29 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Drug dealers will be executed by force-feeding them their own supply under new rules being considered in Indonesia.

  2. When I first read this I thought it must be satire. Seriously nobody could possibly be this stupid. But I checked other sources and it’s for real.
    Green reboot for Canada Post pie in the sky

    TORONTO – The push is on to turn Canada’s post offices into outposts of “green,” offering electric car charging, home-monitoring and other stamps of a caring nation.

    Once you see who is behind this it makes sense:
    The project was initiated by STTP/CCUPW, The Leap Manifesto, Friends of Public Services, SmartChange.ca, CPAA/ACMPA and Acorn Canada.
    Only Unions and their enablers could come up with something this outlandish. More jobs and of course higher paying jobs since they’re not just carrying flyers. They would practically be social workers.
    There’s also a poll at the bottom that could use some help.

  3. In answer to Lance’s Reader Tips video the following may be appropriate:
    Address of Calgacus to troops of the Caledonian Confederacy before the battle of Mons Graupius against Agricola as recorded by Tacitus…c 87 AD
    “You have not tasted servitude. There is no land beyond us and even the sea is no safe refuge when we are threatened by the Roman fleet….We are the last people on earth, and the last to be free: our very remoteness in a land known only to rumour has protected us up till this day. Today the furthest bounds of Britain lie open—and everything unknown is given an inflated worth. But now there is no people beyond us, nothing but tides and rocks and, more deadly than these, the Romans. It is no use trying to escape their arrogance by submission or good behaviour. They have pillaged the world: when the land has nothing left for men who ravage everything, they scour the sea. If an enemy is rich, they are greedy, if he is poor, they crave glory. Neither East nor West can sate their appetite. They are the only people on earth to covet wealth and poverty with equal craving. To robbery, butchery and rapine, they give the lying name of ’empire’. They make a desolation and call it ‘peace'”
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. Also a good time to get out of Peace River, Grande Prairie, and Whitecourt, apparently

  5. Mohammed speaks to nanny.
    “Woman on trial in Russia says Allah ordered her to behead child”
    “MOSCOW (Reuters) – A woman suspected of beheading a child in her care before brandishing the severed head outside a Moscow metro station said on Wednesday Allah had ordered her to commit the crime.”
    “Nanny ‘encouraged to behead four-year-old’ in Moscow
    Accomplices who put nanny up to horrific murder are still at large, say Russian investigators”

  6. Next month is Earthday when all the eco-nuts parade around dressed as trees,bugs,owls,flowers and fish and making themselves look like the baffoons they are and get the kids to sing this stupid UN song WE DON’T NEED NO CARS WE DON’T NEED NO BATHS(oh the stench)we don’t need the Useless Nations ENVIROMENTALISM LEADS TO STUPIDITY

  7. Stand with Ezra.
    “There’s no way … I will ever apologize for my political journalism. I would literally go to jail before I retracted a political opinion.”
    “Ezra Levant at Alberta Law Society resignation hearing today”
    “A law society official who initially reviewed the complaint dismissed the allegations stemming from the column, ruling that Levant wasn’t acting in his capacity as a lawyer at the time. He said Levant was acting as a journalist and there was no reasonable prospect that a hearing panel would find his conduct breached the society’s code of conduct.
    That position was overturned when the complainant, an Edmonton lawyer who worked for the human rights commission, appealed the decision.”

  8. “conservatives need to rethink a higher minimum wage”
    Might as well move to Zimbabwe; have the highest minimum wage in the world — a billion bucks an hour.
    Ain’t Marxism cool?

  9. I believe it was 1970, when my middle school took the entire student body out of class, and marched us downtown in our little town to “celebrate” ? “Protest” ? “proselytize” ? Earthday. Of course, the kids all thought it was a good time because we were’nt in class. Little did we know how we were being used as little Hitler youths parading in front of our parents to “shame” them for “ruining” our planet. Little did we know that we were giving birth to a new secularist religion that is now the “official” Religion of the United States … Gaia-worship. Constution be damnned. Time for some serious reformation of the State Religion.

  10. Once again Hollywood spun its demonic head, this time in support of faux journalism and the corrupt US judicial system, by honoring Spotlight.
    “Here is what else they celebrated: the bunk of recovered memory; the Globe reporters’ failure to challenge any charlatan who embraces it; and the lure of money.
    It’s unseemly to mention money. We are asked to believe that the ATM that is the Catholic Church, password VICTIM, could not possibly be an inducement to any of the thousands of accusers who have lined up since the “Spotlight” team’s first breathy reports – as if the usual reflexes of American money-grubbing are inoperative in this one area of life, and the people who, for instance, clambered for cash to ease the pain and suffering of having seen a priest naked in the YMCA really are salt of the earth.”
    I pity those that rely on journalists for truth.

  11. Indian News Spot.
    H/T Liberal Justine Nannies government bearing wampum.
    “Trudeau to announce $150M to clean tech funds ahead of climate talks
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is meeting with premiers from all 13 provinces and territories, along with indigenous leaders, to work on a pan-Canada climate policy.” (metronews)
    “Brad Wall vows to reject carbon tax he says will cost Saskatchewan $1 billion a year”
    “Wall told reporters Monday that he “will not be signing” any carbon tax agreement with the federal or other provincial governments when the premiers meet with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau later this week.
    “The very last thing we need right now is another new tax,” Wall said.”

  12. The Federalist:
    Donald Trump is the Next Obama
    The difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama amounts only to whatever difference may exist between each emperor’s set of cronies.

    The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them out, judges decide controversies, and we citizens may be penalized only by a jury of our peers.”
    Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”
    Obama has been our first emperor. A Donald Trump presidency, far from reversing the ruling class’s unaccountable hold over American life, would seal it. Because Trump would act as our second emperor, he would render well-nigh impossible our return to republicanism.
    Donald Trump Is Everything that Has Ruined Us


  13. A Canadian is a terrorist is a Canadian.
    PM Trudeau’s brother lobbies for Harkat to stay
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s brother, Alexandre, has petitioned the federal government to stop deportation efforts for a suspected terrorist sleeper agent.
    Alexandre “Sacha” Trudeau recently sent a letter to Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, requesting he halt deportation hearings for Algerian-born Mohamed Harkat, 47, arguing that he is not a threat to public security.
    Harkat, a former pizza delivery man, was arrested in late 2002 on a security certificate, on the suspicion that he was an al Qaeda operative. Harkat’s lawyers contested the certificate, but the Supreme Court of Canada upheld it in 2014.

  14. That’s garbage. The BIG difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama does not have America’s best interests at heart. Trump does. I think he just want to see things done properly. He does not seem to be in it for personal gain, and he is not beholden to a sting of lobbyists and internationalists. No carbon tax under his watch I would guess. Obama has always been the front man for a bunch of back room manipulators. Look at how the establishment attack’s Trump. That should tell you something.

  15. We need a blimp with one of those trailing messages: Global warming has stopped. I think that would be very good as the otherwise ill-informed would get the message. Now I know there is speculation on whether or not global warming has stopped for good, but this is a blimp message, so only the central message is needed — there has been no global warming for 18? years, so no need for a carbon tax while Canada is in a slump!!

  16. I wondered when Sacha Trudeau was going to rear his pro-Islamist head:
    Josh Elliott, CTVNews.ca
    Published Wednesday, March 2, 2016 12:37PM EST
    Last Updated Wednesday, March 2, 2016 3:26PM EST
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s brother, Alexandre, has petitioned the federal government to stop deportation efforts for a suspected terrorist sleeper agent.
    Alexandre “Sacha” Trudeau recently sent a letter to Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, requesting he halt deportation hearings for Algerian-born Mohamed Harkat, 47, arguing that he is not a threat to public security.
    Harkat, a former pizza delivery man, was arrested in late 2002 on a security certificate, on the suspicion that he was an al Qaeda operative. Harkat’s lawyers contested the certificate, but the Supreme Court of Canada upheld it in 2014.

  17. PET Cemetery/AGW RIP Report.
    Justine Liberal government statement:
    “The choice between pipelines and wind turbines is a false one,” he said.”
    “Environment shouldn’t be a partisan issue: Trudeau”
    “The choice between pipelines and wind turbines is a false one,” he said.” (CTV)
    “60-Tonne Wind Turbine Rotor Crashes To Earth”
    “The online SVZ here reported yesterday on a wind-turbine construction accident occurring in Southern Germany. Workers of the Hamburg-based Nordex company were operating a large hoisting crane by remote control as it lifted the 60-tonne wind turbine rotor assembly for mounting onto the 200-meter tall tower. At 60 meters height the entire assembly came crashing down onto the earth below.”
    Photo here:
    “Rotor vom Windrad kracht herunter”

  18. “Todd Lewis
    “I hope the “establishment” doesn’t figure out that without absolute, airtight tyranny they can’t continue to play their game. The influence peddlers, the narrative crafters, the smug betrayal experts, the grievance mongers, the group identity baiters, the professional liars, that is, the political class, just can’t seem to wrap their little heads around just how despised they really are. Ordinary people who thought they were electing people who were genuinely willing and able to represent their interests and secure their well-being have nothing left to lose. They’ve been utterly abandoned. It may all be a disaster, but rolling the dice is all the people who love their country and it’s culture as it existed until recently have nothing else left to them. I think Ted Cruz is a good and principled candidate, but the taint of any involvement with politics as it now exists is so terrible even he cannot overcome it. I think we are in a revolutionary frame of mind.”
