21 Replies to “Hiding the decline again?”

  1. So Mikey is throwing Karl under the bus.
    There is no solidarity amongst thieves?
    You will see this on CBC about the same time CBC finds the missing caribou herd.

  2. Sorry guys, but last year was the hottest ever on the planet and global warming IS STILL GOING TO KILL US ALL.
    I know this to be true because just last night Leonardo DiCaprio said it was.

  3. Using the Oscars ceremony as a political platform was one reason I stopped watching it nearly 40 years ago.

  4. This is really a startling reversal by some of the major alarmists
    (Mann, Santer). Mann was at SFU only a few months ago assuring us
    that warming was real. Now he says it’s not — in direct rebuttal of
    Karl, et al (NOAA) which was used to convince our PM and Premiers that
    there was NO pause, so we need to act now (by going to Paris en mass,
    taxing CO2, stopping pipeline building, etc, etc). Karl et al is also
    under fire from the US Congress who are demanding to how the data was
    Welcome to the Adjustocene: we don’t know whether it is warming or not
    (but the science is settled).
    Someone ought to tell Brad Wall before the upcoming talks about new CO2 taxes.
    — Bad News

  5. Leo is soooooo cute and adorable … so he MUST be telling the truth about Global warming ! Same thing with Robert Redford … he is soooo cu .. u … uuuu … AIEEeeee! Oh God ! What the hell happened to his Face ! He’s hideous ! Never mind then … Global Warming is a sham.

  6. Exactly. There is nothing out of the ordinary happenning. Sometimes it gets warmer for a year or two or three, another time it cools down for a few years.
    That’s what climate does.
    If some wise guys, corrupt politicians and media masturbators thing that anybody can stop the climate from changing, here suggests follow the money.
    Thought that actor, he knows things, just ask about the chinook in Calgary, he finds that a proof positive of a heat wave.

  7. Ah, but far be it from us to question what LDC says. He’s an Oscar winner now–by acquiring his new status, he underwent a metamorphosis and became an *expert*!
    It reminds me of some of the lines in the song “If I Were A Rich Man” from “Fiddler on the Roof”. The main character speculates that if he was wealthy, people would ask for his opinions on complex issues. He goes on to say that it doesn’t matter what his answer is, because “When you’re rich, they think you really know.”

  8. When the climate Model does not “emulate” the real climate…The Climate is not at fault, nor is the climate paused… The model is simply WRONG.. Time to put some PhD’s under oath & subject to perjury

  9. Well, we can’t have this in the news as it might call into question Trudeau’s plan for a carbon tax. Why would we need the tax if the planet is not warming after all? I would like someone to address this question to his majesty. Perhaps the Conservatives could consider doing this — although the immediate response would be to shout ‘deniers” at them. About the only public figure with the courage to shout back at the sacred cows is Trump.

  10. // Mann was at SFU only a few months ago assuring us
    that warming was real. Now he says it’s not //
    No he doesn’t. Note “lull in the rate” & “slowdown”. Temps were still going up.
    From a report on the NATURE letter that Mann co-authored:
    Temperature measurements taken at the surface of the planet from 2001 to 2014 revealed a lull in the rate of global warming, sometimes called the “warming hiatus,” before spiking upward again. 2014 was the hottest year on record until the record was easily beaten in 2015.
    Until 2009, scientists had little explanation for the phenomenon. By 2014, though, it was known that the slowdown was caused primarily by a phase in a slow-moving Pacific Ocean cycle, with fierce trade winds driving more heat than normal into ocean depths.
    The slowdown at the planet’s surface coincided with a rise in temperatures in ocean depths, worsening sea-level rise.
    “The temporary slowdown in no way implies that human-caused warming has ceased or slowed down,” Mann said. “It was temporarily masked by natural factors.”

  11. Of course the climate is changing, it’s always been changing, even before there were humans around to write and talk about the climate changing. Humans don’t cause it.
    Yes the planet is warming. It’s been warming and cooling since the last ice age, with periods both warmer and colder than today. The scam is that it’s not mostly caused by humans. The belief in accelerated warming that the AGW aficionados cling to has been proven false. The predictions of catastrophic warming didn’t happen. They based their ‘alarming’ warming on temperature data carefully selected from urban ‘heat islands’. Temperature data from remote locations does not show the ‘alarming’ temperature increase the AGW alarmists would like us to believe.
    Anyone is free to stop using fossil fuels in their own life and reduce their personal carbon footprint as much as they want. That’s their right. However they have no right to impose their lifestyle choices on the rest of us. If someone is living an ‘Amish’ lifestyle then I respect their choices and their opinions have credibility. However if they are not living a simple frugal lifestyle then they’re just greenwashed hypocrites telling others what’s best for them.
    The CO2 that human activities produce contributes somewhat to the global warming effect, however the magnitude or significance of the human contribution to that effect can not be measured with any accuracy or precision.
    Releasing CO2 is the least of the problems that humans are causing. CO2 does not compromise ‘a properly clean environment to live in’. There’s been a lot more CO2 in the atmosphere in the past and in those times plants and the animals that lived on the plants thrived. Every year in the summertime around here it gets over 400ppm CO2, the temperature does not increase alarmingly and nobody gets sick or dies, the vegetation is lush and the herbivores love it.
    Human activities produce toxic pollution which causes significant and accurately measurable morbidity and death. If the toxic pollution that humans irrefutably cause is significantly reduced, then CO2 production will be reduced as well. Humans should focus on the problems they know they cause not the problems they think they might be causing.
    Humans are totally responsible for toxic pollution. Unfortunately polluting is hugely profitable, so the polluters make sure that the AGW scammers are well funded. Keep the sheeple distracted and they’ll never see the truth. A dirty environment is caused by TOXIC pollution, habitat destruction, groundwater depletion, species elimination, overpopulation… All of these are far greater problems, and they’re all 100% caused by humans. No debate required.
    Climate change, global warming, and CO2 is all about distracting people from toxic pollution. Toxic pollution is very profitable, capturing it is expensive, and people don’t want to pay more for clean energy. It’s easier to keep them distracted by the bubbles in beer and champagne so they don’t demand answers to inconvenient questions about toxic pollution, habitat destruction, species extinction, tropical overpopulation…

  12. bingo.
    there are millions of compounds in the air, water and ground that are there exclusively because of the labs and then factories of MAN.
    the grand sum total effect is impossible to measure.
    not to mention billions of tons of plastic floating in the oceans and layered on the bottom.
    THIS is the real threat to the food supply and health of the human race. we have ONLY ourselves to blame when mass starvation starts. it’s been done with lab rats; let them breed unrestrained with a finite food supply and then one day, oopsie !! the food’s aaaall gone; cannibalism ensues and starvation thins the ranks. the other catastrophe waiting in the wings is the antibiotic impervious pathogens.
    it is profoundly arrogant to believe this scenario is exclusively confined to the past.
    fun fun fun !!

  13. Go online and check out how many homes he has? Add a yacht to that!!
    Another Hollywood hypocrite!

  14. Let’s not forget that many of the loudest advocates of the “climate change” doctrine live quite high on the hog.
    Leonardo “Yes it’s happening because I’ve seen it in Alberta” de Caprio leads a jet-setter’s life. Al “I invented the Internet and discovered global warming” Gore is a multi-millionaire. David “I have a Ph. D., so all you hicks should shut up” Suzuki apparently lives in one of the ritziest areas of Vancouver. (Yes, it is ritzy. While I was a grad student at UBC, I lived there and was within walking distance of where his house is supposed to be. I was in constant danger of being run over by a Jag or Rolls.)
    For these people, it’s a case of “do as we say, not as we do”. More than 200 years ago, someone said, “Let them eat cake,” and we know how that turned out.

  15. What starvation?
    With so many Vegans around it will be days before hunger kicks in.
    Personally I think George Carlin had it right.
    Gaia invented us so the planet could get plastic .
    Or maybe it was to release the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere …save the plants.
    Pollution is in the eye of the beholder.
    Look where life is found, maybe we are precursors for the plastic eating plague, we were doing a reasonable job of cleaning up our water,air and land use, when the Emotional basket cases or Enviro-Nasties highjacked the conservation agenda.
    Only idiots would think moving industry to unregulated regions would improve the environment.
    China being barely living proof of that.
    Is it possible the enviro-Mentalists are actually paid activists for Corporate polluters?

  16. “Is it possible the enviro-Mentalists are actually paid activists for Corporate polluters?”
    …but of course. Like you said: “we were doing a reasonable job of cleaning up our water,air and land use,” …and that got in the way of polluting for profit.
    GlobalWarming & CO2 are the perfect distraction and today’s poorly educated liberal-minded young adults are easily manipulated. The recent Cdn election is a perfect example. This may be the first time in Cdn history that so many apolitical people were motivated by social media to go vote mostly because they would like to sleep with a PM candidate. It was a shallow popularity contest just like American elections.
    For Davey’Zuki it’s personal revenge against the white-brit-corporate system that confiscated everything his family owned and sent them to an internment camp for Japanese Canadians during WW2. After the war there were no reparations for the Japanese and Davey never forgot.

  17. “Morgan Wright says:
    March 1, 2016 at 12:02 am
    I admire Leonardo for vowing to sell all his cars and start riding horses, sell all his mansions and live in a house with no heat or air conditioning, sell his private jets and stop riding commercial airplanes because they produce CO2, and never use electricity again. Oh, he didn’t vow all that? He blamed CO2 production on the big evil corporations who produce everything he owns? It’s all their fault and we need to hit them with a carbon tax? Oh, I take it back. He’s just another total complete shithead”
    From comments at
