Mediocre Wednesday

Look at the numbers in Virginia.
This is a perfect setup for Trump to continue on. Rubio and Cruz both won and won’t be quitting. Kasich isn’t going to stop until Ohio. No one knows what Carson is thinking.
So the vote split continues and pretty much guarantees that Trump will be the nominee. He sounded a lot more reasonable yesterday during his press conference.
Update:Carson is out.

64 Replies to “Mediocre Wednesday”

  1. A couple of points (in part to keep me thinking positively):
    Trump Cruz Rubio Kasich Carson
    316 226 106 25 8
    (1,237 Needed to Win)
    So it’s not exactly a runaway yet, a lead of just 80, and only a quarter of the way there. Regardless of the media’s calls that it’s over, it’s not. The same media that said Trump had no chance are the ones saying it’s over. It’s neither. Trump is in the lead but it’s nowhere near over yet.
    Second point:
    Cruz/Rubio/Kasich/Carson are aware that they are splitting the vote. Especially Cruz and Rubio. So I would not rule out some kind of action on their part. Whether Kasich/Carson care or not, nobody knows it seems. But I would expect that Cruz/Rubio would rather see the other win than Trump, so I would not rule out some kind of deal on their part.

  2. Sound “more reasonable” ? From day one Trump has sounded reasonable to me and I am proud to say that. He is no man’s fool and that has been clear from the start.
    I find the anti-Trump sentiment absolutely no different than the anti-Harper sentiment in the last election. It’s irrational and it is based purely on emotion.
    Hopefully our friends to the south will be smarter than the idiots in Canada who put our current fool in power, all because they hated Harper even though they couldn’t give a single good reason as to why.

  3. Anybody got a good site for results so far?
    Every time Trump gains another CINO’s head blows up.
    The hysteria from the Guild of Political Parasites warms my heart.
    The idiocy of accusing voters who support Trump of sins and crimes against democracy sort of highlights the contempt these jackals have for the taxpayer.
    The establishment Republicans sound just like the establishment Democrats,
    “We believe in the democratic process,.everyone must have the right to vote. How dare you fools vote for That GUY.”
    Maybe the key is establishment.
    Power corrupts, centralized power centralizes the corruption.
    Parasites establish themselves where the feeding is easy.
    DC, Ottawa are feeling no pain. Suffer none of the pain they inflict.
    The wealth still pours in from the many, enriching the well Established few.

  4. Fly, ointment: Trump needs 1237 delegates to secure the nomination. Given the proportional distribution of delegates, the more candidates running, the more distribution, the less likely Trump will reach that number before the convention. Furthermore, rumor has it that Romney will get in if necessary to prevent Trump from reaching 1237. Then, the GOPe will broker a Rubio (or Kasich) nomination.

  5. Rent a boy Rubio and Hillary for rent will be the last two standing and Hillary will be president. I think that is the third time I said this on this site. The establishment will not be taken down by a democratic vote. They are too well entrenched into the system.

  6. Trump had a good night, so did Cruz.
    The RINOS are going to have a hard time spinning Rubio as a contender but they will try. But then there is Florida. Rubio has to win his home state. But Trump is ahead in the polls and the current and past Governors have endorsed Trump.
    If Trump takes Florida Rubio’s campaign is pretty much done.
    Trump/Cruz for the win.

  7. Baloney Lance.
    Trump underperformed versus his polling leading up to yesterday IN EVERY STATE. And the KKK/Duke comments have barely begun to sink in.
    Rubio did indeed barely miss winning VA and had he won the headlines would be very different indeed.
    So on March 15 if rubio wins FL – which in light of the fact he would be the first floridian to be a GOP nom seems very likely – and kasich is a lock for ohio – both winner take all.
    And a close look at the numbers shows that trump does better in states where education levels/poverty is higher. Going forward as the primaries move west and north that is less the case and cruz and or rubio will do better.
    And the florida pollsters you reference missed cruz’ texas number by double digits.
    Last nights results point to no clear winner by the time cleveland rolls around. And if trump doesn’t win out right prior to the convention he will lose at the convention.
    {EDIT: SpamLookup – Keyword Filter -10.0 Word Filter match on ‘kkk’: ‘KKK’.]

  8. If Rubio isnt able to win his home State of Florida, its Trump all the way to Nov. Kasich will have to fight to win Ohio.
    With HRC and large parts of the media against the Republican nominee
    (whomever it is) it will be decisve to be able to expand the map. HRC is a weak candidate, for someone able to play the game. Both, Rubio and Cruz, are Republicans not likely to be ablke to successfully expand the may, or to beat HRC decisively.
    The party will hve to embrace Trump in the end, or will break up.
    Long story short: if there is no big surprise in the next round, this race is over. It could then be Trump / Cruz.

  9. Trump is not just smart, he’s brilliant. He may sound scary to liberals hiding in their safe spaces, but to real people who live in the real world, he sound positively comforting. He is going to do what the “people” want him to do. That is why all the marionette masters on both sides are losing their minds …. they are losing their gravy train.
    He will rise to the occasion … because he’s a brilliant guy and not a pre programmed stooge of the back room boys

  10. Trump has been a democrat his whole life, if you look at his positions. Harper has not.
    I am anti-Trump because I don’t believe a word coming out of his month. In fact, from one day to the next he changes what he says. Who the heck knows what he thinks? Apart from the fact there will be a wall on the Mexican border, there is literally nothing else I think you can count on with him. So if immigration is the only issue to care about, then Trump’s your man. However, if you care about Supreme Court justices, foreign affairs, the economy, taxation, debt, social issues, then Trump is just an open book to which you are projecting your desires, and you will be sorely disappointed to find Trump reverts to the same Trump he has been his whole life.

  11. I find it bizarre that people believe Trump is some kind of outsider. The guy has been schmoozing with politicians and lobbyists nationwide his whole life. He changes positions from one day to the next. He is the ultimate insider and always has been. Not once in his life is there an example of Trump fighting for some kind or principle. He’s a crony capitalist with friends on both sides of the political spectrum. He believes in big government, big debt, big ties between government and industry, big lobbyists, big cocktail parties with the important people, and so on. If that’s what you like, Trump’s your man.
    Now, I do believe he is still better than a Democrat. But he’s not my choice.

  12. Seriously, you have absolutely no proof or even basic evidence of anything you said. How do you know he is “He is going to do what the people want him to do.” And what exactly is “what the people want”? Trump is like a used car salesman. He says what you want to hear until the deal is closed. After that you’re left with a lemon.

  13. scf, bingo.
    I don’t believe a word out of his mouth either. Nada.
    I have said that I was initially excited to hear my head tape loop being vocalized by a pol.
    Well, whoopie to that. Saying is not doing.
    r e a s o n a b l e ?
    Means this:
    He will wiggle his way out of all his big bold promises.
    Already, the staunch Israel supporter has gone neutral.
    And mark my words: he’ll soften up on the hot immigration issue too. He’s already hinting that “there are a lot of good people” in the undocumented community. And he’s said there will be negotiation
    lance will have the last laugh. Bet on it. And there are gonna be a lot of red faces among the SDA community at least on those brave enough to return.

  14. ” Trump has been a democrat his whole life,”
    ” I find it bizarre that people believe Trump is some kind of outsider…”
    Democrat or Liberal, as in liberal of the John Stuart Mill type?
    Or is that an Obamanation progressive democrat?
    Even if you are right, so what?
    Any 80s democrat has no party left to belong to.
    Democrats have gone full statist kleptocracy.
    Because the republicans have drifted every more socialist, they have become a more natural fit with the old liberals and left nowhere for the small government citizens to go.
    Anyone who believes in balanced ,responsible government is an outsider today.
    What Trump personally believes is irrelevant, if he is really a clinton, does not matter, the citizens are going to reward the parasites feeding off of them.
    Trump provides a focus.
    If not this way, then by the old ways, those baked right into the constitution.
    The professional politicians have established a fine kleptocracy.
    Works real good for those inside.
    However those outside outnumber them and have begun to see the game.
    The angry young voters for Bernie can and probably will swing Trump.

  15. Not sure it would be an explicit deal – but a natural focus by cruz on states he thinks he can win and cruz on the ones he feels are winnable for him seems likely – after march 15.
    Before then – two weeks of hard core attacks on trump along with a debate that trump may decline to attend (at his peril) could change the course of the campaign dramtically as has happened many times before – Gingrich/Romney being a recent example.

  16. Cruz is a “pro-programmed Stooge?” really?
    Trump has one huge, all-encompassing flaw that no one has properly addressed IMO.
    He is completely devoid of principles.
    I challenge any trump suppprter to cite a case in his entire career where he has not exchanged a position to make a deal or be more appealing to his current audience.
    Great men are – without exception – first and foremost men of principle. Trump is not a great man.

  17. I don’t think that is true. I don’t think you have any basis for the claim. I believe Trump is a more principled person than Hillary, and many other corrupt politicos.

  18. I do not expect him to stick to all of his promises. He will use common sense and get things done. If he backs off of getting rid of all illegals (probably not practical), he will focus on the ones causing real problems. He will avoid stupid decisions that give the upper hand to America’s enemies.

  19. Are you serious?
    There are hundreds of examples:
    Pro abortion including partial birth
    Now says he’s anti abortion
    Wears Asian made clothing and yet wants to have a trade war with China et al
    Was for Obamacare now wants to get rid of it – now wants to expand in it
    Was a democrat now isn’t. Was pals with Hillary now wants to prosecute her.
    And on and on and on.

  20. Desperation does not even begin to describe the GOP.
    Just heard that Romney is warming up for a “big announcement”
    Pure terror from the establishment tools.
    Rush out Romney a two time loser, a man too PC to even defend himself, let left alone small government philosophy .
    This Romney got steamrolled by Obama and the fat lady , when the simple facts would have carried the day…
    Romney,PC surrender monkey,he’s back to “Save the Establishment GOP”.
    Yup I can see that working.
    Sort of how the “But… K*K ,he’s racist wails from Megan Kelly and the race baiters.
    Way too funny.
    The very people Trump feeds off of so successfully are playing into his hands.
    Here we go again, Trump is done,Disqualifying statements…
    Best election ever.
    Once this is over we should form the F.U/E.A Party of Canada.
    Or none of the above for short.
    Simple campaign, first 350 people change their names to NOTA Z1 through Z350.
    Then they say nothing, do just get on ballot.
    Other team, comes out loud obnoxious and wilfully non politically correct.
    Call parasites what they are and accept the vitriol and fear from the kleptocrats and their willing slaves.
    Play the mediums ala Trump.
    By election time most voters will be happy to vote NOTA.

  21. if it is a brokered convention and trump is out then the gop is finished as a party. trump and his supporters will run as a third party and possibly win.

  22. and you can’t quite grasp the concept of” the rise of the middle class”, and that about places your opinion in perspective!
    and you like many others in here just don’t get, it’s not about Trump, it’s about the f*cked up political “industry” , once the fool tools get that……………….

  23. The convention won’t be brokered – no chance if that in the social media age. No one will be able to ride herd on any group of delegates.
    It will be an open vote past the first ballot if it comes to that. And if trump wants to go against the will of a democratic vote process then the loss in the general will be on him.

  24. All the RINO’s are out of a Job…The childish moronic idea that Cruz or Rubio can inherit Trump supporters is a death wish… Without Trump in the race they can hold their rallies in a phone booth.. Time for the hard core corrupt losers to leave and form their own party…They are not really conservative, they just mumble the creed and fill their pockets……Trumps NEW supporters have more than replaced the sad sack crony thieves…
    If they don’t stop the nonsense Trump will win the Presidency as an Independent, and the crony worthless Republicans will lose the Congress…The Stock market will flat line!

  25. The usual complaint I hear is that the “conservative” flipflopped to “liberal” because they were hiding in the weeds. Now someone who professed to be a liberal is now claiming to be otherwise in the positions they are taking now and so they aren’t pur laine enough? Unless Trump’s idea is to flip 180 degrees BACK once he immediatley get elected while laughing and pointing the finger at the electorate and almost literally yelling “hahahaha gotcha!!!!!”…….I just don’t see that.
    The USA is facing an existential crisis in my opinion. Just slamming the gates shut on Muslim and illegal immigration ALONE (along with reigning in ruinous spending) would mean he would be a success. The alone is enough of a task. Let the next guy deal with the social issues BS. There is enough on the plate as it is.

  26. Right on…It is a revolt but not a revolution yet.
    The ones that do get it are the ones in tune with the anger against:
    -PC gone mad; Self Destruction/image of Caucasians AKA white male (Police, business entrepreneurs etc…), Destruction of family values. Stifling of Christian values and traditions. Sneering at middle class “fly over” mid America.
    -Globalization which includes:
    – National Sovereignties disintegration/open borders/Hostile immigration via unnatural couplings of irreconcilable religions/cultures
    -Climate Change super scam/Destruction of industries/OPEC Saudi rulers corruption w/Washington
    – Unfair (Deliberate) free trade agreements for the benefit of Corporations leaving home base, destroying well paying middle class salaries replaced by minimum wage service industry to sell stuff that use to be homemade.
    – Fed reserve/IMF deliberate impoverishment by debt for Nations w/complicit UN
    – Media/Hollywood socialist/Commie propaganda
    Trump is on his way to the Whitehouse…If he is permitted to get there:
    If there is foul play of any kind, the now larger tent “Tea party” movement or what they call themselves; “The silent Majority” now which now includes thousands of ex DEM voters, a real revolution might be at hand.
    AND, if Trump (Establishment) tricks the people and it goes back to business as usual. The GOP will truly be finished and all bets are off for the future; Rupture of the Union quite possible.

  27. Katich will hold to Ohio in the hoped of winning some delegates so he can have something to barter with one of the leading contenders in the hopes of thwarting Trump in Ohio and ultimately keeping a ‘bought’ president in the white house. Wait and see if I am right … maybe ….

  28. Trump supports planned parenthood. Supports a more expanded level of universal healthcare than obamacare, is a protectionist, supports eminent domain. He is not a conservative.

  29. For more than 8 years, Americans have been electing Conservatives, to do conservative things, and all the GOP does with their majorities is surrender to Obama and the left. People have had enough of the spinelessness; to them it appears that the conservative vote is courted at election then the establishment runs the show and insults the great unwashed that voted them the majorities. They just work hand-in-glove with the ruling class via the media.
    If electing “conservatives” doesn’t get results, at least elect someone who will shake the establishment up. Trump’s appeal is across the board and the GOP establishment will destroy the GOP if they try to trick him out of the Presidential run.
    I haven’t heard so much hysterical blather on this subject than comes from the GOP establishment. They repeat he is a loser against St. Clinton. HA! That shows what world they live in.

  30. But the GOP establishment is done. That is a plus. It hasn’t done anything conservative anyway, just a fraud itself.

  31. Doesn’t that tell you how out-of-touch the political establishment, especially the GOP, are when they think it is a good idea to run Romney as a candidate? He’s already been rejected.

  32. Incorrect – true conservatives have only been getting elected to the house in any organized fashion since 2010 – post the start of the tea party. And even then only as GOP moderates have retired. This will only be the second general since then and the last had a left of the party moderate at the top of the ticket.
    There is still a majority in both house and senate of moderate to left GOP reps. We need at least one more if not two cycles before that situation is reversed.

  33. “He is not Conservative”
    A)He supports the Health of Women… The Planned Parenthood defunding statement by JEB Bush was walked back when Trump shoved it up his butt in the first debate…Buzz words are for idiots
    B) Competition across State lines is not Universal healthcare….The real debate is how do you pay for those that can’t pay
    c) Protectionist of American interests is not Conservative?
    D) The SCOTUS has ruled that cities MAY use eminent domain to re-develop.. The argument is always the way good faith negotiations take place. In NJ Atlantic City the Republican Governor (chief of Staff) was a jack boot fascist and the Courts stopped her… Christy Whitman was/is a moron

  34. The vast minority of pp funding goes to birth control and abortion. Not women’s health. Sale of fetal parts is a revenue stream. This is very well documented. Trump has no excuse for not knowing that.
    He wants universal funding of healthcare – that is a broader intrusion into healthcare than Obamacare. Cross border competition is supported by ever GOP candidate. The rest of trump a healt position is just gibberish.
    Protectionism is not conservatism. It is a part of the GOP wing held by Buchanan in the past. The GOP and conservatives support free markets.
    Eminent domain to create rights of way for the general public good are one thing. Hotel parking is quite another. Nobody said it wasn’t illegal.

  35. “The NYT says it has a taped interview where trump says he will soften on immigration.”
    And this will not stick either, however it will blowback on the New York Times, Duh off the record..if we like you..
    Trust us .
    By attempting this gotcha the NYT just created another 50 000 new Trump voters.
    The parasites are getting eaten .
    If you had been paying attention, Trump qualifies his schtick already.
    “At this time”..not an ideologue.
    What is this “conservative” of which you wish to protect the ideological purity there of?
    The time honoured schtick of throw everything, hope something sticks is not going to work on Showman Trump, but it does unite the voters who hate their ineffectual elected “representatives”And their lapdog presstitutes.
    At 6:20 “There is still a majority in both house and senate of moderate to left GOP reps. We need at least one more if not two cycles before that situation is reversed.”
    Bullcrap, enough already their time is up.
    How many pretty promises do you need?

  36. Well Gord, I’d love to actually hear the whole tape for, you know, context? Trump has already publically addressed that concern before anyway, saying that someday there should be immigration again, but the way it is today is dangerous and needs to be stopped NOW, hence the necessity of a border wall. Once the immigration issue is analyzed and fixed, then immigration can begin again and to have it being done the way it should have been, or more to the point, the way it used to be.
    As for all those other social issues you mentioned, Planned Parenthood, imminent domain, health care?They won’t matter if illegal and/or Muslim immigration continues to swamp America and exacerbate their unfunded liabilities that are approaching $220 TRILLION.
    It is all well and good to have 100% “conservative principles” and that might help you sleep at night, but what about when being utterly inflexible in that regard will get you 100% of nothing? Like I said, as long as Trump will cut the legs off illegal immigration, and address out of control spending as he says he will, nothing else matters because nothing else will be left to apply “conservative principles” to if those aren’t addressed BEFORE anything else.

  37. No,Trump is not a “great man”. Neither are any of the others running for President in either Party,and Hillary is certainly NOT a “great woman”.
    American conservatives have to select the person who is capable of winning to run against the Democrats,whether that person can be described as “great” is immaterial.
    I think we’ve gone way past the era of great men. Greatness is attained by overcoming character building struggles over a person’s life. They’re usually described as “great” long after the person is dead. While alive, even Winston Churchill, whom I would describe as a great man, was not revered by all and sundry,especially his political opponents.
    Yankee conservatives have to quit destroying their candidates in the selection process (notice how Hillary and Bernie never get really nasty against each other?), and select the person most capable of defeating Hillary Clinton. Nothing else matters.
    I don’t care if it’s Trump,Rubio,Cruz,Carson,or Kasich,Americans need to get behind the guy who can win.
    America cannot survive another 4 or 8 years of Democrat corruption and remain a free Country.

  38. You forgot to mention Trump, Don……………….
    Look, if we believe the Party of Stupid, there is a movement afoot to subjugate the democracy of the primaries, where Trump is leading, so that candidate ABT (Rube, Romney the failure, Elvis, etc) will be brokered to be the candidate, because Trump so Awful, not a conservative, a Klinton plant, etc, etc, blather, blather.
    If the GOP were to pull something undemocratic, like this, they will never elect another president, it will rip the party apart. All those delegates supporting Trump must be considered, as to THEIR actions, if the PoS appoints their official crony candidate. They will, by and large, turn their backs at election time, if the party has a junta.
    Political Suicide. Party of Stupid. They do this, its clear, the GOP supports Hitlery

  39. Gord, imagine you own beautiful mansions and apartments, a massive yacht, an ultra-luxurious jet, and anything else you desire. You can do whatever you want with your life. You can golf, fish, travel, sleep in till noon, whatever you want. You can wear the most comfortable, expensive clothes, dine on the best cuisine. For the rest of your life. You can essentially already have the power and wealth to do as you please.
    Now imagine you become the president of the USA. You have to wear a bullet proof vest and be guarded 24 hours a day. You have no private life, and your schedule is dictated to you by the needs of one of the most demanding jobs in the country. You have to lower your standards for travel and living accommodations, and worst of all, you become a target for every kook, Muslim, and unfriendly government, not to mention possibly people inside the government. A person would have to be crazy to want to take on that kind of lifestyle, unless he really wanted to make a difference.
    Of the 15 state contests so far, Trump has 10 first place finishes, and Cruz has 4. Cruz has come in third or fourth 7 times, Trump has only once finished below second place. Based on this, Ted Cruz is requesting and hoping that Rubio will drop out, even though Rubio has only received 7% fewer total votes than Cruz. Cruz has stated time and again that he can succeed in getting more votes than Trump, although the numbers so far prove that claim untrue. Cruz also claims that only he can win a general election, yet he cannot even garner enough votes from his own party to lead the race for the nomination. Whatever you may think why this is, Cruz has alienated non-conservatives and middle voters too much to receive their support, and these primaries are proving that to be true. There are more Democrats than Republicans, and millions of independents. America needs a candidate that can draw votes from all three categories, as Ronald Reagan did when he won two landslide elections.
    Trump may not be as conservative as some or enen msny, but neither is he a liberal, and anyone who tries to convince you that Trump is a liberal is a liar. A liberal would not want to build a wall. A liberal would not want to enforce and enhance immigration laws. A liberal would not want to bomb ISIS back to the stone age. A liberal would not want to bring back waterboarding “and worse” for terrorists. A liberal would not want to protect your right to own and carry a gun to protect yourself. A liberal would not want to build up the military. A liberal would not want to take care of vets. A liberal would not support the police. A liberal would not want to negotiate trade deals that give the USA an advantage for once. A liberal would not want to remove the death tax or give companies incentives to hire legal Americans. A liberal would not punish companies for outsourcing jobs overseas.
    So unless you want the Democrats to build on the previous 8 years of the destruction of the USA, I suggest you think more about the only candidate who has enough broad support to bring their nation back from the brink.

  40. Tomorrow Romney attacks?
    Trumps response, “Gee Mitch imagine if you had had the guts to say that to Obama.”

  41. Notice the NYTimes never released or even hinted at the Obama off the record tape they have of him.
    The left is getting desperate. This is not about Trump. This is about a middle lower & upper-class revolt against a political hereditary class that has nothing but disdain & contempt for Americans in general. Themselves thinking there “citizens” of the World. Would be philosopher kings looking down their noses at citizens. Thinking they know better whats good for people.Bowing before their powerful patrons while destroying their own nation . An oligarchy that has done nothing like out politicians in Canada but be politicians.Living on our tax money for a life time. High level bums in other words.
    Trump is only a condition for the rising realization of Americans they have no say any more. No one that represents them as citizens.When your forced as here by anti American or Canadian common sense making them train there own foreign replacements. AS they watch every government organ turn against them including academia.From the IRS, Justice department, EPA, FBI.All controlled by the White house now against the populace. If Trump does not win i figure revolution will be the only answer to the corruption culture of DC.

  42. Gord Tulk is spot on all the way through this thread.
    One quibble: forget the “great man” notion. Hitler was a great man, the term properly understood.
    It is a question of C H A R A C T E R.
    My last words to an old friend in a toxic correspondence during the first Obama election campaign were:
    I had also opined that the great healer would set race relations back 50 years.
    Ditto Trump. A man of very poor character in my opinion.
    DO check out the detailed pieces on Trump Univeristy. Absolutely unbelievable.
    And people can actually believe that he can be a champion of the little guy?! Or NME666’s “middle class”.
    It is to laugh!
    That said, the rise of Trump is a good thing.
    Perhaps after the yuge disaster that will be The Second Emperor (Obama being the first) there will be a chance to recover the republic.

  43. He was asked about immigration. On cnn and he said everything is negotiable.
    NYT said they would release tape only of trump said okay. He hasn’t.
