This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina…

… the world of animal welfare saw an explosion of volunteer organizations striving to keep that energy alive in their own communities. Small volunteer-based organizations, once practically non-existent, became commonplace. This incredible influx of passion and energy was great for animal welfare, but was not without its significant challenges. The field of animal welfare is emotionally exhausting, physically demanding, and requires both the passion in our hearts as well as discipline in our heads. As these organizations began to appear in our communities, we gradually saw a divergence into two categories: those that evolved into professional organizations, and those that went down the path of “vigilante animal rescue”.

3 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. These TERRORIST animal caretakers are perhaps THE most EXTREME end of the left wing. Talk about Bullies. They honestly “believe” that only THEY know how to treat animals … and if you don’t comply … they will “rescue” your pet. I recall reading that some of these whack jobs believe that owning a pet is equal to SLAVERY! Morons. I suppose the only thing that would make these nut cases more EXTREME … would be if they made vigilante rescues of exclusively LGBT animals.

  2. Kenji, PETA is the most extreme end of the left wing. It’s not that they believe “that only they know how to treat animals,” it’s that they believe that animals should not be kept as pets, as companions, as food, as anything. It’s why they “euthanize” over 90% of the animals brought to them in jurisdictions where they claim to act as an animal welfare agency.

  3. PETA has killed over 90% of the animals they have adopted while getting the usial hollywood idiots(Alec Baldwin,Pamela Anderson Etc)to do ads for them and the useful idiots to take part in stupid protests running around dressed as Chickens,Cows,Pigs,Fish,Rats or going naked to prove what a stupid organiztion PETA is
