Not Freedom Or Fairness, Just Good Old Dominion

Juan Carlos Hidalgo on the vanity and horror of Venezuelan socialism:

A couple of years ago, the then minister of education admitted that the aim of the regime’s policies was “not to take the people out of poverty so they become middle class and then turn into escuálidos” (a derogatory term to denote opposition members). In other words, the government wanted grateful, dependent voters, not prosperous Venezuelans.

The left’s self-imagined radicals have little to gain from successful, independent people. Because success and independence – independence of them – makes you the enemy.
One of these.

5 Replies to “Not Freedom Or Fairness, Just Good Old Dominion”

  1. the socialist idea that one can fob the expense of 3 – 5 yrs education on someone, *anyone* else to me is vaguely reminiscent of the ‘search for the origins of life’ that got snagged on the idea it came via microscopic organisms that left fossil remains in meteorites found in the far north.
    I interpreted the approach to be like some sort of ‘black box’ answer. at the time, NO ONE in the story addressed the fundamental question of, well, if the organisms came fro Mars, what in blazes prevented them from starting out on earth during similar conditions? it’s an ’emperor’s-new-clothes’ situation, IGNORE the FACT the ‘scientists’ answer is to merely *export* the beginnings of life to the nearest planet and then *voila* issue resolved !!!
    the similarity then, is ‘fob the cost of edjukashun’ onto someone, *anyone* else’ and voila !!! question resolved !!!
    no doubt the ‘gratitude’ effect as well as the liberalism of voters via reinforcement of their ideas in that stagnated environment are a factor in ms Mcwynne’s announcement regarding free tuition in Ontariariario. personally, I would favour huge increases in scholarships FOR THOSE EARNING THEM WITH HIGH MARKS, but this carte blanche this merely degrades and depreciates degrees held by those like myself who PAID their way.

  2. You mean you don’t like that your tax money goes to providing some millennial with a “studies” degree that’s good only for working in some greasy spoon?

  3. My last comment was meant to be sarcastic. I wrote it at the end, but, somehow, that bit went missing in the process.

  4. This has been the philosophy of the Liberal Party of Canada for a very long time. They may not want citizens quite in poverty, but they want them no more than barely middle class.
    The Liberal view has always been a country with barely middle class citizens, who are brainwashed into thinking the Liberal party is their savior, while a small group of elites are allowed to feed at the trough.

  5. Thats the key to Kleptocracy.The parasites dominating their host can only continue when the host is either oblivious to their own losses or spectacularly stupid.
    Oh wait .. aren’t those the same thing?
    Ben Franklin “We have given you a republic,if you can keep it”
    An informed citizenry being vital to their own freedom from parasitic overload.
    Small wonder parasites take over “public education”.
    There is good reason todays grade12 grads cannot comprehend logic, critique rhetoric or balance their own cheque books.
    Canada is reaching peak kleptocracy, Ontario leads the way.
