60 Replies to “Trump and Sanders”

  1. No, stradavarious, Trump quoted a famous Italian saying regarding the WW1 Battle of Piave:
    And it doesn’t matter that Mussolini quoted the quote too (if you want to use that defence of attacking Trump for retweeting it) unless you believe that everyone who likes dogs just like Adolf did should be treated like Adolf or an Adolf supporter.

  2. Republican president Abraham Lincoln ‘freed the slaves.’
    Slave owners did not like that and the only way to voice their displeasure was in the Democrat party.
    KKK became the secret society that put the slaves back in their place.
    That wing of the party became known as Dixiecrats.
    Therefore, it was the Democrat Party which had racist roots.
    Therefore, the guy with the KKK shirt is a total ignoramus who has no idea of its history.
    I plead ignorance as to whether Trump ever held slaves, but somehow I doubt it. Not even sure of his family history, but since he’s now based in the northern US, I would doubt any of his ancestors ever held slaves.

  3. That’s not what Trump says…
    Sure. It’s OK to know it’s Benito Mussolini. Look, Mussolini was Mussolini. It’s OK. It’s a very good quote. It’s a very interesting quote.
    Anyway, it’s kind of obvious he wants a more efficient gov’t, rather than less gov’t. You know, like making the trains run on time…

  4. I guess some haven’t followed any media today. Trump.
    If you follow the media you would already be laughing at such a transparent ploy.
    Smear the opponent with your faeces.
    Progressive Presstitutes 101.
    Trump had it right.
    some old has been, KKK?
    Are they not democrats?
    Funny how the parasites play the racist card, yet they live it.
    The Zero himself..a American mother and a Kenyan Father, what tribe?
    The Tribe who provided slaves to the Arabs?
    As far as I could dig, seems the Kenyans ancestors had a real lucrative way of getting rid of their neighbours.
    I wonder how many “African Americans” ever thought this through?
    To slavishly support a man descended from your enslavers, while spewing hate toward the descendants of those who freed their families.
    Then of course the Democratic parties record , where they have held power for decades, usually with black support, are the people they are “helping” better off today?
    Progressives; Bringing Detroit success to your community.

  5. The “white supremacists / KKK support Trump” thing is a blatant media smear if ever there was one. CBC sent a couple of their reporters down to Louisiana, I think, a while back, specifically to go find some white supremacists who had attended a Trump rally and get them on-mike as Trump supporters so they could smear Trump by association. Despicable yellow-belly partisan journalism (what can I say, I’ve been doing long drives lately in rural NS and sometimes CBC is about all you can get). And this crap should not be repeated on this blog except to loudly denounce it as the tabloid trash journalism that it is.
    Am I Trump supporter? Meh. I dunno. I do know for an absolute fact that the Republican establishment, and Rubio is absolutely a part of it (Cruz, not so sure), must be completely burned to the ground. If Trump is the only one willing to pour the gas and light the fire, so be it.

  6. Gee. one side of the coin is more popular than the other side…yup, sure is ‘amusing’.

  7. To all the Trump haters: read it and weep. Given the inevitably of Trump’s POTUS GOP candidacy, (CNN poll below puts him at 49% with five candidates); maybe it’s better for the haters, critics and cynics to line up behind their candidate, rather than damaging the brand, so Hillary can add to her “Trump Victims List” as she lines up her slime machine.
    As far as the argument the GOP is big government/socialist/not conservative “enough,” don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good. As Bill Whittle points out Trump is infinitely more desirable than the the four M’s of HRC: mendacious, malevolent, meglomaniacal & maladroit.
    By all means take Whittle’s advice of taking a critical look is a good idea for GOP voters, but bearing in mind the threat of the Dem statists and their co-opted mediocracy stooges in addition to the totalitarian union & academic hangers on. Hurting Trump is not worth helping Hillary & the statists.
