Mediocre Wednesday

Look at the numbers in Virginia.
This is a perfect setup for Trump to continue on. Rubio and Cruz both won and won’t be quitting. Kasich isn’t going to stop until Ohio. No one knows what Carson is thinking.
So the vote split continues and pretty much guarantees that Trump will be the nominee. He sounded a lot more reasonable yesterday during his press conference.
Update:Carson is out.

64 Replies to “Mediocre Wednesday”

  1. Silly to we are past the time of great men (or women). Antonin Scalia was a great man.
    Ted Cruz is a man of exceptional principles and whether he materializes into a great man remains to be seen.

  2. I disagree. I see no reason to think that Trump is of poor character. He is a business man — so in that context he will seek out profits and sometimes end up screwing up. I think he is a decent human being. He does not drink or smoke. People who know him personally speak highly of him. He is smart and can offer some sensible solutions to the problems being faced in the US. Unlike some of the other candidates he is at least willing to name the problems. I think he cares about his country and that that is the main reason he is running.
    Trump U appears to be a screw up. I think that probably was an instance of his negotiating with some agency who used his name. Probably not the best deal he ever made, but the business was run by a third party.

  3. Cite one poll where trump beats Hillary.
    Th bushes all gave up rich cushy lives to serve. So did the kennedys. So did fdr. And Dewey. And Romney And a whole lot of other people.
    As for trumps winning record: it gets a lot tougher as we move out of the south east. Polling done back in December shows that trumps popularity waned as you move west and north.
    And the large majority of primaries going forward are closed – GOP only and that hurts him too.
    Kasich wins Ohio. And I think Rubio takes Florida – a native son of Florida has never been a potus nom – floridians will not turn their back on the first one to try.
    It looks like it won’t be decided until the convention. Cruz’ positions on all of the items you outline are all to the right of trump. And much better defined.

  4. You are missing the obvious.
    Trumps meme, the media are the enemy.Establishment are all colluding against citizens.
    Daring the NYT to leak, thus violating their word.
    if they play into his hands, bonus to Trump.
    Thats worth a few million new voters.
    F.U being the voters main attitude.

  5. You outline paranoia. Unless you are saying I’m part of the republican establishment. Or that ted Cruz is.
    It is blatantly obvious that trump is elastic man when it comes to policy positions. Which means his underlying ethics are made of similar quicksand.

  6. “You outline paranoia. Unless you are saying I’m part of the republican establishment. Or that ted Cruz is.”
    No I outline anger.
    You can only rip people off , sneer at them and betray their interests for so long.
    Gee voters are pissed right off.
    And thats paranoia ?
    And by definition a Senator is what?
    The senate is not part of the establishment?
    I said nothing about Cruz.And You? This is about you?.
    Yes Trump is fluid, great showman, manipulates the media dickheads beautifully.
    If is not about policy.
    The CINO’s stoked the citizens anger, then betrayed them.
    Trump will ride that to victory.
    Trump does not matter, the movement is flooding out.
    Trump is bad for the Greedy Old Parasites.

  7. LindaL:
    Trump University was not a screw up.
    It was a out and out scam.
    Now it’s possible that he just hired out his brand to 3rd parties who ran this shameless scam.
    But that wouldn’t change my view of Trump.
    If that was the case a honourable man with his dough would refund the “tuition”.
    I have a great deal of respect for your views here and genuinely hope I’m wrong about his poor character.
    Trump is a super salesman who will say anything to make the sale.
    Gonna be a lot of buyer’s remorse if he becomes POTUS.

  8. You can’t tout trumps front runner status and simultaneously disregard the depth of polling that shows him trailing Hillary.

  9. One is a fact – one is a projection. Polls didn’t make Trump the front runner.
    Are you confused about reality and projections … and what those mean?

  10. Gord, I don’t disregard thise polls, I regard and dismiss them. If Trump had acted 100% in accord to what the polls said about him previously, he’d have been gone a long time ago. Instead, he relied upon his own intincts that they were wrong, and they obviously were. Winning primary after primary is what proves his front runner status because it is a quantifiable result, not yet more polls that can be proven wrong tomorrow like all the others were.

  11. Things I know (or I think I know)
    1) No one is perfect. The biggest imperfection is the believe that you, or someone you worship is perfect.
    2) Decisions on any matter, made by anyone, may not be the perfect solution.
    3) What makes a really bad decision is a decision that will not be reversed, however bad … call it “principle” or progressive.
    4) Being flexible or “elastic” is not a bad thing. Think of the countries, and their leaders, that aren’t “elastic”.
    5) A very small number of people, via the lobby groups, have an inordinate amount of control of policy decisions.
    6) A large number of politicians are being bought off by the lobby groups.
    I’m not much of a Trump person … I think he’s an asshole. But, he’s what is needed (because he doesn’t need anyone but the public). Maybe after 8 years of Trump the politicians will understand why they are in DC.

  12. The question in everyone’s mind is – what Nobel prize will he get for doing nothing?
