35 Replies to “Unacceptable”

  1. But 62 percent of the Canadian electorate (Liberal, NDP, Green voters) voted against pipelines. And you can bet your bippy that all decisions respecting pipelines will be based on that…and only that.

  2. Post war peacetime with the French has never paid off in the long run. Any job half done…

  3. If there was a court building in Lac Magentic, and it if is still standing, that would be the proper place to file the injunction. And if all these progressives love the local food concept what about the concept of local oil. Oh yes, we can do without dirty oil if only we ‘invest’ enough in the ‘green economy’

  4. Wonder who is “paying for all the drinks”?
    Russia? Saudi? Buffet? All three?
    Quebec has its “own gas” and a possibility of some oil deposits as
    well which they refuse to explore before they separate from Canada.

  5. anybody know who’s the mutton chop bunch?
    what is this cartoon in regard?

  6. Like being on a Blog with a three year old.
    Name the last book you read ??

  7. Sarg. you get a big bingo today!
    I know it will not happen but it feels good to say, Cut off the welfare to the perpetual welfare bums of Quebec.

  8. Why should Quebec use its own resources when it can help itself to whatever it wants in western Canada? It started under PET and will continue under PET Lite.
    Perhaps it’s time for western Canada to secede from the Dominion.

  9. Equalization payments need to stop. Quebec has never, ever contributed to this socialist scheme. They have only taken. I have not seen the actual year by year numbers but I can tell you that the transfer total ($200 BILLION) is not the real loss to Alberta and to Albertans. There is the lost opportunity to invest that capital like Norway did. There is little doubt in my mind that a prudently run investment fund would total more than $500 billion dollars today, more than enough to tide Alberta and Canada over until this oil price insanity plays out. Albertans thought that by supporting Canadians when Alberta was doing well equalization would build and strengthen the country and the people. We would come together and support each other when, through no fault of their own, economic times got tough. Denis Codere and his ilk should be ashamed. They should be called out and vilified. The socialist scheme called equalization does not build strength and community. It builds resentment and division. Albertans are pissed off and disappointed rightfully so. The recipients of Alberta’s largess are resentful and jealous. A voluntary gift made builds character in both the giver and the recipient. A payment demanded and taken from those that make and given to those that take brings out the worst in people.

  10. Interesting bit of stupidity for Quebec. All their industry has already fled to China, so there’s nobody to buy their cheap electricity. Who does this genius think is going to pay the Federal taxes his transfer payments come from? Ontario? Bwaaaahahahaha!!!! As if!

  11. The NEP effectively told Alberta was that what resources belonged to Quebec were Quebec’s, but what resources belonged to Alberta were negotiable.
    I foresee a National Energy Program, Mk II coming. Neither Quebec nor Ontario will suffer under it.

  12. “…Perhaps it’s time for western Canada to secede from the Dominion.”
    No. But what is long overdue is a referendum on kicking the Quebecois out. We should offer each of them a passport valid for six months, a suitcase, and a one-way ticket to anywhere on the planet that they choose.

  13. When has Quebec been anything but a persistent boil on the backside of Canada? Don’t people realize that by suffering the pain of the boil instead of lancing it, it becomes more persistent not less? Enough is enough! Lance it, already.

  14. If the federal government was actually interested in working for all Canadians and maintaining its right to make decisions in the national interest then Quebec would face economic consequences for this type of obstructionism. How about withholding some equalization payments from Quebec and transferring them to AB, SK and NB? Or treat oil and gas the same as hydro and either remove O&G or include Quebec hydro in the equalization calculation.
    This won’t happen, of course. Whenever the PM is from Quebec (including Mulroney) it’s always Quebec first, then the UN and foreign countries, Middle East oil sheiks, crony capitalists, Ontario & Martimes, lobbyists, celebrities, activists, Adscammers, unions……and the western provinces at the very bottom of the list.
    Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if federal Liberal politicians or their consultants were the ones who advised Quebec to make the injunction. I’m sure PM Trudeau and his MPs are trying to keep promises they made to their new political and celebrity buddies in Paris but are too cowardly to take the political heat from cancelling the pipeline themselves. As a bonus, they can pretend to be mediators that propose a compromise solution -one that the federal government and Quebec have already agreed – that benefits both of them at AB’s and SK’s expense.

  15. It might be worth reading this old article about Stephane Dion’s Green Shift and the consequences for western Canada. I think that a variation of the Green Shift is still the goal. It doesn’t matter if its through cap and trade or carbon taxes, the result is the same.
    “What’s most maddening is how much of a slap it is to the principle that provinces like Saskatchewan own our natural resources. Dion is now telling us, “So what if the western provinces do own the oil and gas? The federal government can simply tax the end product and transfer the bulk of any benefit to those living in our electoral base in the east.”

  16. Reading some of the comments in that article, it is pretty clear that many in the east and on the left are extremely stupid. Lots of babble about how equalization payments are made. I always find it funny when the left tries to pretend that Ontario and Quebec contribute more to equalization than Alberta. The simple fact is that if Ontario and Quebec residents as a whole put more into equalization (in terms of total dollars), they TAKE OUT MORE (especially Quebec who takes out MUCH more) than they put in! Kind of like going into a pub, throwing $10 down on the table, drinking a few beers and then scooping up $12 off the table before you leave. But then the left never has been much at math or thinking that people can figure out their Ottawa money laundering scheme.

  17. Brad Wall addressed this a little while back:
    Total lifetime percent of equalization payments:
    2016-2017 equalization payments:
    Ontario has a reason to complain but, remember, they have more political power than any other province in Canada. They had the political leverage to alter equalization and make it fairer. They chose not to. And you see the result – it’s a west to east wealth transfer with no strings attached on how the money is spent. Have-not provinces seem to be more generous. For instance, Quebec and Ontario give out cheap and free post secondary education (worthy perhaps but unaffordable for even have provinces). It would have been more sensible for them to tackle deficits and the massive Greek-like debt that those students will inherit. Perversely, equalization calculations will reward their tax and spend policies.

  18. BC did it first. Where was the outcry then?
    The left is so far ahead of supporters for the oil patch that we are not even in the race anymore. Just ask any of your relatives that have lived in BC more than 6 months. They know how evil the Oil Patch is. Anti-oil crap is taught in the schools, reinforced in colleges and the religion of Universities.
    In 2008 science centers in backwater towns in the US were teaching the evils of Alberta’s Tar Sands. Alberta and Saskatchewan have no tidewater. We are like the Ukraine of the former Soviet Union.

  19. Here in CA … The Sierra Club (among others) SUES in Federal, State, and local courts to STOP every bit of carbon-encouraging infrastructure; roads, bridges, pipelines, ports, refineries, et.al. And the taxpayers actually end up FUNDING the opposition through our archaic EIR process. Western civilization USED to be builders of PROGRESS … now we are DESTROYERS of our own civilization. And, no, I am not arguing for NO environmental analysis of projects … rather … just a FAIR and pragmatic one.

  20. Brian;
    I think your numbers are probably accurate as far as you go. I would add to those numbers with $’s that are directed to Quebec by the feds for subsidized business and grants that are not included in equalization numbers. One can also question why Quebec electric exports to New York State, in the $ billions, that are not included in their equalization calculations. You got it a freebee. What will Bombardier cost us and what has it cost us over the decades. Again billions of $’s.
    Since we do not run balanced budgets in Canada anymore the deferred costs of equalization again are not addressed. There is no accurate measure and I am sure that is on purpose. As a number to throw out I suspect Quebec equalization is closer to $20 billion rather than the usually accepted number of $10 billion.

  21. “Ask Japan, or is recent history not in the curriculum anymore?”
    Recent history, or really any history, is not in the curriculum anymore.
    That said, I did not know that Japan invaded China and southeast Asia for the reason that Japan was economically isolated.

  22. If one more pipeline is worthy of a Quebec provincial environmental assessment then each and every tanker of (Jihad funding source) Oil off-loaded on the East Coast surely merits its own equally intensive assessment before being allowed through Canadian water. This won’t happen because Eastern Canada is dominated by parasites, bigots and hypocrites who feel good about themselves for electing the Spawn who is “intellectually” reliant on his green theocracy Butt-head puppet-master.
    If only BC weren’t also dominated by green theocracy and FN guilt-slaves, Western separatism would be viable.

  23. Give the parasites a little more time.
    Lots of BC, lots of rural Ontario know all too well the theft and destruction.
    Turdeau Two is helpless to prevent the ignorance and inbred stupidity from the east.
    He is its expression.
    The division of Canada will be his legacy.
    First the Notley and Progressive conservative cancers must be excised.
    Hard to unite a region with that pustulating sore still infesting the centre.
    Besides we are still fat and lazy.
    Just not as fat and getting irritated by the lecturing of our freeloading “friends”.
    How will feeding the fools and bandits help ?
    Eventually the city dwellers will figure this out.
    probably about the time they are being eaten.
    That term, progressive conservative, is such a cute label for a parasite trying to blend into the host.
    Either one is a conservative or one is engaged in progressive activity..progressively stealing ,lying and destroying.
    Progressive as rust.

  24. Just put a charge of $20 a barrel, at the federal level, for every barrel of oil brought into Canada.

  25. Forget $20…make it $100…and oil companies would be forbidden to pass this on to provinces that produce enough oil to cover their own use.

  26. Birth of the Nazis by Nigel Jones. 2004 edition. finished it mid February.
    so what about the cartoon? the caption is cropped @ the bottom ‘modern collosus of ? ?’ and the ‘sign’ is fuzzy when I zoom in.
    p.s. pyss off doofus.

  27. Not really. They up & put a moratorium on tanker traffic for the NE BC coast, as soon as Gateway was permitted. They’re not our friends either. They then instructed the NEB to go upstream to run assessments on oil & gas fields & pipelines before they even enter the main routes to foreign markets. In essence, intruding into provincial territory with regards to their resources. Every province should be up in arms over that, especially Alberta, as we took the feds to court over who has jurisdiction over provincial resources & won. Provinces OWN their resources, not the f/n federal government! And we don’t need their permission to develop them, either. I’m surprised that Quebec didn’t say something, as they might want to expand their hydro capacity in future, because the cash flow is gonna come to a halt soon on Equalization.
    Works for Notley though, as they are tag teaming for the feds on this.
    I’m just waiting for Trump to win & watch if NAFTA comes up for re-negotiation, plus the AutoPac, what’s left of it. Both Ontario & Quebec will wish they weren’t born when that happens. Plus watch the border tighten up with our influx of Ahab the Arab types. Trump will see to it that a visa will be required for all visits, business or otherwise.

  28. Not really the same…..the court decision was against the BC government, not the feds. Interprovincial pipelines are under the jurisdiction of the feds. Pure and simple.

  29. PO’ed…you are correct. The Liberal government actually has impinged drastically on the resource rights of Alberta and Notley hasn’t made a single noise about it. Notley takes her marching orders from her masters in the federal NDP…which takes their orders from Tides and other ecofascists.

  30. They’re apparently tag teaming with Wynne, who pulls Selfie Boy’s strings at the federal level, with help of course from the “usual suspects” of the eco fascistas. I’m actually surprised that the Quebec boys haven’t started mewling about that “profitable federalism” thingy with the love fest between Queens Park & Ottawa that has sprung up.
    Here we have that other Big Elephant of Confederation emulating Quebec (crabbing their grass more like it) by helping their economy into the dust bin & going with a slice of Equalization to top up the till. This is Canaduh, right? Everybody peers over the fence to see what the other guys get & then start whining. Alberta gets reminded constantly of the time they “took money” before oil & gas took off. We’ve paid that back in spades since, but Central Control will never acknowledge it.

  31. Here’s some more useless info about our oil industry you might like to know: refineries in Montreal can’t handle western select April @12.60/bbl, as it’s high sulphur, but Sarnia can. That’s why Saudi & US oil is used, lighter grade, lower sulphur content. Sarnia (Suncor)is upgrading facilities at Sarnia to boost production of low sulphur diesel, gasoline & jet fuel from expansion of their refinery that will handle even more of WCS crude. To the tune of $1 billion & for the Ontario market. It’s cheaper than April @34.77/bbl Cushing OK crude by a long shot.
    WCS is now shipping right out of Port of Montreal to the Gulf coast to Texas refineries which can handle high sulphur WCS crude, right down the St Lawrence River and under Couillard’s nose in Quebec City. That trade will expand, if Energy East is not built & Quebec can’t do anything about it – federal jurisdiction, waterways. The court injunction is just stall tactics & I wouldn’t put it past the LPOC to make it a condition of a possible Bombardier bailout – plausible deniability etc. from the feds themselves & future arm twisting over Energy East, as the feds are onside with putting Alberta especially in their proper place in Confederation.
    Despite the protestations of Quebec “It’s not about any province” it is. Most of expanded WCS production is slated for export & one thing I learned is that this crude will compete favorably over Russian crude (Ural) to the Europeans, at cheaper prices from the east coast.
    Brad Wall should openly muse about taking on Quebec’s dairy strangle hold & the quota system and flood the market with western dairy production & watch their heads explode in fury. Tit for tat. Heat things up for Selfie Boy while he fights fires in a resurgent PQ separation cry fest. Do the same for the pork , chicken, egg cartels. We could easily expand any of our provincial food production and upset the apple cart for those cozy “managed market” lovers. Consumers might even get a break on prices for once.
