Bill’s Wife

Just another Vast Right Wing Conspiracy;

The Hillary Clinton campaign has gone on the attack against the government official who conducts oversight of the State Department she used to run, accusing him of partisanship and misconduct without any direct evidence. That strategy could backfire by politicizing the role of the government’s inspectors general and undermining needed State Department reforms.
This is not the first time Team Clinton has accused a federal inspector general of trying to foil her presidential ambitions. In January, the campaign publicly accused the inspector general of the intelligence community of acting in concert with two Republican senators to leak details of now-classified information found on her private e-mail server. This week, the Clinton campaign set its sights on Steve Linick, who has served as the State Department’s inspector general since 2013.


10 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. Does anyone else think of cornered rats?
    Comparing Hillary to a rat is a little hard on rats, though.

  2. They keep talking about the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy but I can never find any details about how to join.

  3. The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is much like the dreaded “hidden agenda” which conservative governments supposedly wait to unleash when they attain power. Stephen Harper had nine years and Brad Wall has had eight and neither saw fit to reveal their “hidden agendas”, much less implement them. If something is hidden so well that even the hider can’t find it, is it still considered to be hidden or is it lost?

  4. The time frame for a Grand Jury is rapidly closing. It has been >2 years that the silly dancing has done nothing, but give Hillary cover. You have to S**t or get off the pot…The role of the abused & the abuser will switch… The cat playing with it’s prey is not exactly amusing.
    Just saying!

  5. “The most transparent administration in the history of the USA” sure seems to have a lot to hide. Missing emails, private servers, foot-dragging response to FOIA requests, pseudonym email addresses … and now FALSE charges of partisanship. All because THE PEOPLE want to know what our employees are doing behind our backs.

  6. “While there’s no direct evidence that DiSanto provided the leaks, the Clinton team agrees with Engel that she should recuse herself from all Clinton-related investigations. For them, the anonymous leak to the Hill accusing DiSanto of misconduct is only the latest in a string of clues that point back to the IG office as being biased.”
    Of course, with regard to HRC, no inference whatsoever can be made in her behaviour. Emails that declassify themselves sent to her but never read, that later are shown to have been classified the entire time. Sure, she deserves the benefit of the doubt, look at how fair she is with her detractors.
    She’s in deep doo doo it seems; I can’t wait for her Trump attack ads.

  7. Scandal ridden Hillary Clinton in the middle of a Presidential election.
    The thoughts of Bill Clinton lurking somewhere in a White House closet…
    Only 18 year old girls will be hired as personal maids..
    Huma and Hillary will share the Presidential Suite.
    Bill will stay on top of the White House Chores.
