20 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. this:
    is why manned missions to Mars are a sci fi PIPE DREAM. the astronauts wont be able to walk upon landing.
    go ahead dear humahn race, spend 300 billion for THAT carnival ride and watch all the sad faces when nature snuffs out those lives one by one.
    the talk, oh the talk back during the Apollo missions. I knew even then it wasn’t going to happen. but then again, I’m not a paid consultant to NASA so whut the fcuk does it matter what I think?

  2. The fact is that spaceflight is hard. It escapes me why there’s a near-fanatical push for going to Mars, but, considering that O’Bummer has an attitude along the lines of: “Go back to the moon? Been there, done that, got the t-shirt”, I’m not surprised.
    There are far too many questions that need to be answered before anybody should ever attempt to fly to Mars. The radiation the crew will be exposed to needs to be dealt with. Landing on the surface is extremely difficult. What the crew will do while in transit has to be resolved.
    Will we be going to Mars? Yes. When remains to be seen. Much of the science is understood, so it’s largely an engineering problem.
    It would be better to go back to the moon first, set up shop, and figure out how to live there. In many ways, it’s a harsher environment than Mars is plus it’s only 3 days flight or 2 seconds by radio away. Once that’s mastered, bigger and more remote goals can be pursued.

  3. Ah, but they’re not *Canadian*, are they? According the Prime Minister Fruitloop, we here in Canada can be “compassionate” once again because he and the Liberal “Sunny Ways” Party liberated us from those meanie Conservatives.
    We’re allowed to, once again, let in any misfit, screwball, or lunatic that shows up at our border.

  4. Your comments remind me of something that I once saw which showed that spaceflight may be a valuable public service.
    Many years ago, I was on a trip to the eastern part of the country. When I was about to fly back west, I noticed that someone had set up a table in the lobby of the airport.
    He had a sign in front which, I assume, explained the purpose for his being there. It read: “Help colonize space. Send Ed Broadbent to Pluto.”
    I didn’t investigate if he was serious or whether he was collecting signatures, money, or both. It did, however, make me chuckle all the way back home.

  5. this:
    is why hollyweird (yes, it’s an aussie production) has no draw for me. as if there isn’t enough death and mayhem around us, these idjits have to create some more absurd fictional accounts. the fact it sells so well is an indictment on mankind’s penchant for destruction and death.
    kill. kill. kill. kill. kill. just make sure it gets on the evening news.
    the praise and accolades for what I’m sure is a very gratuitously violent lengthy story shows how the ‘system’ is self reinforcing. pander to the lowest common denominator. and kill. kill. kill. kill.

  6. Hey, “Road Warrior” was one of the best action movies ever made! Mind you, I haven’t seen the latest Mad Max flick but, from what I’ve heard, a lot of MM fans were quite disappointed.

  7. It is not death and mayhem that won the praise. Oh no. The movie may be one brainless race across a post apocalyptic desert with lots of crashes and a good amount of fighting but it is not what won the praise. It is the fact that the main character, the legendary Mad Max is a bitch of a female character. You see feminists were hired as consultants and they made sure the message was right. A plot goes as follows /SPOILER ALERT/ A female handicapped driver betrays the local warlord and helps escape his concubines. Poor Max tags along for a ride by a lucky coincidence. And then they race across the desert. Max helps because he realizes that the good female driver is the true hero worth sacrificing for. And then they race away from the warlord. The only unquestionably good guys in the movie are female. Max only becomes good after his character evolves in the presence of female saints. And one initially particularly vicious character evolves also in the presence of the aforementioned female saints and turns out to be a victim of root causes and such. And then they turn back and race some more this time in the opposite direction. I will now spoil the ending for you: the good female charter wins and makes sure all will benefit from clean environment that the evil warlord held for himself and his cronies. That is why this rape of the classic character received such high praise.

  8. Mark Cuban, on privacy:
    It doesn’t matter if producing tax returns has become a “tradition”. It is a poor one that should not be part of the electoral process. The irony of course is that it is coming from candidates who have gone on continuous tirades about their love of and ability to interpret our Constitution.
    When I hear Senator Cruz alleging Trump’s possible “mob connections” being reveled by his tax returns, it scares me. A lot
    It should scare you as well. When the people running for the most important office in the world start trying to intimidate other candidates with “What do you have to hide”, the electoral process takes a significant hit.
    Will future candidates be dissuaded from running because they don’t want people to know how little they donated to charity ? Or will they be embarrassed by making too much or too little ? Or maybe it’s something else that is disclosed that none of us expected and might be considered embarrassing , but is completely reasonable ?
    And if the question comes from a candidate that ends up becoming President, how can we trust they won’t use the same phrase again to intimidate one of us ? Or a future opposition candidate ?

  9. Premier Philippe Couillard seems to have drunk besides champagne the climate change koolaid at the recent Paris environmental conference. Since December he has refused to see the head of Petrolia with which the Quebec government has signed an agreement to explore gas and oil development on Anticosti Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
    The government is also seeking to delay and block the Energy East Pipeline.
    Meanwhile this supposed believer in global warming is jetting off to Vancouver for yet another environmental conference and to mingle with the right people.

  10. Lance, I have been enjoying the Rome series.
    French’s ketchup — made from tomatoes grown in Leamington and processed into tomato paste in the same plant Heinz (now Kraft Heinz) once operated.
    Highbury Canco Corp. took over the plant in June 2014 and later signed a contract with French’s.
    The company has promised to use only local tomatoes in ketchup sold in Canada, said French’s president Elliott Penner. “We think that Leamington tomatoes are great quality.”

  11. Yeah we once went to the movies for a bit of an escape. Now when we attend, we have to be lectured about some lack of awareness we may harbor about the planet or about blacks or about…..well you name it.
    No wonder many just skip the whole exercise and stay home.

  12. The “muzzled scientists” have started to speak at Environment Canada.
    Harper should of handled them the same way Reagan handled the Air traffic controllers.
    Someone should inform these guys that the global warming pause is into its 18th year.
    A climate model becomes irrelevant when it doesn’t include the source of energy… our sun.
    Also, they blame the solar radiation in the pacific ocean for El Nino and La Nina and haven’t really explored the possibility it might be volcanic activity…..

  13. Our (reformed) NASA Mars flight will be a raging success ! How do I know this ? Because of Obama’s outreach and hiring of more Muzlims into NASA. After all, Muzzies “invented” zero … eh? So with their help, us simpleton Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and atheists can make the Mars trip a raging success ! And if you don’t believe it … NASA will sever your funding (or something else).

  14. AGW RIP.
    We’re Back. (TM Justine Liberal government.)
    “Southern Ontario braces for big blast of winter weather” (G-M)
    “Toronto’s manic morning: How the TTC’s troubles unfolded Tuesday
    Subway service is up and running again after a power failure Tuesday morning scuttled trains and streetcar routes across downtown Toronto, creating chaos…”

  15. Progressive economy: What $18.5b deficit, no way – the Tories did it. The present government simply can’t be that incompetent. It doesn’t add up. Yes they can and no Grits can’t add, they never have to use their calculators because they know in their heart they are right.
    “Why do the Liberals insist on projecting a deficit for this year?”
    Oh, we all agree it doesn’t add up.

  16. Obama: Hands off suspected terrorists!
    Trudeau must be taking his cue from Obama.
    “The Department of Homeland Security removed the names of nearly 1,000 individuals suspected of terrorism ties from the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to newly released documents obtained by an advocacy group under a Freedom of Information Act request.
    The Washington Free Beacon first reported in 2014 that the Obama administration secretly assembled a terrorist ‘hands off’ list that enabled individuals with terrorist ties unfettered entrance into the United States.
    The latest documents, obtained by Judicial Watch and released on Tuesday, appear to confirm these initial reports. They further disclose that at least 1,000 names were scrubbed from the U.S. Terrorist Screening Database as part of an administration effort to protect the civil rights of suspected individuals.
    ‘The documents appear to confirm charges that Obama administration changes created a massive ‘hands off’ list,’ Judicial Watch said in a statement. ‘Removed data from the terrorist watch list could have helped prevent the San Bernardino terrorist attack.’”

  17. AGW RIP.
    Patchy of UN’s IPCC.
    “Former chair of U.N. climate panel charged with stalking and sexually harassing female colleague”
    “Pachauri has denied the allegations, but resigned last year from both the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and from TERI after the researcher’s allegations were published in Indian newspapers. The allegations caused a public uproar in a country where women face a stigma against discussing issues such as sexual harassment in the workplace.”

  18. Our Nannies’ State of the Curtains.
    Liberal Justine government’s 1st Order of Business: hire two (2) nannies with Canada’s taxpayers paying double wages.
    “Susan Sarandon’s daughter Eva Amurri Martino fires nanny for attempting to seduce her husband
    The nanny had been sending Amurri Martino’s husband suggestive texts, and watching him through the curtains of their bedroom” (NP)
    “Justin Trudeau hires his children’s former nannies to work in official residence”
