60 Replies to “Trump and Sanders”

  1. A split of Democrat black voters from Democrat white urban gentry?
    Wow, this is big. As in big-big.

  2. *
    “shamrock says… Maybe it’s not
    about race. How about that?”

    oh, hey… good one, shammy.
    remember… hillary is always willing to
    go the extra race-hustling mile…
    “Contrary to how the defendants originally
    portrayed things, these three individuals
    were not the victims of a crime. Rather,
    we allege that they are the perpetrators.”

    check your paddy privilege, lucky stars.

  3. Your headline “Trump and Sanders” and your leader “It seems that two candidates have problems with racial discord today.” seems misleading since the link is to a piece about Sanders – am I missing something?
    The only mention of Trump was :
    “Of course, it isn’t only Sanders fans who have attacked their political rivals. Trump supporters have unleashed sexist rage in support of the candidate, while a YouGov poll found that Clinton fans hold their own racist positions.”
    If that’s your only Trump connection you should have tossed Clinton in the headline too…
    Careful -people might begin to think you’re anti-Trump and grasping at anything to throw at him…

  4. It’ll be an epic shit show if those disillusioned Sanders supporters turn around and do a massive protest vote for trump!

  5. Any Canadian trying to smear an American candidate isn’t going to influence voting. Just sayin.

  6. And one candidate will willingly inflame/create a race war just to gain power.
    Proving herself as perpetuating the Obamanation.
    The race hustlers had better use it while it still works,as public patience is running out.
    Hillary is so odious that Bernies supporters will probably vote Trump, just to reward Democratic mendacity.
    Trump only needs to pull 70% of the voters to overcome Hillary’s natural advantage, of vote early vote often.
    Best part of Trumps FU resurgence is watching the CINO’s heads explode.

  7. Johnny, I think Lance may be referencing that face that Trump is, today, facing heat about comments made about the KKK.

  8. That must be why Canadian union leaders and members helped Obama get elected, Hillary Clinton did a national speaking tour of Canada, Howard Dean spoke to and advised Ontario Liberals, and Obama’s campaign team helped get Justin Trudeau win the last federal election. Eh.
    BTW, I personally know Americans, living in B.C., who have the right to vote in the upcoming U.S. election.

  9. … some haven’t followed any media today !!?? What? As if CNN would qualify as relivable media.
    If this one also does not make it through – is something up?
    Perhaps it is! broken.

  10. Lindsey Graham made a joke about Ted Cruz being “bat-shit crazy” and being killed on the Senate floor.
    The Republican Establishment is terrified. And they should be.

  11. Kryste almighty,it seems the GOP will do anything to smear Trump.They must be scared sh**less.
    A candidate can’t help who endorses him.
    What disgusts me is that so many alleged conservatives would rather Hillary wins the Presidency than Trump.
    Have they lost their bloody minds?!

  12. Chutz, you know Americans in BC that can vote in the American election. Do you know any Canadians in BC that can vote in the American election. If so, I stand corrected.

  13. It’ll be an epic shit show if those disillusioned Sanders supporters turn around and do a massive protest vote for trump!

    Even that closet black panther socialists Farrakhan came out today and said:
    Don’t Fall For That ‘Satan’ Hillary Clinton’s ‘Crap’ -Drudge Report.
    Can’t wait for the Democrat National Convention,
    Its going to be a freaking Gun Free war zone.
    turn on the TV, and Get me a 60 oz coke, with a bushel of popcorn..

  14. To see what the world is up against have a look at this 1998 video of Matt Drudge at the National Pres club in 1998. The hatred towards an outsider earning readership at the expense of the ruling class is plain to see.
    Fast forward to today – The Drudge Report can drive the news down there. 30 million viewers a day. He did pick a great name for his website.

  15. Farrakhan: Don’t Fall For That ‘Satan’ Hillary Clinton’s ‘Crap’
    For once in my life I actually agree with Farrakhan,
    Shiite, never thought I would say that.
    Trump is making us all crazy… ha.
    I don’t like the SOB, But….

  16. What I’m saying is that Canadians may influence how Americans vote in a U.S. election, and vice versa.

  17. Don’t be duped by the media and their set ups. They see themselves as having a right to drive the news not report on it. After all The Ruling Class has done this through the centuries.
    How Trump responds: (One day ago)
    [Donald Trump paused a campaign rally Friday night in Oklahoma to stare down a protester who showed up wearing a white T-shirt stating in dark letters, “KKK endorses Trump.”
    Trump walked to the edge of the podium, staring toward the man for several moments as law enforcement officials moved to escort him away from the area.
    “In the good ‘ole days, law enforcement acted a lot quicker than this,” Trump said when he finally returned to the microphone.
    “In the good ‘ole days, they’d rip him out of that seat so fast. But today everybody is politically correct,” Trump said. “You know, it is a shame, when you think.”]

  18. Exactly.
    I have a friend in the Tampa area. He is 75 years old, and has voted Republican all his life. I quote from an email he sent me this last week.
    “I begin working for the Board of Elections next week. We start early voting for several days prior to our Presidential Primary on March 15th in Florida. Tuesday, March 1st is “Super Tuesday” with primaries or caucuses in 11 States. I will be working as a Super Voting Systems Specialist for the early voting. It is a new title they are trying out which means that I will be responsible for all of the voting machines on site. We have an electronic voter ID machine, a ballot on demand printer, a voting machine for the disabled or handicapped and a ballot scanning machine. I was trained on all of them and should be able to service them or effect small repairs. It is a new departure and a few good men (and women) were chosen for this initial effort.
    Our candidates are sorting themselves out as everyone knew they would. I will vote for Donald Trump, not because I love him but because he is not one of the politically correct crowd and is an American. I am not sure about Cruz and Rubio. Forget the Dems. They have a rabid socialist and the biggest sleazebag liar in the world running. God save us.”

  19. One day ago;
    [Donald Trump paused a campaign rally Friday night in Oklahoma to stare down a protester who showed up wearing a white T-shirt stating in dark letters, “KKK endorses Trump.”
    Trump walked to the edge of the podium, staring toward the man for several moments as law enforcement officials moved to escort him away from the area.]
    IOW, actions speak louder than words – especially the media’s words.

  20. Another one held up by the “administrator”. No links, no profan, just 4 lines.
    [EDIT] Do you honestly think that I sit around waiting to approve every comment? Or that I sit around waiting to approve every comment that hits the filter? Maybe try something that doesn’t have ‘KKK’ in it.

  21. Might be deliberate by Trump. Lots of publicity for him. His record shows he’s against the Klan.

  22. Another nothing burger, driven by corrupt media and opposition campaigns.
    The real story today: Jeff Sessions endorses Trump.

  23. SDA get results? not by wasting our time with lame links to CNN and Jake Tapper trying to paint Trump as a white supremacist racist.
    i;ve been a loyal reader since june 2004. and i’m just not interested in knee jerk Trump derangement.
    Get on board the Trump Train, Lance! It’s pulling out of the station…

  24. ..then theres the story of Killary once referring to blacks as “super predators”.

  25. The KKK issue is the ultimate DRIVEBY SMEAR that Rush harangues the media about endlessly.
    This is a classic example. Hey, the Black Panthers endorsed OBungles, he didnt exactly repudiate them.
    The KKK may be what it is, but, what went on in the demonstration Saturday, where they were the peaceful ones, getting assaulted by the radical left, is inexcusable. By no means do I advocate the message, but, even in the US, where NME666s friends can praise their fallen angel, the KKK has a right to exist, and peacefully assemble, as much as one detests the message.

  26. CNN needs another missing plane, into the black hole that Don Lemon is STILL looking for…………….

  27. We need to keep an open mind. If Lance wants to post Trump’s negatives that’s OK. Until we get there nobody really knows how this will turn out. So far, nothing has changed my mind from supporting Trump.

  28. I agree. With the other candidates we know our American friends will get same old, same old. Trump is a bit of a wild card, but he sure can’t be worse than the loser they have now.

  29. Not even remotely the same comparison. Just because a few of Sander’s fans said bad things in no way can be compared to Trump (the actual candidate) being greasy.

  30. Another Trump smear by Lance. Those two guys in Vegas dressed as the Klan were busted when everybody saw their black hands holding up the sign saying they supported Trump. They were probably from the racist Black Lives Matter group funded by the unrepentant Nazi George Soros.
    I bet Lance voted for Joe Clark!

  31. May we all recall the POTUS’ spiritual mentor prayed for God to damn America. Another frequent visitor to the WH is Al Sharpton. Oh they’re both black. I guess that makes Obama a racist.
    How bad would Trump have to be folks? The GOP seems determined to close off all avenues of electoral victory, as they employ the same vicious smear establishment bs politics so many in the public detest – to stop Trump – and put in what can only be described as an establishment candidate by any reasonable measure.
    Brokered convention? Not if Trump already has more than 50% going in. No, if the stop Trump from Making America Great movement is serious, then Rubio or Cruz has to drop out right now, then we will see.
    Otherwise Trump wins easily with lots of GOP supplied dirt to the Dem and mediocracy mudslingers, which could weaken his candidacy.
    Look at the whining from the GOP establishment. How bad will it be when Trump challenges the Democrat self-appointed guardians of statist righteousness – unions, a dying mainstream media prepared to take one for the team, the opponent auditing leviathan Obama has created by executive order, aka the status quo, identity politicians, and … on it goes.
    They’re really going to lose it – well, hopefully.

  32. So the black chickens aren’t voting for Colonel Sanders?
    The David Duke issue was just a misunderstanding. Trump confused him with Patty Duke, and probably wished she was Daisy Duke.

  33. So, all the media lies about David Duke endorsing Trump are not true?
    Would never have guessed.

  34. Sad how a blog that claimed to come into existence to counter the lies of the MSM doesn’t hesitate to embrace those same lies when it suits THEIR narrative.
    Seems to me any sensible, intelligent conservative would be wise to have reservations about Trump. However, lance is way over the top on this and thus outing himself as a perfect example of a lot of the close-minded partisans that I come across daily around the blogospere. They grab a position on something and then defend that opinion like their family’s lives depend on it. They enthusiastically seek out anything that supports their argument while literally ignoring and belittling any quality counter-arguments.
    People like lance don’t debate a topic, they try to beat any other points of view to death with it.

  35. The Leninist wing of the communists took over the Democrat party in the 1930’s, and the Trotskyite wing took over the Republicans in 1980. Doubt if Reagan even realized it until late in his term. Zbigniew Brzezinski was a big player in his administration. He was instrumental in forming and arming al-qaeda. And Mika Brzezinski just loves Trump…they call themselves neoconservatives, a new name for Trotskyite. They just mix in a little fascism.
    If you listen to some of the old Soviet defectors, they outline and warned about what would, and did, happen. The two wings of communism have always hated each other, but their end game is the same.

  36. I seem to recall old Barry pulling the same scam, turning off the verification system for credit cards sp that foreigners could donate money. The FEC, toothless old hound that it is, rolled over and presented it’s belly for scratching.
