16 Replies to “Rubio’s Negatives”

  1. No surprise there. Fox is not a conservative broadcaster. They are accused of being one if only to give the left a demon to punch at and to position the faux conservatism positions they take as extreme right.
    That helps blunt where the actual extremism exists which is in the rest of the media.

  2. Is the Grey Lady really trying to tell us that politicians (of all stripes) use arm-twisting, pressure and schmoozing of the media to support their positions and ease the way for their pet legislation and political proposals?
    Would politicians really do that? Surely that can’t be so. It defies rational belief. I’m shocked.

  3. For a long time it’s been my thought that Rupert Murdock is more of a businessman than a “conservative.” I’m pretty sure he operates Fox News as a conservative political opinion site purely for economic reasons. Almost all the other media outlets are out front Democrat party operatives, and he figures there’s a niche market for people seeking other opinions. He’s made a lot of money that way.

  4. Who in the GOP has a truly conservative platform? A sad commentary on the state of politics when a candidate adept at insult and bluster can carry the day. Who knows where it ends as Hillary will probably carry the day.
    To me it probably will not make any dif as the world’s decline into financial ruin is now inevitable. Hillary as POTUS will simply speed up the collapse. 2012 was the last real chance. Mitt Romney was the most qualified candidate in decades and he was rejected by a non thinking electorate.

  5. All media march to the time of their particular drummer. That is why I don’t take any media source as sole coverage on anything. fox may take a more rounded opinion but they all have bias of one sort or another.

  6. Presstitues gotta do for them what pays their bills.
    Fox is entertaining and occasional goes where none of the others are willing to look.
    So did Al Gezzera.
    However they all have their ideology and price.
    The best way to view such organizations is by what they will not cover.
    Lying by omission .
    Notice all the media cover mass shooters who succeed.
    Almost none cover the wannabes who meet an armed citizen.
    Few highlight the obvious,an armed citizenry is civil and cheap to police.
    A disarmed group are sitting ducks. Gunfree zones set the citizens up for slaughter.
    Those advocating such conditions are as guilty as the deranged gunners.
    Of course the media gave Rubio/Schummer immigration amnesty a pass, it is “racist” to define and defend your own borders in the PC world.
    And while Fox might be vaguely more conservative they are fully as PC as the rest.
    Trump showed his media genius by treating Fox as part of the problem.
    Because they are.

  7. There are no BIG BIZ conservatives.
    Only small biz cons until they their businesses stop growing and need protection against up-and-comers who in turn ………
    And especially in media.
    I confess that this epiphany is of fairly recent vinegar-like vintage.

  8. Who in the GOP has a truly conservative platform?
    Given that conservatives are a salad of libertarianism, socialism, theocracy, populism, status-quo defenders, isolationists, interventionists, free traders and mercantilism,…. they all do. Rand Paul was likely the least conflicted and apparently also one of the least electable candidates.

  9. This is good news. The only person who has a hope in hell of beating the Clinton machine is Trump.
    Rubio is a pretty useless person to begin with, but even if he were to win the nomination the Clinton machine would absolutely crush him.
    You need someone with guts to take on the shemale.

  10. Fox has for years now given way more $$$$ to the dems than they do to GOP. And Ailes, tho nominally conservative, is a bible banger, and therefore one of the cons problems. The immigration problem is as much mitigated by bible bangers as it is by lefties

  11. Commenting on the headline rather than the content.
    Rubio is his own negative.
    The coverage he gained from the last debate,his childish posturing and juvenile triumphalism , probably did him more harm than most imagine.
    This is the best the GOP establishment can produce?
    Notice how quickly the Trump campaign picked up on “little Rubio” ?
    That was the problem he sounded small and petty.
    Envious of Trumps wealth.
    Playing the spelling Nazi.
    Poor boy broke his arm patting himself on the back.
    All kids stuff.
    Funny how politicians misunderstand business.
    business does not focus on things that do not work.
    Business, with the exception of government enforced monopolies, has no taxpayer to pay for their errors.
    Business goes with what works and in a kleptocracy bribery and corruption are the norm.The cost of doing business.
    Eventually most businessmen back away from politics, because it appalls them…
    Yet the mob is being whipped to demonize successful business people, that is how low politicians are.
    Trump has to run for President, he can see the idiots being induced to riot. The insanity of “Eat the Productive”.
    Taker of Maker?
    Whats your status?

  12. The GOP is deeply divided … getting deeper and deeper. I doubt there are many Repub’s. who will not be holding their nose while voting for Trump, but the Establishment corporate cronies running the party have given us no choice. Yeah, even if it means giving Hitlery Clintong Benghazi the White House. I EXPECT amnesty from the Clintong machine … but am DISGUSTED when it comes from “my side” of the aisle. The GOP needs to be reformed … period.

  13. “And while Fox might be vaguely more conservative they are fully as PC as the rest.
    Trump showed his media genius by treating Fox as part of the problem.
    Because they are.”
    Well said John.
    Maybe I am becoming too cynical, but this does not surprise me in the least. A pox on all of them.

  14. chutzy, your linky says just about squat to zero about anything. Vague arrow graph that Walt Disney would be proud of. One thing tho, it could confirm, with a little digging, my contention that “religious” people tend to the left more than to the right:-)) The upper 3% of society are a clan unto themselves
