66 Replies to “GOP Caucuses and Primary.”

  1. Btw the wiki page on the GOP primary is excellent
    Particularly the schedule and format tab.
    The format is all of today’s votes favours non trump candidates – they are closed to GOP only and three are also caucuses which also in theory favours non-trump candidates.
    Trump needs to win all four to maintain the unstoppable visage. He needs to show stable vote levels (he hasn’t in the past two voting days) to avoid appearing to be losing momentum.
    It should be close in Kansas. I have no idea how the other three will go.

  2. http://patch.com/illinois/chicago/election-results-kansas-kentucky-louisiana-maine-nebraska-0
    Ted Cruz @ 49.3% of the 8% counted vote with Rubio trailing third.
    Most observers would likely guess consolidation of votes around leading candidates Trump and Cruz for delegate selection after the Super Tuesday results.
    Apparently, voter turnout in Kentucky has been ‘phenomenally huge’…according to election officials.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. Huge Kansas turnout. Trump was polling well ahead of Cruz earlier this week. So far Cruz is crushing trump. (17% of caucuses reporting).
    That’s very big news if it holds.

  4. 27% reporting Votes (Kansas)
    Cruz 48.5%
    Trump 26.2%
    Rubio 13.6%
    Kasich 10.0%
    Of course we shouldn’t trust polls, one of the reasons Trump skipped CPAC, as he campaigned in Kansas instead; which of course was a smart move as his internal polling probably told him what was happening.
    Kansas being hardscrabble farming country has more socially conservative views so no surprise that Cruz is doing well here.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. Cruz is crushing trump in Maine too!!
    48-35. Trump had a 20 point lead in the last poll.

  6. If this Saturday primary holds, it is CLEARLY a two person race between Trump and Cruz. There is no reason for Rubio that should even be there.

  7. All eyes on Louisiana. If Cruz wins or just misses trump is in very big trouble.
    Unlike KS Ma ky it is a primary not a caucus.

  8. Gord, more to the point, The Republican ESTABLISHMENT is in trouble.
    Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump

  9. No way in heck Cruz has trump on ticket.
    Kasich has said he wouldn’t be vp. I think he might change his mind.
    There are other options – Lindsay graham – etc.

  10. After all the crap that the Establsihment had put Cruz through, do you really think Graham has any more of a chance than Trump, even assuming Cruz wins the nomination? LOl Please.
    Kasich might be Establishment material, but is NOWHERE near as abrasive as Graham.

  11. Everyone ….EVERYONE is against trump, the republican establishment ,media,fellow candidates, former presidential candidates , left right centre……except the people.
    Trump may lose and lose fair and square , but make it be known if Cruz is the man then that is a clear message to republican establishment . However I see Cruz being corrupted and easily swayed …I still think trump will come out on top.

  12. Just being funny – graham can’t stand Cruz but supports him over trump.
    Nikki Haleys endorsement of Rubio may come to be seen as the biggest mistake of the year.

  13. Cruz was my favorite, however he has not possess enough charisma to be Clinton. He even could lose to Sanders. Cruz has a great conservative message, unfortunately the delivery is pretty dull.

  14. The candidate historically most parallels Cruz is Nixon. Nixon was despised by the Washington GOP establishment – Eisenhower a Washington elite non-republican recruit – tolerated him (Nixon loathed the elite)
    But Nixon was a hero to the grassroots establishment – he spent years appearing at GOP meetings, helping in local elections etc. Cruz is held In similar regard – hence the strong showing in closed GOP caucuses.
    Cite a single example of Cruz bending to special interests. The man went into the corniest of corn counties in Iowa and said he would get rid of ethanol subsidies. He was the solitary senator to take on Obama over the budget.

  15. “Cruz was my favorite, however he has not possess enough charisma to be Clinton. He even could lose to Sanders. Cruz has a great conservative message, unfortunately the delivery is pretty dull.”
    Just like his book (‘Ted Cruz’).

  16. No question, Cruz would be a great POTUS. And based upon the numbers coming out in these particular elections (up 150% from 2012 from what I’ve read) it wouldbe foolish to assume that this ALL attributable only to Trump ad Cruz is winning handily in those states.
    Now that I reconsider, I think you are right; too much water under the proverbial bridge for either to consider the other as running mate, though in my opinion, that would be an unbeatable ticket. Trump has brought a few critical issues to the forefront, finally, like no other. But if either Cruz or Trump win, it would be a big disservice to shut the other out of any role completely. Trump would be a great Trade Secretary and Cruz a great JOTSC or AT.
    Rubio should just fade away.

  17. Hrc may be the worst dem candidate since Mondale. Cruz has a target – rich environment to attack her. No way he beats him in debates.
    And of course there are the emails and an expected indictment recommendation from the FBI in May.
    On both sides of the political spectrum the over-riding desire is to rebuke the establishment. Hrc is on the wrong side of that angst.

  18. DC hates Cruz. Probably the best reason to hope he wins. On the other hand, DC is terrified by the idea of Trump coming out on top. This is definitely a popcorn worthy election. All good as long as either one will beat Hillary. I give Cruz the edge on that one. Far more eloquent and far less likely to put his foot in his mouth.

  19. Good grief,…what was I thinking. The GOP winner will have to appeal to Democrat voters, so any words larger than 4 letters will be lost on the voting crowd. I mean he has to appeal to the shallow end of the gene pool so Trump would have the edge, as he is anything but eloquent and he can rally a larger base than Cruz with another Hope and Change message. …not to mention a few insults along with choice words. Now if he could only alter his accent like Hillary does in each State he would have it in the bag. Free Trump phones perhaps ??

  20. Ford I m not saying he is a flip flopped but can you see him having the guts to push the big red button?
    I don’t I think he along with Rubio , kaisich Obama bush Clinton et al would let their country fall rather than use the nuke.
    Outside of that the only concern I have is his wife’s involvement with Goldman Sachs . No I am not saying collusion or conspiracy or conflict of interest …..I just find it odd . I have said it all along trump Cruz 2016 or vice versa they would really accent each others weaknesses Cruz could help trump on foreign policy and big gov corruption, and trump could give some back bone to Cruz on the boarder and how to make deals with enemies Ect Ect.

  21. Yes, I’m sure Trump could find a few people to pour some cement, with his experience in buildings…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  22. 3% reporting Votes (early Kentucky results)
    Trump 39.0%
    Cruz 35.9%
    Rubio 13.6%
    Kasich 10.2%
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  23. Cruz / Paul, that ticket would drive the establishment GOP crazy. I like it!

  24. 7:32: Kentucky Update (6% reporting): Trump 40, Cruz 33.9
    The results thus far indicate voters coalescing around the Trump / Cruz vectors so going forward Rubio / Kasich would appear pretty much done after Tues March 8
    Puerto Rico will hold it’s Republican Primary on Sunday.
    An additional four states (Hawaii, Mississippi, Michigan, Idaho) will be up for grabs on Tuesday, March 8.
    The GOP establishment is already crazy, pulling out all the stops by trotting out Romney as a Trump detractor, when you’re already a failed candidate on the field. Then trying to talk up a brokered convention to ‘anoint their made man’.
    Hilarious, watching the Establishment squirm and voters continuing to give the richly earned rebuff they have deservedly thus far received.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  25. Bob Dole: Ted Cruz does not reflect the general GOP voter
    Here’s some of the ‘old guard’ lamenting Rubio’s lack of progress…
    I think I’m going to buy a crate of pineapples after Tues next; poor old Bob DOLE is so dispirited.
    Nothing could be worse than the fruit salad that the Establishment GOP has already tossed together.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  26. John McCain and Mitt Romney lose to Obama; George Bush Sr., and Bob Dole lose to Clinton……all shooting off their gob about winning elections when all they’ve done is LOSE. These literal and figurative LOSERS are the elder statesmen of the Republican Party?!
    Aye yay yay…….

  27. Gap in my is only 6% with the bigger more likely Cruz counties in west mostly not in yet. It’s not over there by a long shot. A huge swing from 12% or more for trump just a few days ago
    As for Louisiana it is clear that economic disenfranchisement trumps (pardon the pun) evangelical fervor. Peggy Noonan analysis is spot on. LS is one of the poorest parts of the US – so no surprise there. The map gets much much tougher for trump going forward.
    Cruz needs to bump off Rubio even if it means trump getting fl.

  28. I have to admire Cruz for condemning ethanol in Iowa because I don’t know a single other national figure who’s had the guts to say it . Rubio, unfortunately, defended his own failure to condemn ethanol by saying the original legislation requiring ethanol expired in 2022, so no big deal!
    America has burned around 40% of its corn crop every year, resulting in the highest chicken, pork, beef, and egg prices in recent memory.
    His manner and positions remind me of another Republican who was absolutely LOATHED by the party, but stuck to his convictions for the good of the Republic: Ronald Reagan.

  29. You have the mental illness as the NME666 character. Go see a shrink. Any obsession is not a positive thing.

  30. America has burned around 40% of its corn crop every year, resulting in the highest chicken, pork, beef, and egg prices in recent memory.
    The mash remaining after ethanol is brewed and extracted is excellent animal feed.
    The cause/effect relationship postulated is suspect. Perhaps there’s more to the price increases.

  31. Just WAIT till Cruz is nominated and the HATE-driven LGBTQ-QQ community comes after Born-again Christian Cruz … You think the HATE and SCORN hurled at Trump is shameful ? Just wait. The GOP fools have just elected the candidate that they (evidently) really wanted … Hillary felon Clinton

  32. Imagine if the rules for the presidential primaries were slightly different, and the one with the most delegates got the presidential nomination and the runner-up got the VP nomination. It might cause the candidates to be less personally abusive to one another, and would also make for more interesting debates.

  33. Well said Hans and many above!
    Judge Janine just gave the Republican establishment and Mutt Romney in particular a piece of her mind on her opening statement and boy was it a beaut.
    Judge Janine for pres.
    I do not really who gets the nod, Trump or Cruz, as long as the candidate bashes the h out of the establishment.
    Too bad thee is no one on the horizon to do the same thing in Canada.
    A pox on the establishment. We also have been getting the lies during the election campaigns and then ram crap that destroys our society down our throats as soon as they are elected.

  34. In my estimation Cruz is now a narrow front-runner. Rubio performed poorly so he might choose to exit the race, although he certainly has more reason to be there than kasich. Anyway, it seems that a couple of good debates from Cruz has snatched a lot of votes from rubio and some votes from trump as well.
    This happened of course just as the idiot media were declaring it all over. Idiots.

  35. This also happened just after a bunch if a$$ kissers like christie, lepage, and sessions decided to endorse trump because they thought he had it locked up. Idiots.

  36. In my entire 61 years, I have never, not ever, heard such a babbling, blowhard, gasbag of an absolute ass in politics as Trump. He defies comprehension on every level.
    If this is what “conservatism” has finally come to, we’re done for, game over.

  37. Peterj: never forget Black sold his soul when he endorsed an idiot man child to lead this nation. He sold his credibility to settle a score with Harper. Canada lost in that.

  38. Trump is campaigning for American votes, not Canadian votes. What might appeal to you doesn’t work in America.
    “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
    — George Carlin

  39. Gotta luv it when losers like Dole and Romney come out of the woodwork to tell us how it is. What a farce!
    Cruz is just what the GOP needs. And the polls show that he will beat Hilary. If Dole or Romney were running they would lose to Hilary in a landslide.

  40. Trump/Cruz for the win.
    Trump gets to be the Chairman of the Board. Big picture, lots of photo ops, sets direction. Cruz CEO and enforcer. He gets a hundred serious jobs done because he’s smart. Four year deal with an option. If the polls like Trump he gets another 4, if not Cruz runs in 2020.
    My own strategic consideration is who can beat Hilly. Yes, Cruz could take her on in the debates and likely win on points; but beating Hilly is about the KO not winning on points. Trump is perfectly willing to say and do what is required to sink Hilly. He’ll badger her about the server, hold her feet to the fire on the “stand down in Benghazi”, nail her on the Clinton Foundation, kill her on the disaster of her term as SecState. He is not polite. Hilly expects polite, expects deference – she will get none from Trump and it will leave her looking ridiculous.
    The only real issue is who can beat Hilly. I think Trump can if Justice does not get her first.

  41. Cruz will get his teeth kicked in by the Clinton machine if he gets the nomination.
    Gord Tulk and the conservative clan around here sound same way they did when Harper was Sh!tting the bed talking all that incremental bullsh!t and taking it slow. Look what happened, 10 years of Harper Gov wiped out of the collective memory in less than 100 days. An evangelical conservative/republican will never occupy the White House again. Can’t win California, New York, New Jersey you know those swing states that the repubs need to get back. Trump can.
    Trump will make Americans wake up even if he needs to burn it down.
    Call it a modest proposal if you will.

  42. Cruz sounds like a defrocked preacher in search of a new pulpit. Clinton will kick his sorry ass…just as she will Trump’s.
