48 Replies to “In eius domum”

  1. 5:50 pm here. You can hear the metaphorical pin drop waiting for the results. I’m a Cruz guy.

  2. Waiting to see if the s**t kicking Rubio laid on that asinine gasbag made a difference.
    He comes a strong second in enough states, he gets a greater share of delegates than Cruz, and the race is on.
    If not, America is screwed, like nobody even wants to imagine.

  3. C’mon SMOD!!!’
    Wait, you mean all the idiots fighting over Cruz vs Trump are serious?!?!? WTF!?!?!

  4. Anybody but Kangaroo Courts Rubio. This bucket of scum needs to go down tonight, hard.

  5. LOL That is so preciois. Rubio, hasn’t won a single state, there is a good chance he will lose his home state of Florida, and here you are, praying that he comes in SECOND in more than one primary. Yup, nothing screams out “winner” like shooting for silver.

  6. Trump’s success is entirely because of the perception that he will take care of the Muslim problem. Nothing else matters.
    As an aside, the Ontario PCs lost a few cycles back because people believed that extending public funding to students in private schools, even as a tax credit, would provide funding for Muslim schools which many people believe do not teach the three Rs.

  7. “Muslim schools which many people believe do not teach the three Rs.”
    Ravaging, raping and rocketing?

  8. Oh sure education…in Detroit they can’t even read!
    When you have a Veterans Administration which is both inefficient and corrupt, and which the Democratic Party has protected, with people like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)16% and Hillary Clinton praise the corruption, because after all this is a public employees union, how could they not be for it?
    When you have a school system like Detroit, where 92 percent of the children cannot read, cannot pass their reading tests, and yet it’s a 100 percent machine for paying to bureaucrats. And that’s the purpose of these big school systems, to pay the bureaucrats.
    They’re not paying teachers, because they’re not teaching.
    People are saying, look, you’ve got to do something better.
    The phenomenon has been, and Ted Cruz is going to have a good day today in my judgment, that Trump comes along, and Trump is a genuine entrepreneurial, dynamic, larger than life figure, and he has swept the board in the sense that people say if you want to kick over this table, you know that Trump can do it. He’s going to have lots of collateral damage. The establishment properly focuses on …. oh my God, what if he ruins my lobbying practice?
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  9. speaking of all things primary:
    let me guess, in THIS instance, it was ‘correct’ and ‘acceptable’ to muscle the reporter because it happened @ a Trump rally. videorecording the protesters. which is a newsworthy thing, regardless of bias, agenda, slant, spin, MSM, etc etc. or not etc etc. howls of protest ensue from the cheap seats when the reporter becomes part of the story, eh?
    where is the melissa click gang when you need them? doing a tit-for-tat somewhere?
    this has been so far a really dirty primary and the long hot summer is still not here . . .

  10. “If not, America is screwed, like nobody even wants to imagine.”
    Which way?
    If Clinton wins via the dead vote, its the citizens turn to clean up.
    If Trump wins and he is really a Clinton, its the citizens turn to clean up.
    Only thing that will prevent “The blood of patriots” scenario is Trump being what he claims, citizen first, profiteer second.
    Patriotic Canadians,there are many, have the same problem.
    Those who woo us for the opportunity to play the required parts of civil government, are mostly too greedy and stupid to even memorize those roles.
    Whereas we are awash in oath breakers and traitors all clambering to “lead us”.
    Just along as they can feast at our table.

  11. Except he first chest bumped and swore at one of Trump’s secret service agents and eventually grabbed the agent by the throat as one of four videos on Breitbart News site shows.

  12. Here are some of my thoughts.,,,
    B. Sander’s job is to make Hillary’s coronation NOT look like a coronation. You would need a rabid socialist to create the illusion that Hilary is some kind of moderate.
    To those supporting Cruz and or Rubio with some false sense that they are better people than Trump. Trump is who he is and more or less wears it on his sleeve, without apology. On the other hand, both R & C claim to be something “better”, but when the chips are down, they lie, insult, cheat and sleaze with the best of them. I actually find them far more distasteful than the bombastic Trump. Apparently, a helluva lot of Republicans agree with me.
    It has been unbelievable to watch the frenzy of the MSM and both parties these past 24hrs. Everybody and his dog was screaming RACIST at Trump. CNN was a parking lot of talking heads lined up to scream RACIST! GOP supporters were aghast that Trump is such a vile RACIST! How could anyone vote for such a RACIST! It is the ONLY policy I have heard the Dems and Rep old guard agree on……. Trump is a RACIST!
    Smart people understand this isn’t Trump vs Cruz vs Rubio, this is Republican Americans vs the Republican Party.

  13. Rubio Wins.
    With lobbyists and government workers..
    Not the Establishment Man.
    Me I am waiting to see the Texas evaluation of the young Prince of the GOP.

  14. Break the establishment monopoly, bring in the pitch-forks, DEFENESTRATE!

  15. “let me guess, in THIS instance, it was ‘correct’ and ‘acceptable’ to muscle the reporter because …”
    … he pushed the secret service agent. FTFY (again), yes absolutely ‘correct’ and ‘acceptable’.
    Pity that the presstitute did not end up picking up his teeth with broken fingers for the subsequent throat grab.

  16. “Ravaging, raping and rocketing?”
    ha ha ha.
    I was thinking readin’, ritin’ and ‘rithmetic.

  17. … this is Republican Americans vs the Republican Party.
    Quite so. Te most rabid ttacks on Trump have come from thee GOP Establishment.
    Let’s end it! GO TRUMP!

  18. Listening to the Democratic Candidate for an Orange jumpsuit.
    Word for word she is mouthing Liberal campaign material.
    Same speech writers for sure.
    As for that stupid reporter, lets see Alinsky playbook, create an incident , Trumps SS team are evil thugs.. Yah that will work.
    Shame he did not reap a little more reward for his attack on a working secret service member.
    I wonder, was this the presstitutes own idea?
    Secret service had better check the morons emails.
    Rubio’s on squeaking away, sounds like the Rocky Horror Picture Show; “In just 5 days I can make you a man,”an Establishment Man.
    That parrot (American Dream) is not dead,its just resting.
    Nailed to the perch with rules and regulation.

  19. Rubio winning … opening the borders and flooding America with criminal dependents breeding unchecked numbers of MORE welfare cases … ISN’T … a SKREWED America ? What the hell are you smoking ? beside the establishment republican schlongs ?

  20. And, Hans isn’t that what Trump IS doing to the Establishment Repukeicans ? threatening to kick over the money changers tables clogging the entrances to our Government temples ? Not that I want to push the Messianic imagery too far … but Jezuz H. Kryst ! Trump’s pissed at the Pharisee Republican elites … because we-the-people are getting SKREWED. Trump is our ONLY HOPE (at the moment).

  21. So up until now, Rubio has not won even ONE single state, in fact, often even coming third. He won’t even win his own state of Florida. He should be gone, but no, he wants a brokered convention that will rip the party apart. What an idiot.

  22. The best analysis of the Trump appeal I have seen is Rush’s: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2016/03/01/the_elites_won_t_figure_out_the_trump_phenomenon_until_they_re_honest_with_themselves_about_what_they_ve_done
    I want Cruz 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, but after him, I will take Trump over any Establishment clone, any day. The main thing is, the establishment must be destroyed. Nothing but Rino pool boys in the leadership in both Senate and House, with the underlings doing anything necessary to line up their post Congressional lobbying gigs. Obama is a useful foil and cover as they drive up spending through the roof in furtherance of their prospective lobbying careers.

  23. Totally wrong. Trump appeals on various levels. Jobs, improving the economy, illegal Mexican immigration, addressing the drug problem. I thought he was very convincing tonight.

  24. Rubio in his press conference went on and on about Trump being a con artist. I want to see the proof and I’m Canadian.

  25. “Smart people understand this isn’t Trump vs Cruz vs Rubio, this is Republican Americans vs the Republican Party.”
    Exactly! Even FoxNews is doing its level best to denigrate Trump.
    I’m with Jay Currie, Trump/Cruz to clean up on the establishment.

  26. Thanks for the Rush link. If the US ruling class were concerned for Americans as much as for themselves, Cruz would be a great president. Current reality is that the Establishment will need a shakeup before much progress can be made.
    If Trump wins I think Cruz would do well as Attorney General; there’s more to do there than in being VP.

  27. The reporter obviously does not know it is federal crime to assault a federal officer. The secret service have unusual powers and you don’t mouth off (a member of the press doesn’t mean anything when it comes to security) Did I say the fool was a moron..
    Trump won Virginia, the home of the DC civil servants & lobbyists (CIA) VERY BIG DEAL

  28. That guy looks like he’s related to that other lefty crap-disturber Bill Clennett (or at least they came out of the same mold). In which case, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him is entirely apropos.
    Oh and the Secret Service are known for many things, but subtlety isn’t one of them. He’s lucky to still be walking.

  29. This was an encounter with a secret service guy, so whose event it happened at should not be relevant. I think the security guys are checking into the incident. If it was inappropriate, they will likely take disciplinary action. It has nothing to do with Trump or his people.

  30. Trump was very impressive after the wins tonight. He spoke forcefully and hit many of the right notes. I cannot imagine Trudeau being that knowledgeable and convincing. In fact Trudeau seems like a pipsqueek by comparison.

  31. Often, I wonder what some commie eastern bastard think about some subject.
    Thanks for clearly that up for me.

  32. “Break the establishment monopoly, bring in the pitch-forks, DEFENESTRATE!”
    At least! 🙂

  33. Great night for Donald Trump! (He is efficient and frugal, as well as being successful.) He was even gracious toward Ted Cruz, who doesn’t deserve it.)

  34. LindaL. I agree completely. He hit sooo many quality talking points in his speech.
    It is not until you hear Trump talk that you realize how much ALL other politicians are simply ignoring the average American’s fears about some very real problems. Now, I understand that Trump is so full of bullshit that he is OVERQUALIFIED to be a politician, but he is dragging topics into the light that the “establishment” candidates refuse to discuss.
    Hillary must be scared shitless…… seriously! I loved it when Trump claimed she probably couldn’t run because of the legal quagmire she is in. Just as he single-handedly slaughtered the PC media, he demonstrated he can also rip away the thin veneer the MSM keeps trying to protect Hillary with. Ha, I could imagine millions of regular CNN sheep diving for their keyboards to see what the hell he was referring to.
    BTW, in monitoring CNN the last coupla days, I heard the term RACIST tossed at Trump easily over 100 times. I heard the term EMAIL in relation to Hillary off-handedly mentioned once.

  35. “Trump is so full of bullshit that he is OVERQUALIFIED to be a politician”
    I like that.
    I wish Trump would get his stuff lined up a bit better but I guess he decided to go with ‘any publicity negative or otherwise is better than no publicity’.
    I find it hard to believe that a Trump presidency can do things much differently. In the US the administration of government has been thouroughly debased over the last few decades and let’s face it, the average American loves his entitlements just as much as they do anywhere else in the world.

  36. Lindal;
    Canadian PM’s are generally pipsqueaks compared to most POTUS. The recent contrarian was PM Harper and they got rid of him. As poor a communicator as Harper was his actions stood for much more. Harper was structuring Canada’s economy such that Canada could have headed in a more independent direction from the USA. That threatened American self interest and possibly could have been seen as a national security threat.

  37. Have you read Dick Morris’s profile of Trump, ” Tyrant at the Gate”?
    Morris has known Trump all his life, as the elder Trump was a client of Morris’s father, who was a top NYC real estate attorney.
    What he says about Trump is alarming, and has the ring of truth.

  38. My own view us that rescuing America from the forces bringing her down (economy, illegal immigration, drugs, welfare,etc. )is more critical at this point than dogmatic left/right politics. “Get it done” (Morris) is not a bad goal at this point. America is losing ground very fast.

  39. The problem with Trump is that he may not respect the Constitution. See: Barack Obama.
    You trivialize and obscure that issue by claiming such concerns are “dogmatic left/right politics”.
