36 Replies to “No. Part II”

  1. So in other words, he laments that he actually has an opposition to deal with.
    Stupid little fop.

  2. You mean Kathleen Wynne his higher god who is now supporting Quebec’s demand for more money for Bombardier?

  3. What completely baffles me is the idea that building a pipeline will magically increase the CO2. The oil going through the proposed pipeline will simply replace the foreign oil already being used with domestic oil.

  4. Talk, talk, talk, talk. Talk
    More consultations. We must find the common ground. While jetting across Canada and the planet for that matter. To find solutions that all Canadians can develop a consensus on. Yes. Yes. The answer is YES.
    The second last quote is rather telling. Don’t you think???
    “Actually, what we’re trying to do is decrease consumption of oil and gas,” he said.

  5. “Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall continues to torpedo any talk of carbon pricing, and there was talk in the corridors Wednesday of Saskatchewan not participating in a proposed federal-provincial working group looking at carbon price models.”
    Nice to see our Premier standing firm against all the idiocy that seems to be infesting our country as of late.
    Notice how Wall is being portrayed as the bad guy for “torpedoing” carbon pricing talks? He is doing no such thing. The other cretins can surge ahead and talk all they want about carbon pricing for their own jurisdictions. I’m sure that Premier Wall won’t interfere with their misguided pipe dream. As for opting out of so-called “working groups” … good on the Premier for not wasting his time on stupid feel-good get-togethers. If you’re not going to implement carbon taxes, why attend meetings to discuss them?
    Hopefully Wall’s example will cause a few other premiers to muster some intestinal fortitude. But I’m not holding my breath.

  6. What I don’t get is no one in the MSM will refute or do some investigative journalism on the false statement that the globe has warmed up by 1 degree. It is a fact that there has been no global warming for the last 19 years. Even Michael Mann (AKA De-bunked hockey stick guy) agrees that observed temperatures have not been rising like the computer models predicted.

  7. What I don’t get is no one in the MSM will refute or do some investigative journalism on the false statement that the globe has warmed up by 1 degree. It is a fact that there has been no global warming for the last 19 years. Even Michael Mann (AKA De-bunked hockey stick guy) agrees that observed temperatures have not been rising like the computer models predicted.

  8. “heralding the promise of jobs and opportunity in a low-carbon economy.”
    Gee, where could I have heard that before?…

  9. By the time Prime Minister Poopy Pants is done we may have two countries where there was once one.

  10. “By the time Prime Minister Poopy Pants is done we may have two countries where there was once one.”
    Just two?
    We may well end up with 13.

  11. The thing is we want Trudeau to just talk, talk talk and DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on this file. He can come up with his policy frameworks and have consultations with stakeholders to forge plans for the path forward to a green unicorn candyland all he wants. I want him to continue spending all his time talking, talking, talking without doing ANYTHING for the next 4 years.

  12. “environment-shouldnt-become-arena-for-political-fights-trudeau”
    Have I missed something?
    Where did the Globe and Mail get the above line from?

  13. PM selfie needs to go skiing more often
    Please let there be an avalanche
    The irony will be, that “Mother Nature” got him

  14. Can you imagine the two worst managed provinces in the country, Ontario and Quebec talking about the “process” for considering the eastern pipeline. …what a joke the two of them are. it’s sickening and people believe this S….t. Carbon pricing is just another tax when so many people are struggling. I say let the private sector develop green energy solutions, not government which is only good at spending tax payer money to no good end. And Turdeau is top of the list at spending..I can’t stand looking at or listening to him. Gives me nightmares.

  15. Buy shares in Bombardier now, wait for them to get bailed out sell the shares and profit.

  16. I can’t stand to even listen to the retarded bonghead anymore, reciting his BS scripts with all the gusto of a dim-witted frisbee coach, the effeminate dope and his horrid acting skills make me want to puke. Of course the Media are there to cradle their boys balls, wipe his chin, sell the Liebral tax scheme (“carbon pricing”, ha, brilliant) while they portray meathead as some kind of environmental super hero here to save us all… what an effing clown show. Wall is the only sane person left… the sooner this country ends the better.

  17. When Bombardier bugs you more than the Muzz invaders, you’ve got a serious issue.

  18. WCS high sulfur, heavy crude is already moving out of Port of Montreal to points south (Texas) & points east (Europe). Increased production of WCS, despite trying to curb production by the Notley government, is expected to rise over the next few years & if Energy East is stalled by regulatory red tape, the crude will move down river anyway, right under Couillard’s nose in Quebec City and Quebec can’t do a thing about it. Waterways are federal, not provincial controlled.
    Suncor has built a 36,000 bbl/day rail offload terminal in Montreal that can be loaded onto tankers heading down river & crude flowing into Montreal will rise to 300,000 bbl/day once Line Nine is reversed. That’s before any connecting pipeline is built to Irving Oil in NB, from Montreal, which the Quebec court injunction is all about.
    WCS crude is still cheaper than the Russian equivalent, URAL shipped into the EU, including shipping costs from western Canada & across the Atlantic.

  19. Boy if this doesn’t resemble the Liberal Party way of operating and in particular the Climate Scam modus operandi to a T, I don’t know what does.
    The Five Rules of Propaganda
    Norman Davies
    Simplification: reducing all data to a single confrontation between ‘Good and Bad’, ‘Friend and Foe’.
    Disfiguration: discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.
    Transfusion: manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one’s own ends.
    Unanimity: presenting one’s viewpoint as if it were the unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: drawing the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star performers, by social pressure, and by ‘psychological contagion’.
    Orchestration: endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combination

  20. You don’t think PM Hair Gel actually does anything, do you? It’s the unelected government in the form of his buddy Gerald Butthead that has me worried. Those clowns aren’t accountable to anybody but wee Justin.

  21. Yes, the CBC, Star, G+M, Global, CTV and pretty much all the MSM are real pikers when it comes to Lance.
    Stop the lies, stop Lance.
    The tides will recede, the sun will shine, Justin will preen.
    And if anyone in the world deserves bashing, it is Quebec.
    Self-serving, self-centered, self-involved, selfish Quebec.
    Wish we had an opportunity to elect someone other than a party puke.

  22. Totally against the Bombardier subsidies but small patates compared to the bailout of Ontario’s auto industry. And yet all we hear is Quebec bashing.

  23. This will end up as a wash trade, taxpayer money to Librano friendly “green queens” who then donate back to libtard party coffers. I’m so f***ing sick of those people.

  24. Butt Mike, Lance is a Fiscal Conservative and asocial Liberal, his words. As to my thinking, such creatures only live in the minds of those who can’t think. Since his proclamation of being such, I’v read only 3 articles that tend to support my thinking that NO such animal can be:-)))

  25. Today, CBC released a story that says that Trudeau is climbing in the polls. Before you visit the site however, may I remind you of a nation wide CTV poll that ran two days before Valentines Day, and that showed that Mr. Trudeau’s love affair with Canada suddenly had thorns in its heart! The results were as follows:
    How would you rate the Liberal government on its first 100 days?
    Exceeds expectations———776 (11 %)
    Meets expectations———–2292 (32 %)
    Fails to meet expectations—4067 (57 %)
    Now look at the CBC story! Is this BS or what??

  26. Ok WTF?
    What is with the bashing of our host?
    Lance is not allowed to have a point of view different yours?
    Or am I missing sarcasm/satire cues?

  27. I’m not counting on MSM…however I am waiting for a politician to show some gonads. Mr. Wall has my respect but he is ‘skirting’ the issue. Will he at some point come out and say that the government cannot control climate??

  28. Trying to a fight a ghost is a loosing proposition, yet no politician has yet to challenge
    the AGW mantra. The majority of the country has been brainwashed into believing in AGW,and
    the risk of being offside threatens the voter base of any politician, so they to are
    inclined to give alms to a false god and government.

  29. “Self-serving, self-centered, self-involved, selfish Quebec.”
    From many of the comments I read in SDA, an outside observer could be forgiven for thinking one could easily substitute “Alberta” for “Quebec” in the above line.

  30. Selfish? Brad Wall tabulated the EQ that each & every province “took” over the years that EQ ever existed. Alberta = $92 MILLION; Quebec = $198 BILLION, a whopping 50% take away to our less than %1. NS was next at $44 BILLION.
    Go f7ck yourself!

  31. kuzo: “Self-serving, self-centered, self-involved, selfish Quebec.”
    Me: “From many of the comments I read in SDA, an outside observer could be forgiven for thinking one could easily substitute ‘Alberta’ for ‘Quebec’ in the above line.”
    PO’ed in AB: “Go f7ck yourself!”
    Me: “Quod erat demonstrandum.”
