10 Replies to “Neolithic Dentists”

  1. It is usually pretty easy to see when a hunter-gatherer population transitioned to an agricultural population. Skeletal remains of hunter gatherers generally show good health. Long, straight bones. Good teeth. Larger skeletons. The earliest agricultural skeletons, not so much. Shorter. Bone lesions. Arthritis. Bad teeth.

  2. However, despite all the disadvantages you list, mankind did relatively quickly transition to an agricultural way of life. The individuals might well not have been so healthy, but way more of them survived longer. And survival was fairly crucial to the clan’s success. Even in societies where hunting was still a major source of food, such as in Bronze Age England, planting of crops and domestication of animals helped ensure a more regular foot supply. There would still be famines, but the clans were no longer totally dependent on the migration patterns of wild animals.

  3. What was in like before novacane or funny gas?(Luaghing Gas)I bet it was worst then tourture.I saw some on the Three Stooges as dentists pulling teeth and fill someones mouth full of plaster

  4. I didn’t read the whole thing … but I think it implies if you drink lots of beer, you’ll have better dental health.

  5. But way more people . Don’t get another population surge like that till the industrial revolution when suddenly you have 80 % of the population getting to breeding age

  6. Ok so in the end this is basically an explanation why vegetarians are ugly and have bad breath?

  7. years ago I saw a TV documovie about the early use of nitrous oxide as an anesthetic for dental surgery. it was called laughing gas for a reason, a couple of the pioneers got hooked on the stuff.
    medicine is a funny business. there was a time when the leading ‘experts’ emphatically refused to believe in microscopic pathogens. they wouldn’t so much as look into a microscope. science deniers are NOT a new thing.
    the one constant in the human experience is ego driven humahn nature. topped up with self interest that easily becomes greed. this is why revolutions happen; the poor and disadvantaged get to the point where they have utterly nothing left. it’s either join the revolution or perish. one. last. chance. to. get. the. necessities. of. life. periodically the wealthy class succeed so well they have in fact stolen ALL property. it’s going to happen again, this time technology will hold back the wave of revolt to the point when the ‘pop’ happens, well, never again in human existence.
    anyway, got off topic. is it the weekend yet? lol !!! I’m retired, every day is the weekend !!!
