26 Replies to “If true”

  1. It seems of so little consequence to Democrats that one of their leading candidates is probably a traitor.
    I find it appalling. How low have so many Yanks sunk?

  2. In Canada our current “leader” is an absolute fool, who like a petulant child having a fit is busy undoing all the good that the previous government did. So we cannot be too smug about the Democrats and Clinton.

  3. I heard Stuart Varney say, this morning, that Donald Trump is creating a new Republican Party. I beg to (slightly) differ … The (establishment) Republican Party has created a new Republican Party. By completely ignoring the base, The Tea Partiers, … by joining the Democrap Left to our detriment. Donald Trump just happens to be the ONLY (highly flawed) vehicle for REVOLUTION this election cycle. The CORE Republican electorate is sending a clear message … time to CLEAN HOUSE ! … and Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS ! Yes … even at the risk of Hitlery Clintong.

  4. “Hitlery Clintong”….too funny. Truth of the matter is that she is the poster child for entitled totalitarians. The woman has done nothing her entire life except play politics. People like her like to use the phrase “public service” to define their chosen path. It sounds so…..well, Mother Teresa like. So selfless. Sort of like the word “progressive”….it sounds so much nicer than “totalitarian”. “Public service” has nothing to do with it. It is “SELF SERVICE”, writ large….nothing more.

  5. The perversity of European immigration is driving votes to Trump by the tens of thousands. Many supporters of Sanders are driven by the same disgust of the desire to fundamentally change America. For Hillary, like Obama, America is too white, too Christian, and for that matter, too male.

  6. Glen Beck has finally pissed me off.. Hope he is reading this..
    You said you stuck your neck out and loved, respected, hugged, and supported, and campaigned for Ted Cruz.
    Now he is in serious trouble, and might lose to both Rubio and Trump. Guess what, it might come down to Trump or Hillary in the White House..
    You didn’t like Mitt Romney, a fellow Mormon Brother, and never gave him the support you now lavish on Ted Cruz.
    Well idiots like you gave us 4 more freaking years of the Brown Turd, and we still have a year left of that fu(king clown..
    I don’t like Trump, but all the Christian[evangelists] that refused to vote for Romney got what the hell they deserved…
    Piss on all of you, and I am voting for Trump… I don’t like the SOB, But……..

  7. The Dems and Republicans have become two sides of the same coin a long time ago. They pander to the Elites and use the middle class as their personal vending machines to extract the taxes to finance their wants and desires.
    It has been their mission to use the media and advertising firms to craft the message of what is good for the working class, selling them on the dreams of a better life, the whole while placing the candidates in the Senate and HOC/Congress who will write and pass laws which restrict our freedoms in the name of security.
    The Plebes are getting restless and are growing tired of the abuses of power and lack of freedom. Just like the Romans of old, they will open the gates of their Nations to the enemy armies who are poised to overthrow, rather than continue with the abuses and condescension of their masters.
    Trump is speaking the language of rebellion to the wishes of the overlords. But just like the Romans of old, the human condition of providing for their families and security of working for the State, securing benefits and high salaries has now become too large a lure to trade independence for a life of ease.
    Has Trump got the ability to break the entitlement mentality which has enchanted and mesmerized the lazy slackers in the general population?

  8. The slander by CNN will come back to bite the Democrats. David Duke was a Democrat (like Sen Bird) when he wore the white sheet, he disavowed the JJJ before he ran as a republican. He like the “BLack lives matter” is a racial bigot, but constitutionally protected…
    The CNN Slander was intended to help Hillary in the General, but it opens the door to the sick Dixicrats who hide behind their sheets TODAY

  9. People are tired of voting for either Kang or Kodos. That’s a big part of the reason Obama beat Clinton in ’08 and went on to trounce McCain and Romney. Eight years later, and the Dems/Reps are back at it trying to win with Kang (Clinton) and Kodos (Rubio/Bush) and so, predictably, the electorate is picking none of the above and going with Trump.
    The American electorate, on both sides of the aisle, has been sending this message to the parties for 9 years and they still aren’t listening.

  10. Newt Gingrich: GOP Establishment ‘Denying Reality’ Should ‘Question Their Failure’
    The country outside of Washington, at least on the center and the right, has been increasingly alienated. It’s alienated by political correctness, it’s alienated by big bureaucracies that don’t work, it’s alienated by trade policies that don’t seem to help us and now, of course, now national security policy that is just a disaster.
    People look at that and say: ‘We don’t need to better manage the disaster. We need to kick over the table and start with some new fresh ideas.’ Trump and Cruz are the two guys offering to kick over the table. Carson offers it a little bit in terms of personal and moral authority that is very powerful.
    I think the establishment is trying to… is denying reality. If you have, between Cruz, Carson, and Trump, you’re in the 65, 70 percent range. At that point it’s time for the establishment to question their failure, not repudiate the American voter. How do you repudiate 70 percent of your own party?
    More at the link for a great read…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  11. “The Dems and Republicans have become two sides of the same coin a long time ago” Very true. The US has been run by the political class for a very long time. In Canada, the same “political class” is embodied by the Libs who will sell out Canadian interests for the sake of power. Wonder if Canadians will ever see the light in the same way.

  12. Back in the early 90’s I worked with a young woman (controls engineer) from Flint, got her degree at GMI, and somehow ended up working for GM in Scarborough before it closed, and she ended up in the same place as me. Anyway, when she was young, she said she could watch rallies out her bedroom window in Flint, white sheets and burning crosses and all. Her brother accidently shot himself throwing his gun on his bed, took a disability pension from GM and ended up running and winning a congressional seat in Northern Michigan. He put up 2 messages of congratulations on his wall, one from Billy Jeff Clinton, one from David Duke. Byrds of a feather indeed.

  13. Ok whats the forbidden phrase?
    Snip 18? as the Australians now use for muslim terrorist?
    The logo for the bed sheet brethren of the south?

  14. That reminds me of the Bret Stephens melt-down, along the lines of “Trump is appalling and his taste in decor is appallingly Bob Guccione, therefore Trump’s supporters are appalling, TOO!” (big-time epic fail:)

  15. No Linda I dont think they will ever see the light. The last election just proved that, and the national media will continue to pound away at Harper for the next decade in the same way they did the last with tactics from the Alinsky playbook.
    Their goal will be to ensure the CPC gets back in line to the old CPC days when both parties leadership answered to the same masters. Destroying Harper and any legacy he might have is priority number one.
    Canadians had a pretty clear choice with a good government with a very good track record – and they threw it away. Too bad the rest of us will suffer their stupidity.

  16. The parallels between the hatred of the establishment for and the political life of Trump and Reagan are there if you wish to look.
    “We want a fighter! We want someone who will fight back! We want someone who sticks up for America without apologies! We want a uniting force!!”
    In walks Trump.
    “Oh, no! Anybody but him!!”
    Lance and the other Trump haters, get used to President Donald Trump and his 45 state landslide.

  17. Comparing Trump to Reagan is an abomination.
    Reagan had proven his worth as a political leader as governor of California. He was a true conservative who knew how to make his case to the public without bluster, bullying, insults, or embarrassing gaffs.
    Trump is none of those things.

  18. “Artificial intelligent robots will be producing most of the products within ten years,..”
    And who watches the watchers?
    Who fixes the robots?
    The robot is like the flying car,nuclear fusion and honest bureaucracy..
    Each has been the future since I could read.
    Yes robots replace production line work.
    Unemployment is tied more to lack of creativity.
    The current “education system” is anything but.
    Children are bright,enthusiastic going in and dull eyed zombies coming out.
    The challenges confronting mankind abound, there is not shortage of things to do.
    But we are still training people to obey,believe and increasingly to operate systems that were obsolete before they were born.

  19. Reagan was a Democrat who became a Republican, in other words a man of shifting alliances for convenience’s sake. He ran up HUGE (YUUUUGE!!!) deficits and drove the Excited States of “Murrica” into much greater debt than they had been before his help. The Federal Government grew immensely under his administration. A true conservative would have done neither of those things, so don’t give me that garbage about him being a wonderful conservative. Utter nonsense and rubbish!

  20. “No Linda I dont think they will ever see the light. The last election just proved that, and the national media will continue to pound away at Harper…”.
    Your whole comment is absolutely correct. The Laurentian Elite, including their MSM arm, will make sure that their control of the country never slips away again.
    Most of today’s threads, particularly the Crony Capitalism one, guarantee that there is finally no doubt that Maurice Strong’s 1948 plan to enslave Canadians and make us 3rd world citizens is well underway. Even last evening’s Reader Tips Rome selection is in sync with most of the today’s threads.
    Many American people realize that they have been had and lost many of their freedoms and are upset enough to upset the apple-cart. When will enough Canadians wake up, or are we too far down the road to slavery.
    I want to be sick to my stomach when I see the list Lance posted. Anger does not begin to describe my feelings.
    Like Fearless Leader said above, “I don’t like the SOB, But……..”. I fully agree.
    When are we going to get our SOB?

  21. The infamous Teflon Dan “John Gotti” gave up fixing Horse races. He said fixing political POLLs was easier & everyone got what they wanted…no blow back.. (People love to be with the winner)
    What gangster is doing the media polls? CNN/NBC anti-trust issues?

  22. Part of the narrative PGS
    Very few realize that the republicans are the party of the black emancipation

  23. hey rabbit, once you fall off your stack of bibles and hit your head you may just get it. It’s not just the politicals that are pissing many off, it’s also the “church”. People don’t go to political rallies to be preached at, they go their for political reasons. It’s just as much people like you who are the problem, and the motivation driving the Trump Truck. Trump being a buffoon may just be what is needed to destroy political leaches on both sides of the isle, tell the pope to FO.
