67 Replies to “Trudeau insults Trump and the American people”

  1. Typical condescending liberal a-hole. So arrogant and pompous while at the same time claiming to be polite, and modest. Canadians are not known for their modesty worldwide BTW, quite the opposite.

  2. So bashing America and it’s citizens is again in vogue because Trudeau. And Liberals.

  3. Hey, at least he isn’t stomping on any effigies of the US President … yet. I’d love to see the look on his face if the US elects President Trump in November!

  4. Yup, I can see the border fence with the us going up as we speak. The bugger will make us pay for it too!

  5. So a guy who has 120 real estate projects going on around the world is going to take lessons from a guy who is a trust fund kid, part time drama teacher, with wavy hair, who thinks Chinese dictatorships are emblematic of freedom.
    Yeah sure, Justin that’s plausible…well maybe risible.
    For all of Trump’s flaws, at least he’s gone out there and done something CONSTRUCTIVE. Maybe PM Trudeau should look at some of the things Trump has put
    on the map.
    Gutter sniping from the sidelines is not a virtue.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  6. JT and his cultural marxist cronies will get schooled in any dealings with the incoming Trump administration.

  7. He thinks he is Canada!! He says “Canadians want” but he doesn’t speak for me . Hes an embarrassment.

  8. Along with the self-congratulatory “We Canadians are kind and accepting and nice and polite and we never brag” puke inducer that you hear spouted out all the time by our back-patting broadcasters, it is a Canadian conceit that we are much more worldly (and smarter) than the average south-of-the-border boor.
    But, as therebelmedia podcasts from the Ryerson and York university campuses have shown, even our supposedly educated Canadians are no brighter than the hapless Yanks on the street that Mercer the dickhead tracked down and interviewed.

  9. We put a man on the moon, invented the A bomb, built the B-2 and gave the world rock n roll. Eff you JT.

  10. I read the article on:
    What a smarmy,little puke. Trudeau really showed how shallow and petty is when he said,
    “I think we sometimes like to think that, you know, Americans will pay attention to us from time to time, too,”
    Why would the Americans or anyone else with half a brain, for that matter pay attention to this “JV Team”, poofter.

  11. “…JT has to go and insult the country next door and claim the people are stupid.”
    That’s exactly it. He has to. It’s how he proves to himself that he is clever.

  12. Boy,what a bunch of negativism by the commenters here!
    Now look, a GOOD Canadian thinks whatever the Prime Minister thinks,(if the PM is a Liberal)!!
    As I type,in the background,my son is watching the PM being honored by the First Nations,and they are about to present him with a headdress straight out of the Hollywood tribe, most influential of all Indian tribes!
    The thump-thump-thump of the Native drums and hi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-reminds me of nothing so much as Beethoven’s fifth or Mozart’s “A little night music”.
    These are not primitive people,they deserve to be treated as the sophisticated stewards of nature they really are!
    And they just LOVE our new PM!!!!

  13. PET had a low opinion of Americans himself, unless they were draft dodgers or deserters. Like father like son.

  14. I’m looking forward to the first meeting between President Trump and the Shiny Pony. The Donald will wipe the floor with JT.

  15. After the headdress was presented, he was given the nickname, “Walking Eagle”
    Can’t fly cause he’s so full of shit!!!

  16. These primaries are a circus without a tent . In Ottawa I have heard public works is calling for tenders on tents . Meanwhile the NP opens with a headline about a debate insult about Trumps penis. Canadians are horrified and stunned by the tone of the debate. Then I remember a comment from our pot smoking snowboarding part time teacher – so your going to whip out your cf 18 s. Oh yes ,there s much more , but I would say that puts our press in great position to criticize what is going on in the U S . Pretty soon there won’t be much left to go wrong !

  17. I hope I am out of the country when Justin meets Obama. Or on a plane with a barf bag.

  18. No canuck can mock the intelligence of US voters, when we gave a majority government to the most under-qualified, worthless, single-helixed PM and his economically-illiterate SJW horde.

  19. Don’t forget the reason why we ‘smart’ Canadians did that.
    Because mean Harper.

  20. Every village has an idiot, but in Canada’s case it’s a village of idiots surrounding and supporting the FULL retards. Especially those who can defy Darwin, and still grow a head of hair after the age 40.

  21. I am sure the Donald will tell the little pipsqueak to stuff it. (I am sure that will be what he is thinking, although perhaps too polite to express such a thought in a diplomatic context.) Not so long ago leftists were absolutely enraged that some low ranking person from the PMO dared to make a comment during the last US election expressing a preference for the Republican candidate in an off-handed remark. Their criticism was something along the lines off the Harper government not understanding diplomacy and how this remark had obviously damaged our relations with Obama. So where is the outrage when the left commits a much more notable error — the PM himself expressing a blunt disrespect for a person who appears to be a particularly popular candidate at the moment.
    I am sickened by the Liberal duplicty and the double standard (by the media and the left generally) in not holding them accountable. By the way, all this coverage of Trudeau by the US media is either being prearranged by his globalist masters who control media in the States — or, maybe the PMO has offered Trudeau’s availability for interviews since he does not do much else and they want to keep him busy. If the latter, the networks would in part jump at the chance not because of any interest in Canada, but because he would be a cheap guest. Foolish Canadians will think the US is now interested in us since we have the pretty Justin as PM — not a chance!

  22. Indeed he will. I watched the post-caucus speech given by Trump last Tuesday, He was solid, confident, sincere and seemed to pretty much be speaking off the cuff — including effectively fielding questions from the media. JT with his memorized cliches seems shallow and superficial by comparison. I they should reduce the public exposure of Trudeua a bit as seeing him “perform” for the media does not exactly inspire confidence in his ability.

  23. As well as the mythical ugly American, the world will now be introduced to the pretentious Canadian.

  24. It’s a long-standing tradition that senior politicians not get involved in the other country’s elections, including saying who they support or don’t support.
    Is Trudeau too thick to know this?

  25. I’d love to see the look on his face if the US elects President Trump in November!
    The sucking sound as millions of libtard heads implode will be HUGE.

  26. I listen to Justin the ” bongwhisperer” for comic relief..
    Same as laughing at fart jokes, so you get the idea……..

  27. I will never refer that retarded pompous muslime *&^# as my Prime Minister. He’s not qualified to drain my septic tank.

  28. Sasssss OK. Canada folks. Usns down here is used to bein insulted. We’s big boyz n gurls. We kin take it.

  29. Impossible.
    No American will be stupid enough to listen to that interview, long enough to get to the part where the Hair Lisper insults them.
    And as nearly every canadian knows, when it comes to dumb, Just-In knows his stuff.
    40% of canadians voted for Stupid.
    I can imagine President Trumps interaction with our Lisping Nobody PM, should keep the comics happy for years.

  30. A prayer tonight for the great people and nation of Canada, from a Connecticut Yankee. Trudi will indeed be a heavy cross to bear. How do I know? I just sent 7 years with his political doppelganger.

  31. Of course he thinks Canadians know more…..his entire circle is filled with citizens of the world concerned with the world and acting in the world. Those poor Americans are stuck with a Foreign Policy school that thinks about American interests, American concerns and American actions.
    Now who do you think is going to win the negotiation?
    Cant say I have seen anyone in foreign capitals interested in seeking JT’s views. They are interested in the electoral strategy, sunny ways/deficit spend. But to date its a polite silence. Give it time, it will leak when the party and conference invitations dry up.
    Obama, a Potus with less than a year to go, loves the guy for using his electoral friends (yes Steph Cutter spent a lot of time up here) and some ideological affinity…Obama is jealous of Parliamentary majorities.
    But JT will not be a Colossus astride the world.
    Things get real after the budget drops.

  32. ” He’s not qualified to drain my septic tank.”
    Turd’Oh most certainly is!

  33. After the headdress was presented he was given the honorary name of Chief Two Nannies, or was it Chief Bong Water, or maybe Chief Empty Head, or Chief Walks with Frisbee, Chief Selfie, or the very appropriate Chief Shitforbrains… Yet another reason to cheer for President Trump… PM Butthead or PM Soros or PM McWhinty should tell their actor to shut his stupid mouth, save the half baked declarations of stupidity and the insufferable preening for the Canadian Media and the Unions, they eat that shit up. No need to expose to Americans how stupid and shallow Canadians are.

  34. Well, you’ve got to admit that half of Americans are of below average intelligence. And I’m not that sure about the other half.

  35. I haven’t yet heard a single word uttered by this boy-Prince that sounds more intelligent than the average American. Typical leftist … a legend in their own minds. Good luck my Canadian friends … we’ve endured 8 years of boyhood leadership … now it’s YOUR turn.

  36. Poll: who is more stupid – Trudeau or the people who voted for him?
    Trump may be a buffoon but he is a self-made man.
    Trudeau inherited his wealth from his womanising, dictator-loving dad.
    He was a SUBSTITUTE drama teacher, not good enough to be a full-time one.
    Curiously enough, Trudeau said he would make no commentary on Trump during his visit to the US.
    Putting his foot in it seems to be a habit.

  37. who replied to comment from Terry Anderson ” He’s not qualified to drain my septic tank.”
    Actually, Terry is likely correct. I doubt if Mr.Selfie has the technical expertise to drive the honey wagon and operate the equipment, and would probably just get covered with shît. His expertise is telling others to suck shît and like the taste.

  38. who is more stupid – Trudeau or the people who voted for him?
    “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
    “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
    –George Carlin
    JT won because the lieberals waged a very effective ‘hate Harper; Justin is dreamy’ campaign on social media, which motivated enough empty-headed millennials to get out and vote lieberal. Most of them never voted before and have no interest in politics. It was an American style vapid popularity contest where most of the ‘undecided voter’ women and 10% of the men thought JT was ‘sexier’.

  39. Honestly, his statements are not going to have much impact one way or the other in the U.S. I mean really, the U.S. is criticized by much bigger dogs than Canada (e.g., China, Russia, European Union) and it really has little effect on how people in the U.S. think or act.
    Furthermore, I think you should realize that he was speaking to and for the benefit of the Canadian audience and the Canadian press. Either Canadians agree and are proud or don’t agree and are embarrased. Either way, the message is for Canadians.

  40. Ask most Americans about Canadians and if they’re not from a bordering state or Florida, the answer will likely involve, hockey, beer, maple syrup, or “Huh??”.
