24 Replies to “Nostradamus, they are not.”

  1. Strange how all the best “concrete proof” associated with
    the Globull Warming apocalypse always shows up in widely
    scattered remote places unreachable by large numbers of
    the non gullible general public.
    Poor going extinct polar bears and their cute cubs are just
    the break hearts everywhere dynamic to corral the usual
    herds of feelings driven know nothing environuts.

  2. Their scam is right on the money, so to speak. What do actual polar bears have to do with this?

  3. Al Gores rediculous staments of polar bears drowning becuase of Global Warming and all the poppycock about their declining numbers and listed as Endanged by the Dept of the Inferior and the bull twaddle from the various eco-freak groups i saw this film show a polar bear eating little goslings until the skuas and arctic terns run it off

  4. I wonder if there’s a common ideological link between catastrophic climate change hysteria and the problems universities are having with snowflake and crybully students? Is the belief that people are fragile and can be traumatized by uncomfortable ideas, microaggressions and free speech producing the same idea about Nature? Perhaps CAGW and snowflake students are created by the university culture that sees everyone and everything as fragile, unable to adapt.
    Climate researchers are not immune to their surrounding culture and their research is more similar to social science than science. There’s an over-reliance on models and hypotheses that can never be disproven. After all CO2 causes every weather and climate condition (hot/cold, drought/flood, polar vortex/warm winters, etc). If catastrophic predictions fail (and all have) they can alter the data, push out the next catastrophic prediction to occur long after they’re retired or add another epicycle to explain the failure.
    Of course, Nature is not fragile. All of today’s flora and fauna have evolved to withstand a broad range of conditions. Humans too have survived much harsher physical, environmental and psychological conditions or we’d have gone extinct. Maybe academics bias towards pessimism and neurosis is preventing them from seeing things clearly. And, despite what they say to themselves, there’s not much evidence that academics are open to new ideas or thinking critically about their own (mostly progressive) ideology.

  5. Add to that Dr Fruit Fly’s disgusting warning to children of North pole being under water, thus interfering with Santa’s Christmas journeys. This with an appeal for more money for one of his causes. Of course if one of doc’s abodes was flooded, he could move to the other 4 houses, unlikely all would be under water at the same time.

  6. Government paid “scientists” pimping hysteria for fun and endless grants, who would have thought…. Are there any former scientific fields immune from such corruption?

  7. “Climate researchers are not immune to their surrounding culture and their research is more similar to social science than science.”
    Funny you should mention it; the David Fruitfly Foundation is currently seeking a new Science & Policy Manager: https://www.smartrecruiters.com/DavidSuzukiFoundation/90033319-science-and-policy-manager.
    If you read in, you’ll see that requirements for the job include “Graduate degree in a political, social or natural science discipline or equivalent experience.”
    Note that a degree in an actual hard, proof-based science is listed last. Considering that other requirements include “Practical understanding of science and socio-economic tools, policies, legal issues, and debates related to advancing environmental policy; solid knowledge of political landscape and social change context of sustainability related work in Canada required,” I think it’s safe to say they don’t expect – or want – real scientists to apply.

  8. All well and good for the Polar Bears, but the good news of their fate has come far too late to matter. A generation of children (and soft-headed adults) have been successfully indoctrinated to believe they are doomed due to evil capitalistic industrialists. Dora the Explorer has already cheerfully taught our kids who to HATE for the plight of the poor P.Bears. So too has the Magic Schoolbus driven the class to a shrinking Arctic ice floe to witness the deadly results of our SUV’s (the Schoolbus has been retrofitted from diesel to electric by Elon Musk). The Animal planet has already filmed dozens of sanctimonious sciencifical stories about how capitalism KILLED the Polar Bears … and replayed these stories a thousand times each. Video games where the user “saves” polar bears from oil drillers are in millions of homes. Dead Polar Bears are embedded in Common Core textbooks. Face it … TRUTH has LOST.
    Remember the Alinski rules … FACTS don’t matter … only the “righteousness” of the message. Polar Bears “may” (or may not, who really knows-they will say) be doing well now … but someday they might not be … and it will be the fault of YOUR SUV driving. They got the children. Too late. They won.

  9. Worse, Suzuki himself doesn’t know much about climate science. Below is a link to a rather embarrassing interview in Australia. I don’t think that Suzuki’s confusion is the exception either. Those with the loudest voices often know the least. I’ve said in the past that it would be interesting to require people preaching doom and gloom CAGW to complete a basic exam on the scientific facts and major areas of controversy prepared by a neutral party. To be fair, they don’t know how ignorant they are, they just repeat the same dozen or so talking points.

  10. Ha! Cracked is to Mad Magazine as Penthouse is to Playboy … a few more spread-eagle photo shoots to attract viewers. Who knew they moved online ? Loved their “Cults I might Join” article … sadly, I was too late to join Heavens Gate … bummer, now I just sit here in hell all day, all alive and whatnot.

  11. The Faux Global Warmist meme fails once more. As i have mentioned in the past a couple of times; The largest Bear in the world is recorded as the Grizzly (Brown-Yukon-etc).
    The Polar Bear is more then a Foot taller when on it’s hind legs and the average weight comparison of Male Polar bears with Grizzly bears reveals the Polar bear as significantly heavier.
    Why is the Grizzly considered larger?– Reason!–The Polar Bear is considered a Marine Animal.——Just another example of the mis-information being used to increase the Tax-Payer Funded schemes the “Progressive’s” Governments, Such as the Corrupt Liberal Party of Ontario, use to spread fear in order to dig their dirty hands deeper into our pockets to spend OUR money on their Crony Projects.
    Tell your Ontario Provincial Representative you do not support the False Narrative Carbon Tax which the McGuinty/Wynne Cabal of Crooks are planning to make into a Law..

  12. Exactly Kenji! Take CO, that’s a pollutant, change the lexicon to CO2, that’s an “emission,” or pollutant, same difference right? Add in an obscure theory incorrectly attributed to a great scientist, without ever testing its hypothesis or accepting contrary data. Within an infant science studying a chaotic system, pick some point in time as the “equilibrium.” (which apparently we can change in the future)
    So,if the “climate” (apparently including earthquakes) anywhere alters in any way from that, except when contra-indicating of course, that’s “noise”; therefore it’s “man made,” especially when any other causes or factors are ignored/suppressed, even if past data requires “adjustments.” That’s how science works right? We all agree, nobody checks their work. Who could have predicted the oceans affect climate; so they missed a small detail, they never said they were exactly right. Oh right they did.
    Remember if you don’t believe in climate fever controlling carbon taxes, you don’t care about the environment; and if you’re a white male then you’re a racist too. The ideology has chosen the condition rather than the other way around; observe the burgeoning watermelon patch.
    What statist is going to turn away free money plus adulation from the chattering class, using OPM and PPM (poor people’s money)? None that I know of. Twist, scheme, redefine, lie, cherry pick; add slime to slow dissension, and stir vigorously. Repeat and rinse. Their power and control over the message are paramount, like any con game btw. Con artists also turn very nasty when confronted with confounding facts.
    Speaking of Alinsky, I understand the latest rage is trying to force Trump to prove he is not a racist and therefore just like Hitler. Oh pardon me, “equivalent” to Hitler, courtesy of the close enough’ers of the climate change movement.
    Meanwhile the public votes for the guy, because they can see him for themselves, and they’re not at all deterred by the establishment temper tantrum presently underway in the US.
    Justin’s whining worked here though, so, given the same behind the scenes puppeteers, they will surely try. Will it work there?

  13. David “Fruit Fly” Suzuki is interested only in David “Fruit Fly” Suzuki.
    I studied the modelling of renewable energy systems for my Ph. D. thesis. When I quit my teaching position and set out to continue my research on my own, I looked around for funding. Among the places I contacted was the David Suzuki Foundation, figuring that it might be interested in what I was working on.
    Uh-uh. Nope. Nein. Why? It didn’t fit in with its ideology. If, on the other hand, I was working on a program to get kiddies to plant trees and be kind to small furry animals, I’m sure I would have received money.
    Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only “environmental” organization that turned up its nose at my inquiry.
    When the subject of renewable energy received attention in the late 1960s, early 1970s, I was skeptical, largely because it was often associated with left-wing or counter-culture politics. It appears that this hasn’t changed, at least with many of its loudest advocates.

  14. Yesterday’s news.
    Global warming was invented because only a complete idiot would have supported socialism 25 years ago after the collapse of the Iron Curtain.
    But 25 years is ancient history today. Schools kept teaching socialism, big government unions kept pushing socialism, the media was shaken because they had to report the obvious, but many of those “journalists” are retired now, the newbies drank the Kool-Aid at ‘J’ school and they think socialism is great.
    Socialist, progressives, liberals, or whatever they call themselves today never did like the science type useful idiots, they held their noses and paid them to play ball, but there are some real scientists out there who can think for themselves with logic and reason etc. that always worried them.
    Green fraud will still be a big money-maker and excuse to grab “the levers of production” for many years to come, but it’s not playing as well with the public as it should given the amount of effort put into it, statements of fact like this story about polar bears aren’t going to get any traction.

  15. I just endured a CBC propaganda piece with Peter Mansbridge getting wet in the crotch. He said, “Canadian leaders were in Vancouver getting real about climate change”. And our taxes pay for this Josef Goebbels wannabe.

  16. I had just started my freshman undergraduate year when the Yom Kippur War broke out. One of the consequences of that conflict was the so-called energy “crisis”, which was partly due to an embargo on oil exports imposed by certain members of OPEC.
    According to many doom-sayers back then, we should have run out of oil and natural gas by now. This forecast came less than 3 years after federal energy minister Joe Green said that Canada had enough to last us for the next 400 years.
    Having grown up with the oil and gas industry, I knew that the predictions of gloom were all malarkey. Besides, it didn’t make sense of how we could go from such an abundance to impending scarcity in such a short time. A few weeks later, the dean of engineering at the university I would transfer to visited our class and gave a lecture. He made a few comments about the hydrocarbon situation and said that what we were short of was refining capacity.
    Yet, the public was fed this line of twaddle. I remember all sorts of advertisements that portrayed the “carbon-free” future so yearned for by Gerald Butthead and his ilk, but with those resources completely exhausted. Government policies were drafted and enacted with all that in mind.
    It wasn’t until a few years later that it became clear that much of the apparent shortage was due to manipulation of the oil market by the so-called Seven Sisters. The world had been fed a diet of baloney.
    The current obsession with “climate change”, along with the associated political blather, isn’t a whole lot different.

  17. We need a tax on socialist stupidity. If that were to come to pass, we could keep raising the rate until all the socialist, stupid ideas paid more into the tax system than the rest of us, the great unwashed, hard working taxpayers do. It shouldn’t be a stretch to believe that the stupid tax would render those coming up with the ideas wouldn’t realize what was happening until they had no choice but to self terminate to prevent further increases. We can dream can’t we?

  18. We can indeed dream, but you can be assured that the socialists would *never* impose such a tax upon themselves. Socialism, you see, is supposed to be the perfect form of government and, therefore, makes no mistakes.
    If a socialist idea doesn’t work out, it’s because it was sabotaged by some counter-revolutionary malcontent.

  19. To socialists taxation at some point is unnecessary because the state owns everything right down to all personal possessions, which are seized and warehoused by the state for distribution to good party types. From you to the maximum to me with the maximum possible, but with social license.
    So no need for anachronisms like income tax and liberty. They’re so American anyway, who are responsible for all the problems of the world.
    Examples? the great leap forward in China, farms collectivization there and in the USSR. In China the state seized even plates and cutlery, redistributed after party insiders no doubt skimmed the good stuff.
    Luckily socialism is just the transition to anarchic cooperation (aka capitalism without competition, prosperity or freedom) where we’re all comrades and the state withers away, but we do get to, at gunpoint, vote for the only party on the ballot.
    And all the apparatchiks give up their wealth, power and privilege, then get real jobs. Sure that’ll happen.
