In The Mail

Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal

“Peter McLoughlin spent years believing the Leftist narrative, namely it was ‘a racist myth’ that organised Muslim groups in Britain and the Netherlands ( grooming gangs ) were luring white schoolgirls into a life of prostitution. But in 2009 he first encountered people who said their children had been groomed like this. These informants had non-white people in their immediate and extended family, and were thus unlikely to be racists. So McLoughlin dug deeper and what he found shocked him: there were mounds of evidence that social workers, police officers, Muslim organisations, journalists and even some Members of Parliament must have known about these grooming gangs for decades, and they had turned a blind-eye to these crimes…”

Check it out.

23 Replies to “In The Mail”

  1. Yeah Muzzies, do that to my daughter … and you will REALLY understand what the word “vigilante” means … I would go all Charles Bronson on your ass. You, and everyone in your family and crew.

  2. But … but … only the Catholic Church and Christians ever indulge in paedophilia. Or in cultural genocide (aka religious schools). The media tells us so.

  3. And my money is on the authorities who could have done something about this looking the other way because they were getting paid off. Nice untraceable cash or PIK.

  4. What’s worse than allowing girls to be violently brutalized by Muslims? Being called an Islamophobe. Welcome to Britain.

  5. When free speech is “regulated” by the state this is one example of the consequences. Anyone quoting Winston Churchill on Islam in today’s UK could be charged with violations of speech or “anti-hate” codes. Look for the Spawn to bring in anti-blasphemy legislation when he recycles sec 13 of the HRA while further erasing Harper’s legacy and prostrating for the Muslim playbook.
    Free speech is an absolute natural right. Screaming fire in a crowded theatre is a natural right. If true, it’s an obligation and if intentionally false, punishable by existing law (criminal negligence). If humans are not capable of discerning right and wrong from the most despicable speech it follows that they are therefore incapable of voting and serfdom is their proper condition.

  6. Without the liberal/left and their media to protect and import hordes of those uncivilized rapists, this would have never happened.
    The left is enemy number one.

  7. freddy me boy, catholicism is like islam, a abrahamic relgion, based on the same faults narrative. Don’t conflate catholics sins with the sins of other religions. If you had been a little more astute you may have noticed the “irony” in this piece, Sikh victims, most Sikh victims, young girls, are victims of Sikh atrocities.
    as we speak, there is an on going investigation, and a cardinal in the Vatican cried boohoo because he didn’t do more to stop a priest in Australia who was molesting young boys. Up, these “cover ups” are criminal offences

  8. It’s about time this was put in book form.
    I read the PDF report about three years ago and was stunned. The scale of this scandal is so huge it beggars belief.
    And yet, to this day, there has only been a handful of convictions. Shameful.
    This would *never* happen in America. Our men with guns would never allow it.

  9. Sikh victims, most Sikh victims, young girls, are victims of Sikh atrocities.
    I haven’t had a chance to read this yet but is this true?
    I thought the perps were mostly Pakistani Muslims.
    And the victims: were they Sikh? I thought they were most white kaffirs.
    White infidels.
    Of course to Sikhs are are infidels too.
    That’s one thing I like about Muslims: they’re colour blind when it comes to kaffirs.

  10. This would never happen in America, sorry, organized prostitution happens everywhere, Russians, Chinese, Germans and even good old white guys in the US and Canada are involved. |It comes down to the family unit that is attacked everywhere in the world. Our Liberals and NDP all want women to work and kids to be raised in state operated day cares. Most families these days in up broken up and a single mom starts the several dad approach to life. Everybody laughs at traditional values but can’t figure out why these problems happen. All I can say is 1000 of girls taken advantage of, where were the Dads?

  11. Exactly knight99
    They don’t want the “white members of a football team to campus rape them” that’s boring and lame ….but instead a Muslim raping them is cool and sheik (pun intended) it’s hip to be breeding stock for Muslims or at least the thought of it is for white women in the west.
    And sadly the cuckhold men who enjoy this all to real fantasy. These poor girls no one to protect or defend them if the thought of that even bothers you slightly…..welcome to your future ladies keep nagging the evil white men in your life keep telling them about there little diqs and how boring they are keep it up , keep trying to control them see what happens when it’s your turn to serve the savage master your fantasy is well on its way to becoming a reality if you just must know what it’s like go talk to some of those poor British white girls.

  12. Paul in Calgary >
    Heh, no worries Paul, watch Europe for the rise of Nationalism.
    This will end.

  13. Sikhs sent their young girls back to india for “female circumcision”, it’s been reported more than a few times over the years. Also “honour” killing are common in that community. Throw in the fact the a biggest terrorist act involving Canada was committed by Sikhs, and yer good to go. This abuse also happens in England and is routinely ignored by the idiots in charge.

  14. I have talked to Canadian soldiers currently serving, while they admit they will do as they are told ….a few are refusing to go over seas to fight the next anti Muslim hitter…. No one I know will go and fight the next hitler if he is anti Muslim and rises based on anti Muslim sentiment….sadly Christians I know will go ….I a sinful pathetic human will not go and try to stop it either . What Merkele is doing what the euro weenies are doing to their people ESPECIALLY Britain France Denmark and Sweden and Germany is all but a complete betrayal of its Judaea Christian liberal culture.

  15. I really believe white European women will soon have a strong case for being granted refugee status and asylum, if not in Canada, Australia, the US and New Zealand, then possibly in Russia or China…
    Of course the Chinese will ensure they never get the vote though…

  16. Hey nme666 ….i think this is your style….atheists dont consider it molesting if they think the child agrees…no wonder all you hear about is the church. Atheists think its ok.
    trust me no one that authors this site is a protestant practicing bible believing christian.
    The atheist version of church molestings.

  17. “It comes down to the family unit that is attacked everywhere in the world. Our Liberals and NDP all want women to work and kids to be raised in state operated day cares.”
    Matt, that is the Bolo way and has been since 1917. The new socialist utopian state is supposed to be the father and mother. Remember the Ontario Educational official said that the state is the “co-parent”.
    What Sid said.

  18. paul ewe dumb shit, are you directing your STUPID comment at me or the atheist who owns this bog.
    Did you not once post that you Fix airplane toilets

  19. Hey NME666, was there a point to that comment. Is there a point to your life? Or are you just another Western keyboard warrior trying to correct someone you think is wrong on the intertubes? You do know that winning an argument on the internet is like winning the gold medal at the special olympics, right?
