44 Replies to “Crony Capitalism”

  1. Crony capitalism is the reason why all the largest oil companies are fully on-board with Global Warming. Eco regulations, contrary to your intuition, have actually lined the pockets of Big Oil with massive profit windfalls. As the Eco-zealots cheer-on Higher and Higher oil and gasoline prices … so does Big Oil. Big Oil understands that petrol demand isn’t going to wane in the face of higher prices, contrary to the expectations of the Eco-twits. Rather, our society continues to run on evil carbon … regardless of price. So the most unholy of alliances have conspired against the Consumer. Government forcing higher prices through regulations … and Big Oil gleefully joining in.

  2. funny how “smart prosperity” (as so many of these names are associated with) is neither smart nor prosperous (ok, it’s plenty prosperous for these guys – for the rest of us, not so much).

  3. Its worse than simple rent seekers. This is an appallinging power grab and all of these captains of industry want to make sure they are onside early (like Preston Manning)for the new carbon paradigm which will subjegate the average Canadian and elevate those who help valildate, promote and implement the new have/have not society this will create.
    They dont even talk about Carbon on the site. Just “pollution” and environment. Everyone apparently now know that in this Newspeak world that Carbon=pollution.
    However since we need to have Carbon to power a functioning economy it will be important to ration it.
    Look forward a few years and its not hard to imagine that every Canadian will be issued a carbon ration card. On it you will have your quota of Carbon Credits that will be deducted in the appropriate amount on every transaction you make – because everthing we do, or buy or use has a carbon footprint.
    But certain segments of society will be exempt from such rationing becuase they will need to use more Carbon that you or I to continue their important work.

  4. You are wrong. This is not Crony Capitalism. It is Crony Socialism: Socialists using the public’s money for ‘social’ schemes under the guise of being Capitalists.

  5. They’re Liberals so Orwell is a playbook
    Smart = retarded for everything progressive.
    “Prosperity” = Suffering
    So “Smart Prosperity” means more “Retarded Suffering” and they expect total compliance by all us serf idiot plebs….

  6. Rent seekers and takers is correct! Most the people on that list produce nothing, make nothing, contribute nothing and add no value to the greater good, and well over half the people on that list are actually the presidents, CEO’s or grand poobahs of organizations that take taxpayer money while doing nothing but telling the rest of us how to live our lives. Bloody Parasites.

  7. Smart prosperity is working great in Ontario. 300,000 manufacturing jobs lost in the last 10 years, a higher debt per capita than all the sovereign nations in the world, a carbon tax on middle class home heating and a pension plan that benefits 6 new sunshine listers. Gee can it get any better!

  8. Kenji;
    What world are you living in? There isn’t a oil company in Canada that is not bleeding. Do you have any idea what is happening in Alberta?
    The reality that oil company management is faced with in Canada is a massive public indifference to basic economics. Every major project is challenged by the public and by most politicos. They don’t have the luxury of ignoring their company imperatives. Most of this ‘co-operation’ is simply risk mitigation and an attempt to insert their interests into this movement. Capital is held as hostage just as it always has been. The only deterent is long term investment which will ultimately go elsewhere.
    IMHO capital should be more coherent in their argument. The CPC was not able to make a good enough argument and lost an election as a result. In the long run the Canadian economy will suffer because of the eco movement and those that do not challenge it effectively.

  9. Wow. It didn’t take long for the hogs to gather together to line up at the trough.
    That is a really pretty website that says NOTHING !!
    The Liberanos are masters at suggesting to big business “how to lobby a Liberal government” like they did to TransCanada Corp. This is just another fine example.

  10. I buy Shell gas for the air miles. I also shop at HOME DEPOT.
    I will not shop at home depot any longer. I have nothing to do with the others on the list.
    I may continue with Shell, because I like the air miles. Some things are worth holding your nose for.
    Further to …
    As much as I hate most of Hollywood, I like movies so I am not going to impoverish my life merely to protest something that I disagree with. I am not a liberal …. I have a wider view of life. Although, I do wait until they are available much cheaper on Apple TV or eventually on Netflix. I do NOT have cable TV because I do not like to support embargo style extortionist type businesses.
    There … I feel better now.

  11. I’m living in the world where multiple American oil interests were happy to see the Keystone XL pipeline denied, thus defeating the “competitive” addition of Canadian oil flowing Into American refineries … for ONE example. It’s MORE than just the Eco-zealots who PROFIT from limited oil flow.

  12. This sounds like a group of companies that are hoping that, by making a deal with the ravenous monster, they will the last to be eaten.
    They’re not concerned about whatever airy-fairy environmental issue happens to be popular. They are seeking an advantage by which they can make money.
    Of course, one could always invest money in some of these firms by buying their stock, right? That way, one can turn a bad situation to one’s own advantage.

  13. Shell lost me when they went full green retard in their advertising campaigns. Remember the ad where the Shell executive’s son is berating him because he’s destroying the planet in his line of business. After that I stopped buying Shell gas and let them know why.

  14. Half of these terrorist organizations are governments. For every effort these turds make to destroy our lifestyle , I double down my efforts to maintain it.

  15. Left Shell years ago and Loblaws -many Brands- couple of years back. Hypocrisy is bad enough under the Lauretuen Elite meme. Don’t need it in Business.
    Have spent the last decade in Panama City Beach during the winters. There is less traffic and less gouging of the Renters, except during Spring Break. It also helps when the Canadian/U.S exchange rate gets below $.90 U $/
    However the Fit hit the Shan last year as the now much extended Skyscraper Condos steadily pushed the original Mom & Pop sites aside and increased the Occupancy Available. Naturally this made prices fall and the less Capital Available Speculators started anything goes Spring Breaker Pricing.
    The crowds swelled, the Occupancy deals became. “Maximum 10 People per room” showed up on the signs which meant $400.00/night prices became affordable. Naturally Alcohol flowed easily and sexual abuse increased dramatically bringing in the “100 mile Sleaze/Drug Dealers” etc.
    Stupid Teen agers, many experiencing their first opportunity without Adult Supervision taken advantage by the Above Sleaze and the older Teens and youg Adults still extending their adolescence.
    The County and City Commissioners responded to the extraordinary costs and have banned Alcochol use on the beautiful white sand beaches for the month of March.
    Result Normal Spring Break Occupancy is down more than 50% and Room Rates are down from $400.00/night to $69.00/night all the supplementary services are either not opening or will only be employing about 40% of last year’s hires.
    The reson for this Rant? The major Business who are supporting the Governments continual Tax-Grab of the Canadian Tax-payers will not be able to maintain their Break-even points when the Tax-Paid Cronies of the Bureaucrats and Political Party Cronies become even scorned more.
    The Spring Break Hotels Crapped in their nests, and forced a Business Support Community to change the Ground Rules. The Big Business/Government/Bureacracy/Acadaemia will only force ALL generations to follow the Gen-Xers and the Millenials into “less is better”. Ergo enjoy the Bird Y’all.

  16. “In the long run the Canadian economy will suffer because of the eco movement and those that do not challenge it effectively.”
    Precisely. Staying out of the corridors of power, even the narrowest ones, merely with nose pressed to the window while tut-tutting the powerful who have all the mikes, is inviting defeat.

  17. I do not see many businesses in that list, over half are tax sucking NGO’s.Where government uses a fully funded front group to circumvent their legal obligations.
    The rest are govern protected monopolies and “charitable” tax-free scams.
    Seems that this scam is the overreach that this generation of parasite has chosen to be exposed by.
    The big lie is all they have and suckers are running out as the drain accelerates .
    for some reason parasites are incapable of restraint.

  18. Ward, the pollution bait and switch to carbon is the watermelons’ finest achievement. It even eclipses taking a junk science theory that Margaret Thatcher once quipped about to piss of the UK labourites, to a theory only but in the future, to now an established fact but still in the future. Or in the present if need be from time to time to whip up the troops; just remember it’s doom and it’s impending – time is continuing to be short.
    Gotta laugh when someone says the “environment” (read: watermelon version) is equally important to the economy. When that happens and the economy consequently craters, then we can all go to our safe places for a good cry, sure not to appropriate others’ in the brave new world of libertarian socialism (as coined by Bill Gairdner in “The Great Divide”), where we are all free to do what the state says, because democracy is so passé now; it doesn’t get things done as in China. Elections and fake platforms are also so inconvenient; a throne is a much easier place from which to “do business.”
    The surrender of some elements of capitalism to crony statism is a pitiful thing, but swing voters (did I mention southern ON?) are also very disappointing. Our willfully ignorant mediocracy takes centre stage imho; their unethical behaviour has become the hallmark of the new low/misinformation age.
    My main disappointment is that a fine and ethical company like Co-operators would have anything to do with this statist crap, where prosperity is invented by government, where white elephants create jobs; if you don’t count the ones they stomp on that is.
    Minus sum economics gaming is hardly prosperity, smart or otherwise. It’s naïve, it’s uninformed, it’s agenda driven, but it’s not smart. Destroying productivity is very rarely smart; we are over a hundred years past that exception to the rule, when we were building our institutions of liberty and civil society. Those are done, along with security infrastructure, further state “progress” is unnecessary and costly to our very freedom and security.

  19. If you look carefully at the photo, it appears that Mr. Trudeau my have hold of the lady’s backside. Look on the lower left and see her dress pulled up and her slip is showing. Just a random observation.

  20. “My main disappointment is that a fine and ethical company like Co-operators would have anything to do with this statist crap, where prosperity is invented by government, where white elephants create jobs; if you don’t count the ones they stomp on that is.”
    You must know a different Co_Operators than I do.
    They did not rise to either description in my experience.
    And no , not a monetary conflict over a claim.
    Incompetent and clueless(all the way to head office) would be my call .

  21. No sign of any TD or Walmart enviro PR reptiles?
    This must be “just the JV”.

  22. Milton Friedman said, years ago, that the biggest threats to capitalism come from academics and businessmen. Seeing Arlene Dickinson hugging the Spawn is the personification of that observation. The Spawn’s grandfather made his fortune in the Oil business so that his scions could be free from productive effort to focus on looting and destroying the wealth of a nation on an industrial scale. If you wrote a fictional novel about individuals like those above who have united under that deceitful banner, it could be called Atlas Shrugged.

  23. Talk about a dog and pony show.
    It’s the only religion palatable to those who have actively destroyed centuries of social mores.
    They use taxation to conduct their social engineering; a back door approach to communism.
    I am fearful that good men have stepped aside and that evil has won.

  24. Over 60% of Canada voted for the left (Far left). 60. Percent.
    This country is a lost cause for anyone that isn’t a taker. Start acting like it.

  25. Who ARE these people who presume to make grandiose declarations about what is important to me?

  26. You have just violated their most important law: thou shalt not question.

  27. These are the elites, all right, looking after their interests. I predict a complete flop — at least as far as looking after Canadian I iterests goes.

  28. Pepsi
    – Coca-Cola
    – McDonald’s
    – Ben and Jerry’s
    – Disney
    – News Corp
    – Microsoft
    – Apple
    – HP
    – IBM
    – Adobe
    – Google
    …all of whom have signed onto the American Business Act on Climate Pledge.

  29. I personally invite the 40% minority conservative residents of Canada to America … perhaps we can still SAVE one of the two N.American Powers ? Hint: claim political asylum from the RAGE, and HATE filled Eco-leftists who have threatened to unleash hungry Polar Bears in your house. Or you could always bundle-up your “children” (who, evidently, will be given FREE housing, medical, and education) and send them to the border. Soon, they will be granted citizenship and allowed to bring their whole extended family to become citizens as well.
    PS … what the hell is she wearing ? Is that some kind of Native Canuck costume ?

  30. While we’re at it we should be boycotting every quebec company we can find.
    They don’t like our oil.

  31. Please, please, PLEASE do not post pictures of that nausea-inducing twerp without a trigger warning. Since Oct. 19th, I have done my best to avoid images of PM Popinjay–boycotting all newspapers, National Newswatch, CBC, CTV, Global, any MSM outlet. You are one of my last links to current events. Don’t make me leave you too!

  32. Please, please, PLEASE do not post pictures of that nausea-inducing twerp without a trigger warning. Since Oct. 19th, I have done my best to avoid images of PM Popinjay–boycotting all newspapers, National Newswatch, CBC, CTV, Global, any MSM outlet. You are one of my last links to current events. Don’t make me leave you too!

  33. Well certainly at the very least, every energy company in Alberta (and Saskatchewan) should rescind any contracts they might have with any Quebec or Ontario suppliers.

  34. Who wrote up the NEP for Trudeau The First? TD’s own, “Red Ed” Clark. I think he want’s to keep a low profile right now, as others are doing the dirty work for him.

  35. Hey John
    I’ve asked this before, and looked around a little on the ‘Net, but still can’t seem to get a solid answer to this question: what is the Spawn’s real net worth? I’m not talking about that $1.7 mil BS he declared a couple years back. We know a trust was set up to benefit the Trudeau boys, and that presumably, grandpère’s shares in TotalElfFina or the proceeds from that deal plus whatever was gained from Pierre’s PETROCan swindle would’ve been thrown in. Anyone have any idea how much Justin Trustin’ is really worth?
    And as an aside, can anyone really doubt the narcissism or sense of entitlement of a man who’d name his son ‘Hadrien’ (after the emperor, no doubt!)
