22 Replies to “Crying Wolf for Rape and Racism”

  1. “I feel like they kind of messed it up for the rest of us,”
    That’s the whole point isn’t it ?
    Not that lying, or causing someone else pain, or possible jail sentences matter,
    [Duke University Lacrosse Team Rapes] [Rolling Stone Editorial Rapes]
    But that these poor, $22,116 Albany College tuition, disfranchised women of color,
    will have to be careful who/what they accuse next time…

  2. Obama has done more for racial relations in America than any president since Abe Lincoln..
    No sac/ tag needed…

  3. When will hate crimes against Muslims be subject to the same scrutiny as hate crimes against blacks?

  4. Just like with the infamous Duke LaCrosse rape case it was a total fake just like with Febuary as Black History Month and all the fruadulent claims by the Black Lies Matter con artists

  5. Albany University is a pre-law school.
    They were just doing On The Job Training..

  6. And there’s the rub. If progressive activists can’t advance their cause by fact or logic
    they lie and politicians and the media gobble it up. The emotion of sympathy seems to
    trump truth. The corrected story will gain little attention, or be completely ignored.
    The wolf will be free to howl again.

  7. The “black” fake victim snowflakes have been charged by the NYT with
    “delighting conservative media”. Sins don’t get much more serious than
    that in the topsy turvy world of leftist race whoring.
    The girls will have to volunteer their asses to the Cuban sugar cane
    harvest for the next ten years to wipe away such a bad transgression.

  8. With all the racism and oppression, I can’t help but wonder why the hyphenated Americans don’t leave America for their other respective homelands. There is no wall keeping them in.

  9. My good long time friends have visited us here in Florida. Great people, son has a masters degree, daughter owns a high end restaurant in Toronto. I don’t think of them as black but as part of the same culture as me. Yet because the Toronto crime scene as in US is dominated by blacks they’re affected by it. When articles like this one or exposed thugs like Brown and Martin blacks use as incredibly bad examples it tears their arguments apart and makes them laughable.

  10. Of course not. When you qualify the word “justice” with an adjective like social, environmental, economic, etc. it means you aren’t talking about actual justice and your objective almost certainly has nothing to do with improving social, environmental, or economic conditions either. So for the Right, if “the right” means conservatives, being a social justice warrior is anathema.

  11. Actually these fools do serve a purpose.
    Everytime they spoof the press, the more thoughtless readers/viewers the press sheds.
    The breathless idiocy of our presstitutes is wonderful to observe.
    If nonsense fits their agenda, they lap it up and amplify.
    If obvious evidence dents their narrative they gloss right by it, expecting the viewer to be too stupid to notice.
    Hence the 4 week hunger strike BS at CBC, she got fatter before our eyes as CBC praised her fortitude.
    Hence “Biblical Unprecedented Floods” while the high-level markers from 3 past floods tower over the twits head
    Missing and murdered aboriginal women, while the RCMP says solved 80% and most of the rest the evidence points close to home,but no cooperation from tribe and family.
    But its a mystery to CBC.CTV and Global.
    Black lives matter, total racism and the presstitutes lap it up and broadcast, cause to question such idiocy from pseudo black people would be “racist”.
    So the more they get played the more their following deserts them, the less advertising dollars they get and the less resources they have for investigative journalism.
    If any were capable.

  12. Taking mass transit … is like inviting 3 angry black activists to attack the white passengers … any cry “racism” ! “Racism” ! RAAAAACISM!!!!!! What do you expect when THUGS like (Obama’s adopted sons) Travon Martin, and Michael Brown are the progenitors of the Black Lies Matter movement. It’s THEIR TURN … to be racist. You deserve it … right ?

  13. So, some ratchets started a fight and then cried racism to try to justify it? I’m shocked!

  14. You mean all the little fake fires outside local mosques ?
    All I can say is that these imaginary Muslim “hate” crimes are committed by the worlds worst Arsons. Ha ha ha. Hey Mohammed ! Here are a couple tips for a more-successful faux hate crime … 1) disable YOUR OWN security cameras before setting the fire. 2) expand your fire insurance coverage at LEAST 6 months prior to torching your own building. 3) Set a more believable fire … hell, you might want to “sacrifice” some old parishioner (or two) … send them to meet Allah (may every tongue worship his satanic name) as martyrs. Much more believable.

  15. *
    “bill asks… I can’t help but wonder why the hyphenated Americans don’t leave America”
    sweet baby jebus… just google “liberia.”
    even the sh!tt!est neighbourhoods in urban america are better than just about any african locale i can think of. even with the crime, the descendants of blacks brought to the new world have it way better than their starving, disease-addled african & middle eastern counterparts who live without running water, schools or hospitals.

  16. During the summer, many drivers in certain parts of Canada find out that black flies splatter.

  17. Really sucks cause our road trip truck is white.
    The bug screen, front end and camper are black until the pressure washer gets fired up.
    And the smell.
    Yup I too agree with the SJW; “Blackflies splatter ”

  18. The young woman in the NYT photo on the left is going to double down; the middle one is weighing her options; the one on the right is going to start sobbing and cop a plea and turn on the other two.

  19. I don’t know about all you crackas, but the last time anyone in my family owned slaves, it was 100 years before the Norman Conquest, and they was speaking’ with a French accent!
    Still – I must be guilty.
    Here, take my sh*t.
