21 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. No surprise. This psychopathic commie will do anything, and I mean anything, to become POTUS. A spoiled 5 year old, however a very conniving and dangerous brat. God himself may not be able to save the USofA if she gets in. We northern cousins will have to build a very big fence ourselves on our southern border.

  2. I don’t know about anyone else but, to me, this New York Times article is useless pap, worthy only of Pravda.

  3. … and the “C” IS just like a dying fish tied to the side of our boat, as we try to row against its resistance in the water.

  4. Trying to re-engineer the Islamic wastelands without imperial designs is like trying to change a spark plug of a barely running engine with a sledge hammer. Thanks to a leviathan structure over-involved in foreign affairs, no POTUS in recent history has learned this. Bad apples kept the regional containment relatively well. Now the retrogrades are spilling all over Europe and the Spawn is bringing them here. This article is a progressive puff piece for Clinton, likely the next POTUS.

  5. A longer read than usual and what appears to be the First Part of a “Hillary-has-Experience” which one has to determine if the experience brings or brought wisdom.——- This article does not adequately explain why she sided with the apparent charming Leader of the Militarized Opposition Leader.—— It may do so in Part Two-either partly because of more acceptable response writer(s) than myself or because it was developed as such.
    The real difficulty of this article is Obama seems to be following Colin Powell’s adage “if you break it you own it” specifically to the Benghazi Debacle and place ownership on Hillary. The Billary cartel has been in the containment business ever since and in my opinion is the Lead on trying to blame the “Video” on the Surprised and hapless Person who was arrested. (Is He still in Jail?).
    It is this “Cover-Up” which is really the Billary’s difficulty. Is it a bigger error in judgement than the “email gambit” possibly not, but Benghazi as an example of wisdom is enough to stop me from putting the Clinton Cabal back into the White House.

  6. actually MISTER KEYBOARD KARATE EXPERT, Hillary would be a sociopath, not a psychopath, butt thanks for your display of lack of knowledge
    FYI; most successful business people are or lean towards being psychopaths

  7. Bad apples kept the regional containment relatively well.
    Yeah, but they don’t knuckle under to the one world types. That’s a no, no…expect Iran to be next. No doubt be an ISIS, er…’rebel’ uprising there in the near future.

  8. O’bummer sheds the blame? Perhaps we should have called it the Huma Spring. Or, the Clinton Peace.

  9. I am simply astonished talking to people, that virtually no one has any idea of the scope of Hillarys email scandal. The media appears to be having great success in keeping the public in the dark on this, while at the same time elevating her as the next POTUS.

  10. Well USA policy, the actual behaviour in the middle east has been strange to say the least.
    Our former allies are terrified of our duplicity.
    Our enemies do not trust us.
    Given the bizarre behaviour in the middle east, since the Kuwait Invasion.
    Who has been in charge?
    What did they hope to achieve?
    If I was Iranian,I would be seeking Nukes too.
    Suddan was our man, we destroyed him and his country.
    Gaddaffi was tired and had surrendered. Paid us danegeld even.
    So we butchered him and destroyed his country.
    Another basket case, we forced the military commanders to allow zealots to take over the country.
    They finally rebelled and now get their arms from Russia.
    Syria? We encouraged and armed religious zealots to rebel against a fairly neutral,to us, regime.
    Is there some kind of plan to whip up another mass conflict?
    Because the kleptocracy at home is collapsing?
    After all our own history seems to indicate the ease with which the mob is diverted away from punishing their real enemies.
    The Parasitic class prosper as the mob attacks the innocent?
    Face it, there is no pretence that Hillary is anything other than evil.

  11. Don’t worry,JT, Allah has plans for the USA.
    And IF that psycho bi*** gets elected, he may have his way.
    Yankees, vote the anti-Clinton, whoever that may be.

  12. Nothing that fancy or complicated, and you’ll understand it once you read up on Barry Soetoeroe (phonetic Malay)
    That, and Huma Abed-in
    Killary was just the useful idiot at hand.
    And the Spawn is indeed bringing them here by eh boat load, but he is too stupid to know what he is doing.
    He actually believes all the shite his handlers drop in his teleprompter.

  13. Ward, if you could only just believe that classified information on emails magically becomes unclassified, with no markings, suddenly, for that moment only, containing only then non-sensitive SAP intelligence, that later is reclassified and remarked later to its previous level, again magically, so where’s the security breaches or culpable negligence? That means they were unclassified when they were on her unclassified server, but nowhere else; case closed. That happens all the time, so obviously only a misogynist and racist vast right wing conspiracy Republican, including Donald Trump who isn’t conservative enough, would think otherwise, unless Gen Petraeus does it.
    Felony? Not going to happen so HRC is “exonerated.” C’mon nobody died, that we know of, like did in Benghazi, over that video, umm AQ attack. But what does that matter now? Leaks of a refused referral by a frustrated FBI? Black lives matter except to the vast right wing conspiracy.
    Remember what Goebbels, I mean someone wise said, “if you repeat a lie, I mean false narrative long enough, no wait, if you stay on message, or – darn it, always try to tell the truth; that becomes the new “truth.” That might even get one past a polygraph if their psychopathy is politically refined. The Clinton Foundation and alleged influence peddling? You know, vast right wing … aka anyone, anywhere, even if a Democrat, who agrees she did anything wrong ever.
    By being like Obama though different from him Hillary will keep America great by bringing everyone she agrees with together with a taxpayer paid job. $20t debt, great but the right wingers made us do it, bullying us with their minority in Congress and forcing executive orders. That’s how America stays great, with executive orders.
    Hundreds of $billions to Iran for nuclear weaponization and sponsorship of terrorism, great. Tens of millions of illegal undocumented illegal immigrants many involved in crime and not paying taxes, great. Again we have a $20t debt, great. I mean vast right wing … no wait, black lives matter.
    See how easy that is? You’d have to watch CNN/MSNBC for years to get that brainwashed. Go with it, and possibly some liquor if necessary to induce a utopian state of suspended disbelief, totally removed from reality, just like climate change, and vooote Hillary to ease her, I mean your, conscience.
