30 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. Looking forward to a mass revolt from the rank and file FBI if this crook doesn’t get indicted.

  2. I recall seeing a report recently (within the week) that state has now given over all of the emails to the FBI.
    An immunity deal means that they are now getting answers to questions they will now ask abedin et al and finally hrc herself. It shouldn’t be much longer and we will see the FBI take the mountain of indictments to the AG.

  3. Hillary’s sycophants will insist even her conviction is OK, because she looks so good in orange.
    I too think she will look really nice in regulation orange pantsuit.
    And no one can say she has not worked her whole life for this reward.

  4. If he survives to testify, he will have to go into the witness protection program. Tucson is pretty popular.
    I can’t remember where I read this, but it describes the three stages of Hillary denial, which went something like this:
    1- I didn’t do it.
    2- If I did it, I didn’t do it on purpose.
    3- The rules are so complicated nobody can understand them.

  5. Take down the little perps first, turning them against each other, while gathering evidence, then go after the ringleader. Sounds like SOP.
    Wasn’t the declined question to the effect of: Did you remove security markings from emails? I know that incident happened very recently, I believe in a congress hearing of some type on Fox.
    Anyway, too bad, again, the mediocracy can’t even stay ahead of interested observers.
    I guess they have to find evidence she as aware of any shenanigans &/or negligence. That can’t be easy. Additionally, it’s doubtful Clinton Foundation underlings would be dumb enough to leave evidence behind in their documents, but then again look at their terrible, horrible, no good very bad performance on emails.
    Bill & Hillary are too good at being investigated to leave any loose threads? Will sheer incompetence, reading an unmarked but clearly sensitive email and not immediately safeguarding it and launching an investigation, be enough to sink her? Probably not. The voters, though, will not be amused.
    Perhaps there’s some more dirt out there (sheer speculation on my part) that the mediocracy doesn’t wish to be aware of. Other than that, no way Obama gives her up.
    OTOH, methinks Trump has a mole close to the FBI investigation. I notice the scuttlebutt about whether or not she would go ahead with debates with Trump. I see a childish departure, maybe after one because he’s treating her so harshly, the sexist, fascist, therefore racist Hitler clone that he is. Everyone knows you can’t talk to people like that, just ask Carl Rove.
    Will potentially ratings deprived CNN agree though? The presumptive GOP nominee Trump, assuming an unsuccessful establishment kamikaze, I think has a very rough ride planned for her, no matter what happens in these investigations.

  6. Amazingly, many former potential witnesses to Clinton family malfeasance committed suicide, but the testimony of those who witnessed the death scenes and circumstances indicate clearly that there was tampering with the scenes and also with the evidence collected at the scenes.
    Here is a website which discusses the death scene of Vincent Foster(purported suicide), who was Deputy Attorney General in the Bill Clinton administration and the most high profile political death since President John Kennedy:
    Those who are familiar with the Vince Foster death investigation will know that the FBI itself was complicit in the cover-up of Vince Foster’s murder.

  7. I should have added that the FBI was also involved(during the BJ Clinton administration) of very questionable activities during the Ruby Ridge fiasco and the Waco Texas fiasco during which there were also cover-ups and later official investigations proved malfeasance on the part of the FBI.
    In conclusion, the Clintons have as much dirt on the FBI as the FBI has dirt on the Clintons.
    Noting this, it is difficult to ascertain whether the current cohort that composes the FBI will have the fortitude to do their duty and bring the Clinton crime family to any semblance of justice as the public may understand it to be today.

  8. Immunity means this bird will sing … without waiving a single constitutional right. I cannot wait to see who takes the fall. And I will be starting the Dead Pool with Hillary at 4-1 odds (for having a cerebral hemorrhage) before her first day in prison

  9. Here is the Democrat alternative, HRC, for American voters, after Super Tuesday:
    Got Law? How Hillary Clinton’s Lawlessness Gets Ignored…
    But then most astute folks know this harridan; has been on the ‘dark side’ for some time…
    See attached file ordered by the Federal Court of Appeals addendum to the Vince Foster ‘Starr report’;
    where the Judges felt that they could be tainted if the addendum of evidence was not added to the Starr report! ie the official Starr Report, absent the addendum, is a classic cover up. It strains credulity to assert that Vince Foster shot himself twice, once in the head, through the brain, and once in the neck and his fingerprints aren’t even on the gun…
    Follow up on all the contradictions, in the merits brief attached at the link below, show the Justice system grinds a little too slowly, when Vince Foster’s ‘suicide’ is demonstrably a murder by any fair evaluation of the evidence.
    Former Ambassador Leo Wanta, jailed for years and framed by the Bush and Clinton families, said during a recent radio interview there is no doubt in his mind Vince Foster, chief White House counsel to President Clinton, was murdered only weeks after giving Foster $250 million dollars earmarked for the Childrens’ Defense Fund.
    Wanta also said Monday on Greg Szymanski’s nightly edition of the Investigative Journal that he was aware Foster was about to testify against Clinton, providing another motive for Foster’s untimely death.
    Although Wanta had no idea what The Children’s Fund was all about, later a financial investigator, Marco Saba of the Organized Crime Observatory (OBO) in Switzerland wrote this about turned out to be a secret fund:
    “One component of this information concerns the activities of the CIA operative known as Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton. For some years prior to the elevation of her husband, Bill, a CIA operative like his ”CIA wife”, Hillary had been in control of an organization calling itself the Childrens’ Defense Fund. Executive Order 12333 (1981) of President Reagan, the US intelligence services were authorized to operate what became known as Title 18, Section 6 USG corporations for intelligence purposes, and to deny any intelligence community connection (that is, to lie about their real purpose).
    “Some of these entities have touchy-feely, welfarish titles, like The Childrens’ Defense Fund. It is alleged, on the basis of intelligence community leakages, that Hillary became accustomed to treating this fund as her own private slush fund.”
    Yes, I’m sure the average American voter wants to vote for HRC; so they can discover
    more bodies with unreported gun shot wounds which contradict the official suicide story…
    not to mention HRC’s “Ben Ghazi” debacle; where she let her own State Dept people get ‘iced’.
    Trump may be far from perfect; but HRC would be positively disastrous, as an incompetent dangerous lying harridan.
    Enjoy the readings… 
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  10. Follow up on all the contradictions of the Starr Report, in the merits brief attached at the links below and the Federal Court of Appeal forced addendum to the Starr Report, shows the Justice system grinds a little too slowly.
    Makes for interesting reading, with the compelling conclusion that Vince Foster was ‘iced’ rather than officially suicided.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  11. Some points:
    This guy wouldn’t be getting immunity unless:
    He and his lawyers had been shown evidence by the FBI that left no doubt that he would be found guilty of one or more (read thousands) serious crimes involving real jail time.
    And that the FBI ‘knew’ that there were one or more people more senior than this guy is who are also guilty.
    And that this guy would provide solid corroborating and airtight evidence that will be strong enough to put those people in jail.
    The FBI is using 150 people on this case. They wouldn’t be using that many bodies if they didn’t think that crimes were committed at the very highest levels within state.
    It is safe to argue now that there is no longer suspicion of crimes having been committed but that crimes HAVE been committed.
    Hillary hasn’t given a presser to going on three months now. With sanders in the rearview mirror the idle press now have ample reason to push hard for one.
    Read last night that recommendations for an indictment likely won’t reach the AG before May. That’s long past the time to draft Biden someone else. It’s Bernie or it’s HRC. (I think that is deliberate on the part of the FBI)

  12. Gord, do you believe that AG Lynch is actually going to pick this up, that HRC is actually going to be indicted? I think Lynch will balk at first. But I also think once more skeletons start emerging, that pressue will build for the DNC for her to end her campaign. Things have been fairly quiet up until now, so she has been permitted to carry on with her campaign. Things will start moving now that stoolies are singing. How much dirt she has on Obama will determine the difference between whether she asks for a pardon and a ride off into the sunset……or a complete stay of grand jury indictment. Then there are always bribes, promising to appoint Obama to the SCOTUS if he won’t compel Lynch to indict. One thing is for sure – HRC is not without cards. I don’t, for one second, believe she will see one day in a jail cell, no matter what happens.

  13. “[The] three stages of Hillary denial, which went something like this:
    1- I didn’t do it.
    2- If I did it, I didn’t do it on purpose.
    3- The rules are so complicated nobody can understand them.”
    They have a name for this. It’s called the Mike Duffy Defence.

  14. Another twist I was thinking about………….
    Since this staffer has immunity now, what is to stop him from just confessing to the whole thing and thus getting HRC off the hook? Is his immunity conditional in any way>

  15. Conventional theory is that the FBI recommends indicting and that Obama orders the AG not to indict so as to protect hrc and get her elected and this keep obamas legacy alive.
    The problem with that for Obama is that it is very likely that:
    The FBI director and several others within the Dept resign in protest as well the may be others in the intelligence agencies to follow suit.
    This would quickly be seen as a potus meddling with justice to a level not seen since Nixon.
    And probably five minutes after they resign the entire details of the file will be leaked for everyone to see and hrc is sunk anyway.
    I think Obama is far too narcisstic to let his reputation be hit with a Nixon mark. He would rather see hrc go down and then his legislation/executive action be deleted by a GOP potus that let that happen. And besides he can then blame someone else hrc and the GOP for his legacy not surviving. And we all know he loves to have someone to blame.

  16. Too many other big fish to fry..

    Never forget, Bill Clinton.
    He had a special meeting with Obama out on the golf course and I feel sure they talked about Hillary’s future, and what Obama’s future would be in the Hillary administration….
    They have also released little bits of intrigue that Coleen Powell, and Condi Rice also had their own private servers while in the State Dept.
    Keeping watching for Obama to wave his magic pen and squash the investigation.
    Low information democratic voters don’t give a shit either way,
    it would give her more voters..

  17. The first rule of Professional IT guys working for politicians: CYA backups are your friends.
    Encryption is easy, jail time for flunkies is hard.

  18. Hillary has thrown so many career people under the bus that her list of enemies must be huge. One thing to ruin a career another to leave men while under fire. I suspect that a few patriots will never forgive her for that and will get their revenge.
    If the GOP do not have their campaign revelations already in the can they should be fired. Unlike Canada where few CPC insiders have bit the dust the Americans usually get rid of such people.

  19. Kenji: “Immunity means this bird will sing”
    OTOH this bird can now blame himself for everything, given his transactional immunity.
    I understand his lawyer proffered his client’s testimony to the FBI. Anyway, now he must tell the truth. If he lies, the deal is off, if the FBI can prove it. I’m smelling a gambit here (again pure speculation). I hope the FBI has their ducks in a row. If they screw this up they will get roasted but good.
    My question, why would the FBI go to all this trouble to investigate triple employee Huma Abedin, who is due to be interviewed under oath soon, as the logical evidentiary lynch pin. If not for her, isn’t Hillary the next logical choice in the chain?
    Fox’s overexcited legal expert said today that it’s likely the deal is for him to testify at a grand jury, which in his argument would already have been convened. If that happens or anything near a grand jury, expect a monster legal fight from Hillary’s and the Clinton Foundation.
    Right in the middle of a presidential election campaign.

  20. The Us Federal court system doesn’t recognize transactional (blanket) immunity. It must be testimonial.

  21. What a presidentiall election this is turning out to be, eh Shamrock ? America is beginning to resemble a corrupt Banana Republic … sheesh. Of course you are right about the indeterminate outcome of Mr. IT’s testimony. I was expressing my HOPE for justice and equality. The idea of HRC getting away with secrecy while serving in a public office simply cannot stand. If she gets away with the secret server and hidden communications … our representative republic is OVER. If the elites get-away with protecting one another, then the fascist dictatorship is complete. America is gone.
