17 Replies to “Well…duh.”

  1. Ontarians re-elected the corrupt dyke and they’re getting what they deserve, good and hard. I hope everyone who voted for the LPC chokes. F****g wankers.

  2. all part of the plan to tap into the regret gene inducing the citoyens who voted repeatedly for the lie party to get drunked up in face of the hopeless situation.
    booze is the LAST thing to get knocked off the household budget.
    every time I talk to the local utility people I ask them to do me a favour, put wynne in a headlock and punch her hard 10 times demanding she stop doing things that have the potential to quadruple hydro rates by the time this green nightmare ends.
    I get a quiet chuckle and a decline. every little bit to get the message through. if, IF this bunch ‘wynnes’ the next election we are truly sunk.

  3. Wine, beer, whisky has been available in some Ont grocery stores since 1960s; not in Toronto, but Ont extends beyond Mississauga road. Wynne doesn’t know this, or chooses not to but there is a lot of Ont she doesn’t know.

  4. It is a good thing this is happening in Ontario first … The New Dictator Party (NDP) of Alberta is starting to do the same thing with new Sales Tax/Carbon Tax. The NDP want to get the maximum taxes out of an Albertan, and this is the best way to increase General Revenues.
    I think the LIEberals, under Just-in, will also impose a Federal “Carbon Tax” on top of the existing “Carbon Tax” that the Providences will implement (except for Saskatchewan … way to go Brad!!)
    NOTE: Not one union job will be lost .., in Ontario and Alberta … they get paid enough to pay for any new Sales Tax/Carbon Tax.

  5. We’ll vote her right back, too many parasites voting to kill the host now.
    BTW how was Russia?

  6. Ha ha ha ha … HA ! Here in California we have the mother of all slush funds – the gasoline TAX. 60 cents per gallon worth of slush fund that goes everywhere except to its original intent (highway improvements and maintenance). The Eco-fraud leftists who have supermajority control of the state, have determined that building and repairing roads … “only encourages more driving” … so they deliberately divert funding away from needed roads and maintenance. Our gasoline taxes pay for a whole potpourri of “mass transit” projects, including a $ quadrillion dollar *cough-cough* “high speed train” … and un-funded, gold-plated pensions for multiple state agencies, including CAL-Trans employees (the same employees presiding over the decay of our highways).
    Just WATCH who gets RICH over your Cap+Fraud fund … HINT: it won’t accrue ANY benefit to the average Canadian.

  7. “The money is a regulatory fee so it can only be used to measurably reduce greenhouse gas”
    And what is a proven process? If they are “measurable”… define or refund

  8. Given the uniform acceptance of another institutional theft, their squabbling over the loot rather than calling the thieves for what they be, does anyone doubt that the Kleptocrats control all current parties in ONtar-We Owe?
    Same at our federal levels, hear any of these “peoples representatives” fighting the insufferable contempt and open theft that our government has become?
    And they all have hissy fits at Trump insurgent .
    Which is a civil revolt against their predacion.
    I wonder what they imagine will happen without a respite in their theft and destruction.
    Parasites Dominate.
    Kleptocracy Rules.
    Shame even the dumbest citizen eventually gets tired and cranky , when facing fools and bandits.
    Best congame in human nature.
    The Big lie for easy living.
    “We are from the government,we are here to help you”
    Compulsory income tax was the license to loot.
    Another “temporary” emergency measure that never ends.
    Yes folks, we did lose world war 1,2 and 3.
    The herds got milked and slaughtered .

  9. Yup. We have to be punished for all the good economic times we had in Alberta.
    Socialism believes in equality, as in equal misery for all.

  10. Any jurisdiction that has a “climate change minister” is so far down the toilet bowl flush vortex of green theocracy that nothing they do should surprise or be taken seriously. Looters and thugs distracting their bovine electorate with the hysteria-driven elixir of feel-good green.

  11. I said it thirty years ago,when Mulroney was giving away our economy: the object is to make Canada and the USA more like Mexico,where the mainly prosperous class is the civil servant,and most others are working poor or outright peasants. This article is what I was thinking of, bleeding us dry to pay for the 30 percenters who comprise the civil service at all levels.
    Slush fund? Could it possibly be anything else?
    The only difference between us and a communist dictatorship is a few capitalists can still get rich off their inventiveness and initiative and don’t have to turn their figurative AK-47 over to the Design Bureau,YET.

  12. I’m, I’m, I’m STILL trying to figure out where the green colour is in all this.
    is it the audience members green with envy how out gubbamint puts us in the front of the queue for all the eco benefits?
    is it we Wantarians a sickly green colour that comes with the realization of who we put back in Queens Park?
    is it the colour of all that cash gushing into the pockets of the various lie party supporters benefiting from gubbamint policy, regulation and cronyism?
    maybe it’s the colour of the gigantic patches of algae that now show up regularly in Lake Erie, bordered on the north side by this same province which is going to wind up standing at the corner somewhere with a tin cup. the regularly occurring thing they regularly ignore.
    wait, I know what it is, it’s the colour of the forests that are going to take over all that abandoned industrial land after the fcuktards have their way.

  13. Just one point to clarify; Ontario is not the world’s biggest non-sovereign debtor. That honour would go to Puerto Rico, which is, of course, bankrupt.
