21 Replies to “Civilizations Die By Suicide”

  1. There is no such thing as Peak Guardian. Just when we think we could not possibly pump the stupidity at a greater rate, new technology emerges which fracs the rock and doubles the production.

  2. A better description:
    something they keep doing to themselves every several decades; when everything
    is going along too smoothly, the governing Eurocrats have
    this unerring ability to recreate and explore Dante’s Inferno.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. Funny how national borders,within which the rules of that nation apply, seems to constantly elude progressives.
    Civilization is a hard won/easily lost illusion.
    Peace and the ability to cooperate together to build infrastructure relies on previously agreed to rules.
    Which are enforced within defined borders.
    Law and Order are not the angry mumbles of old men.
    If we accept the progressives concept, that we need no borders, then we need no governments as all government function is designed to protect the people within the nation.
    I assume the ignorance of survival necessities is an urban idiocy.
    Lets see I put away 1 ton of wheat and similar amounts of supplies, to see me and mine through the winter, then an outside force shoves additional people with no useful skills, into my household.
    What happens?
    Donner Party on down.
    The useless parasites who we have selected to act on our behalf, talk real nice, steal real pretty and ignore reality at our peril.
    It would probably be a real good idea to encourage more vegans amongst them.

  4. I’ll call with a TO Star and raise with a CBC.
    It’s not as if Canadians don’t deserve a rodent as Canada’s National Symbol, although I maintain the beaver is too stalwart, and modern Canadians surely would find the Mouse a much more appropriate and fitting symbolic representation.

  5. “What do you see in this picture?”
    An advertisement for a land mine manufacturer?

  6. It’s an invasion.
    The only way to stop it is by military action. Not just pointing guns at them but actually using them.
    Videos of the slaughter would be flashed around the world, giving potential “migrant” invaders pause.
    But Europe won’t do that.
    And it will die.

  7. There is irrational fear and then then there is rational fear. They are different things.
    If I hear a scary campfire story about grizzly bears while parked near the showers at the KOA near Dallas, Texas and I become afraid of the shadows cast by the fire it is irrational fear.
    If I hear a scary campfire story about grizzly bears while camped in the wilderness of Yellowstone and hear grunts and rustling in the shadows cast by the fire and start thinking about taking some action …. I have a rational fear.
    This putz of an author shows a photo of ~50 young and very fit men …. no women, no children, no elderly…. and says the west has an irrational fear.
    The bear will eat him and his enablers too.

  8. They don’t know what will await them? They do, actually. A bunch of metrosexual men who would be to scared to use a gun if they could get one.
    The ‘journalist’ seems to evoking the Nazi past and witch trials (?) so Europeans remember their guilt like Liberals constantly bring up slavery in the States past.

  9. You say it well. the Guardian’s Jonathan Jones is an idiot, and bears out Kate’s thread caption.

  10. “…But Europe won’t do that.
    And it will die…”

    We are next.
    It will take longer because we are so far away, but the exact same thing will happen to us.
    And with people like Justimbecile Trudeau in charge of the nation, those invaders will get as much help as our leaders can give them to come here, rape our lands and our daughters.
    This will get much worse before it gets better but I am not sure it will ever get better.
    We will only know in 25, 50 or a 100 year how this will end, but no matter how it ends it will be bad for Western Civilization and bad for the white race.
    Never before in the history of the world has a people voluntarily chosen to be replaced by people from other races, cultures and religions.
    This is the largest suicide in the history of the world
    because the consequences happen slowly or are delayed by 10, 25, or a 100 years most people can not see what is going on.
    When things happen fast such as in a war people can see the results, the consequences almost immediately, but this race replacement program, only a tiny percentage of the population is able to understand what the consequences will be decades from now.
    leftists are not able to see that it is a race replacement program but that is what it is, and replacing a race intentionally is a form of genocide.
    one half of the white race – the left – is actively participating in this genocide. It is both a genocide and a suicide as odd as this sounds.
    If there is still a Western Civilization and a white race a thousand years from now, historians will call this the worse act of treason ever committed against the white race and the greatest civilization that has ever existed on this planet.
    people who open the doors to those invaders are traitors to their own culture, their own nation, their own race.
    And the fact there are billions of non whites on this planet, and only a tiny percentage of whites means that it is mathematically impossible for us whites to take them all in and help them all.
    we are a tiny row boat picking up hordes of people jumping off their rat infested ship, the only possible issue is that our row boat will sink, we will sink under the weight of the people we help.
    our altruism will kill us.
    This must stop. NOW.

  11. From your link:
    “The enterprise is supported by a trust set up in the 1930s by the Guardian’s founders, the Scott family from Manchester, wholly dedicated to the survival of the paper. While the trust envisioned providing the paper freedom from commercial pressure to let it practice unfettered journalism…”
    Freedom from commercial pressure? Unfettered journalism?
    That goes a long way to explaining the peak crazy in the Guardianistas.

  12. “We are next.
    It will
    We are a winter people. Our invaders, welcomed by the government, are not.
    When government and order break down, the invaders and the traitors will not survive our ally, Old Man Winter.
    We will stack their frozen bodies like cordwood.

  13. I remember when people were protesting that the West had nuclear weapons and if only we got rid of them, all those communist countries would be oh-so nice to us. (Yeah, right. Just think of Berlin, Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, and Poland in 1981.)
    Several years ago, I was listening to some traffic over an amateur radio satellite. It was between two of my hams who were discussing the Cold War. One of them talked about all those B-52s that were airborne during those times. He then made the remark that since we’re not speaking Russian over here, the Americans must have done something right.
    There are those among us who see nothing wrong with western civilization being passively invaded by one whose fundamental doctrines are hostile towards us. Those people need to remember what those two hams were referring to.

  14. One slight correction “two of my hams” should read “two of my fellow hams”.

  15. It’s quite likely that many of them are descendants of the ancient Assyrians. That nation was renowned for eradicating any civilization that it conquered. It did so by forced inter-marriage, so that all trace of the captive society disappeared within two generations.

  16. I worked with an Assyrian years ago. I remarked one day he looked just like the Assyrian carvings of old. He said he was an Assyrian, there are over a million of them. All became Christian and many still are.

  17. I didn’t mean to imply that modern-day Assyrians were like their ancestors.
    I meant to emphasize that the *ancient* Assyrians were quite a nasty lot. They conquered the old kingdom of Israel, resulting in the 10 tribes that lived there vanishing completely from history.
    It’s also well-known that the societies that came under Islamic rule in the past have also been similarly affected. North Africa and much of the Middle East was once Christian, which suggests that what the ancient Assyrians did hundreds of years before Mohamed might have influenced Islamic doctrine.
