‘The Economist’ And CFR As Financial Establishment Panics:

  2. Actually this is not a Reader Tips but a request for a tip. Does anyone know where I can get numbers and figures on the increase of oil production and jobs because of Fracking?

  3. Re: cabinet-making … Marco Rubio and the RNC recommended that you employ one of the 22 million undocumented “dreamers” to build your cabinets … hell you won’t even have to pay them minimum wage or any of those annoying withholding taxes, workman’s compensation insurance, auto insurance, and whatnot. I suggest this fine cabinet maker from Maine start training his H-1b replacement worker ASAP. If he is lucky, he can find work cleaning the local Starbucks, where the liberals buy their Chai Tea.

  4. I was watching 6:00 news on Global (Saskatoon) tonight. They did a small piece on solar and wind energy. Ironically, I was just chatting with a retired Sask Power engineer last week. Everything he had told me about the inefficiency of both solar and wind was portrayed in a totally different manner by what I now perceive as a leftist mainstream media outlet. I’m disgusted with Global. A lot of Brad Wall bashing, and a lot of Cam Broden boosting. After Mar. 01, it’s going to be taken off my cable service.

  5. Leap Year!!
    A question was brought forth at coffee today. When does a leapling (someone born on Feb. 29) celebrate his or her birthday? My answer was Mar. 01.
    If indeed the year is 365 days plus 6 hours, (5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds, to be exact) I would guess that after 6:00 AM Mar. 01 is when the leapling’s b-day would start. Feb 29 is an imaginary date that doesn’t really exist..

  6. Someone should inform the Red Rachel’s NDP about this. After all, didn’t Margaret McCuaig-Boyd, the energy minister, say that unemployed oil workers should leave the province until things “improve”?

  7. Well, it did provide part of the plot for Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Pirates of Penzance”.

  8. After Tuesday the gong show will be over….Cruz is frantic.. the Mob..the Mob, and Rubio has proved he is Murdoch’s boy-toy on the take..
    It is the piss-ant level that is making the noise. The heavy hitters Club have rules and they will stop the nonsense… Murdoch could suddenly become a Millionaire & lose FOX

  9. Get ready for more environmental pronouncements from Leonardo “Alberta chinooks are evidence of climate change” de Caprio. He won the Best Actor Oscar, so I guess that would make him an irrefutable authority on the subject.

  10. MND, thanks for your posting. The CFR and ‘Economist’ must be panicking, to show their cards like that. The CFR is behind what Lou Dobbs calls the North American Union. Our countries are being deliberately flooded with foreign illegal immigrants, an attempt to radically change our traditional cultures and demographics.

  11. Trump is now being accused of being KKK and eating black babies for breakfast.
    The assault on him gets more and more hysterical. I think it has got to the point now, though, that if Trump is pushed aside, goodbye Republican Party.

  12. No one would dispute the vice president of the USA is a moron, he was chosen to keep Obama in power.

  13. Black Aightt Crymbe Poised for Bestus Oxscar.
    “How host Chris Rock handled #OscarsSoWhite at the 2016 Academy Awards” (NP)
    “Black University of Albany students faked hate crime and are now facing assault charges, police say”
    “When Ariel Agudio called 911 in January, she told a dispatcher that she had been the victim of a racially charged crime.”

  14. Kurt Schilchter says, “I Can’t Blame Those Who Will Never Vote For Trump”
    “Sure, Trump has attracted some cretins, racists and nimrods, though I’ll put his bad apple creepy hangers-on up against Sanders’s Occupier freaks any day in a Battle of the Political Fringies for the Worst People Ever trophy. But most of his followers are just regular Americans who are tired of seeing the country they spent their lives building, feeding, defending, and loving stolen from them by weirdos, losers and gender-fluid mutations.”
    I think Kurt sums up the feelings of many of our southern cousins and us on Kate’s blog.

  15. KEN Kulak
    I’m thinking google is your friend under such headings as fracking employment statistics. Worth a try I think.

  16. Yeah, it’s a bit of a conundrum, almost a “to be or not to be” thing. I watched a clip of him on Chris Wallace the other day. The questions were legitimate and were in fact responded to but in such a way that they really didn’t satisfy. Trump needs to be more concise ….. he seems all over the board and this makes him seem evasive.
    For example, Wallace asked if Trump had hired illegal aliens…. Polish …. for the construction of some building in 1985 or 86. Trump responded with a lengthy harangue the essence of which, and you had to listen for it, was:
    1. It was 35 years ago…. thus petty and meaningless.
    2. He hired a contractor, he didn’t hire the workers.
    3. Immigration requirements for workers 35 years ago were much less rigorous then they are today … e.g. no E-verification required.
    All valid points. Especially the last one. But they were so jumbled up in his response that they sounded evasive. Oh, and he could have added that the U.S. Immigration Service was not doing their job if they knew that illegal aliens were working without proper green cards… but he didn’t.
    All in all, Trump is my guy primarily because he is an outsider and there needs to be a sever shake up of the establishment which is quite rotten.
    One more thing. Two former Mexican presidents have attacked Trump over “Mexico will pay for the wall” thingy. Both said that Mexico will not pay for a wall. As an aside, it is well known IN MEXICO that both these guys were very corrupt …. but that’s the tradition for Mexican presidents. In any case, when most people hear Trump’s statement they think that he means the Mexican Government will pay. I think otherwise. I think he simply means he will start charging a border crossing fee for non U.S. citizens. Even a small fee will, over time, pay for a wall.
    I agree with Trump that Rubio is a “little guy” trying to break into the establishment ranks. I like Cruz. He has a fine mind. But he’s to provincial for the world of today.

  17. There’s been a deliberate cheap food policy for years…I suppose turnabout is fair play. In the early ’70’s a barrel of oil and a bushel of wheat were the same price. Even now a barrel of oil is 7 times a bushel of wheat.
    Well over 90% of the price of food is added by the processors and handlers. Guess where most of them live…and vote…

  18. (A Trump presidency threatens the post-World War II liberal international order that American presidents of both parties have so laboriously built up.)

    The Bullshit in that article is so deep it gives me thoughts of putting on my combat boots..
    Liberal International Order-[translation]-New World Order.
    The filthy rich are terrified, they know The Donald will cause them a lot of pain as he uncovers which rocks they are sleeping under..
    Notice- There will soon be another meeting held in Davos, Switzerland, Where the super rich will decide what to do with Teflon Don.
    But, Be Advised, Be Advised !
    If The Trump accidentally smothers himself to death with his own Hotel pillow,
    or commits suicide by shooting himself twice in the head,
    it will be a no bag limit on the other liberal candidates..

  19. Thanks. I did briefly give that a shot late last evening, but got only some sites with US figures and while those are impressive they did not help me with Canadian statistics. I will try again.

  20. (A Trump presidency threatens the post-World War II liberal international order that American presidents of both parties have so laboriously built up.)
    Doubt it, he’s just a little more fascist than they’re comfortable with. He’ll fit right in, just watch.

  21. Never mind Trump. What can trump the morbid stupidity of Canadian voters?
    Anyone feeling safer now the Liberal Cabal with their front boy have stopped bombing ISIL/ISIS?
    Anyone care a whit about what our allies think or how many of our men and women will be killed doing so-called humanitarian work or training?
    Anyone concerened about what’s going on in Ontario under the green mad Liberal government of Wynne?
    How about Alberta,the engine that was driving the economy, giving the have-nots who voted Liberal their equalization now under the NDP?

  22. What Bill Whittle points out about Lincoln causing polarization is apt. What he’s missing is that this time it’s deliberate. It’s about divide and conquer. Much easier to control a divided people. So busy arguing about their ideological divisions (trees), they miss where they’re being driven (forest).
    Not that there’s much choice no matter who’s elected…

  23. I have not seen the movie . Some local people were in it and our community were happy and excited about that. The comments I heard about the movie were that it was largely disappointing. Anyone surprised ?

  24. Anyone feeling safer now the Liberal Cabal with their front boy have stopped bombing ISIL/ISIS?
    Heh, yeah but he’s putting boots on the ground to help train ISIS, er… ‘the rebels’.

  25. February 9, 2016 Ryan McMaken
    If You Want Bigger Government, Vote Republican
    One of the nice things about Bernie Sanders is that he seems to be honestly saying flat-out that he plans to massively increase the size of government.
    The other candidates are probably lying either to themselves or to us — or to both — about what they likely will do in office.
    Of course, it’s been so long since any president oversaw a federal government that actually cut spending, we’d have to go back to the immediate post-war years to remember any of that.
    But, for decades, we’ve been told that a vote for the GOP is a vote for “smaller government.” This is repeated both by Republicans, who say it like it’s a good thing, and by Democrats who still seem to think that the GOP is committed to cutting grandma’s safety net.
    If we look at federal spending, though, it’s easy to see that the myth of the budget-cutting Republican president is just that: a myth.
    Read more at https://mises.org/blog/if-you-want-bigger-government-vote-republican

  26. Tulsi Gabbard US Congresswoman resigned as vice chair of the Democrat National Committee over Clinton’s record with the military. She is now supporting Sanders.
    This is a big deal. She is a rising star and a war vet. Debbie Wasserman Schultz down played it. What else could she do?
    Unless something emerges that derails Clinton she should win. She is not well liked or respected but she will be the candidate and the Dems will vote for her. Power matters.

  27. Of Mohammed’s nanny & heads.
    “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau turns heads while hitting the slopes”
    “Prime Minister Trudeau and his family have been spotted hitting the slopes in Whistler, B.C.” (cbc)
    “Woman detained in Moscow carrying severed head of child
    Investigators say nanny killed young girl and set flat on fire before being detained at metro station”
    “Police have detained a nanny on suspicion of murder after she was found at a Moscow metro station holding the severed head of a child.
    The woman, believed to be from central Asia, can be seen in video footage holding up what appears to be a severed head near Oktyabrskoye Pole station in north-western Moscow.
    In the video she is covered in black except for her face and she can be heard shouting “for a terrorist, for your death”. She had also yelled “Allahu Akbar”, RBC newspaper reported.”

  28. Yes, the movie was disappointing. The dialogue, what there was of it, for the most part I found unintelligible. However, the scenery was spectacular! I was particularly surprised to learn just how many trees there were on the southern tip of the planet, you know, the only place, apparently, where dear Leo could find snow!

  29. Heh, AGREEMENT!
    Too true.
    GOP “limited government” rhetoric is mere marketing bumpf.
    Recall that the best post war advocates of limited government, Reagan and Thatcher — both steeped in Austrian economics and free markets — got NOWHERE with rules and regs reductions or limited government in general.
    That’s part of the reason I’m neurotically half in the Trump camp, having no illusions anymore about constitutional originalism or limited government.
    It’s really now just which criminal gang will do the least damage to society and markets.
    Which tyrant will hurt us least.
    Today (Monday Feb 29 11:20 am PST) I feel that a Trump Tyranny will be less damaging than a HRC tyranny. Plus, I want my vengeance on HRC and I wanna see both parties implode.

  30. If Justin is serious about global warming he should be skiing in the Laurentian not out West. Another Obama, always on vacation.

  31. It drives me nuts when people (usually, if not always, lefties) bring non English words into the English language without any clue of what they mean.
    The latest is “Chai Tea”. “Chai” in many languages is the word for “tea”. It is not a particular type of tea – it is just tea. So when a leftie orders Chai Tea, he or she is ordering Tea Tea. Brilliant, but very typical.
    As for the shops that advertise “Chai Tea”, like Starbucks, they need to get a life. Or get educated.

  32. “Jen Gerson: America approaches a day of reckoning with Trump demagoguery”
    From Comments:
    “John Brackenbury
    “Every time I read another condescending article like this it makes me like Trump even more. Trump fans love the impotent pleadings and smarmy putdowns from media and do you know why? Because they despise your sleazy industry. Your collective Obama cheerleading and utter failure to vet this fraud and report on his ghastliness has resulted in the anger which is manifesting itself in a possible Trump presidency. Mitt Romney was an infinitely superior candidate to that thug Obama, but it didn’t matter, did it? MSM destroyed him like good little lapdogs. And you act appalled because Republicans won’t send another polite gentleman to be smeared and mocked by the Democrat/MSM machine? Give me a break.
    Jen Gerson, I bet you’re honorable, though I can’t know. But if you were to quit media and take up stealing dogs in order to collect the rewards, you’d be into a more ethical industry than what you’re in now.”

  33. I too found that article in the National Post about Trump so condescending, like so many others. And you no longer put a comment.
    Today I listened to Montreal Cjad host commentators repeat their usual theme about how incredible it is that Trump will probably get the nomination and how they didn’t see it coming. Cjad used to be a decent radio station,but it now panders to ethnic groups all the time and employs a failed N.D.P. federal candidate in the weekday afternoon slot who uses her time to push the usual progressive themes.

  34. Update: No comment by/from Justine Liberal government?
    “Nanny waving child’s head held in Moscow”
    “Russian child protection chief issues babysitter warning after ‘nanny’ is filmed brandishing girl’s head”
    Video: “Muslim woman displays severed child’s head at Moscow train station”

  35. Mohammed Makes Liberal John McCallum’s Day.
    H/T Liberal Justine government.
    “‘This is a terrific day for us:’ Immigration Minister on meeting Syrian refugee targets
    Toronto Star”
    “Russian child protection chief issues babysitter warning after ‘nanny’ is filmed brandishing girl’s head”
    “The woman was purportedly shown in amateur footage brandishing the head of the young child and declaiming: “I am your death”, “I am a terrorist”, and, according to a passing reporter from the RBC daily, “Allahu Akbar”.”
