66 Replies to “GOP Caucuses and Primary.”

  1. I don’t argue a single point that you have made … and yet I will still vote for Trump. Why ? Because if what it means to be conservative is to elect “tough-talking” feckless politicians that LIE to get elected and then do NONE of what they promised … then I will vote for ANYONE who offers “hope” for “change”. Sadly, the ONLY candidate who hasn’t presented himself as a whore for “business as usual” establishment Republicanism is Trump. Cruz is questionable … and is DOA in the general election. He will be eviscerated for wearing Christ on his sleeve. He will get crucified (pun fully intended) by the media, and will end up looking like a lonely, defrocked Catholic Priest in search of little boys to diddle. I have never given a crap about Trump. Didn’t care for his timelessly awful architecture, or his wanna-be golf courses, or ties, or beauty contests, or banal “reality” show. Trump IS the prototypical UGLY American … but he isn’t OWNED by anyone. For that reason alone, he gets my vote. The Republican establishment can go fffkuc themselves. There … did I sound like Trump. Good.

  2. Puerto Rico is tomorrow. Rubio has to win or he will be under immense pressure to quit before fl to give Cruz a shot at beating trump there.

  3. Voters in Canada were utterly stupid, and elected a fool. Voters in a America *twice* elected a fool. Now we have the absurd spectacle of the GOP establishment *themselves* trying to kill off Trump.
    The world has gone mad. The Clinton machine will *destroy* Cruz. He will not even be left with the shirt on his back. Trump is the only chance. You only beat the Clinton machine with the toughest person you can find.
    Don’t want to sound melodramatic, but if Trump is not picked as the nominee you can kiss the United States of America goodbye. That is a fact.
    It is last chance. To our friends in the USA I say this: take it or lose it.

  4. Just wait until millions of the common folk rise up wit heir voices and WALLETS to defend Cruz. The radical left is not going to see a repeat of Obama McCain this time around . The fight is going to be taken to the left this time. And we know that they are boys who always shrink from a fair fight and have glass jaws in the end (that’s why political correctness, was invented; the left couldn’t defend themselves with their own arguments. They could only win when they silenced their opponents.)

  5. You ignore one fact. Trump will have the narrowest base of grassroots support of any of the top three candidates if he wins the nomination. Think about it, after the low road approach he has taken against Cruz and Rubio with their supporters ever go out and pound the pavement for him? I don’t think so. And you have not yet seen the sort of ugly media barrage the fourth coming from the current machine . Cruise and Rubio laid off the attacks on Trump in hopes of winning his voters. Hillary will have no reservations in digging up every possible negative or near negative item in Trumps record and make them look disqualifying in the eyes of the electorate.
    I dislike saying it, but trump support has come from the same type of people who supported Ross Perot in ’92. They want someone who will give their enemy a black eye, but in the end they are rather limited in number and will not do the grassroots work necessary to get there man elected

  6. ” you have not yet seen the sort of ugly media barrage the fourth coming from the current machine. ”
    Should read: ” you have not yet seen the sort of ugly media barrage that will be forthcoming from the Clinton machine. ”
    Sorry; I relied on voice ” recognition” in my phone.

  7. I think you are more likely just buying into the anti-Trump rhetoric. I you watched his speech Las Tuesday, he is actually very good and quite knowledgeable on the issues. I am disappointed in last night’s results. If Cruz wins for Repubs, Hillary (the criminal) is a shoe in and America is lost.

  8. I agree that Black sold his soul and lost my respect for good by endorsing Shiny Pony.

  9. “If this is what “conservatism” has finally come to, we’re done for, game over.”
    So, how has current “conservatism” been working out for us. Oh I know, we just need to become more like the Liberals.

  10. Small C, assuming that she won’t be indicted and given the boot, HRC will be spending more time dealing with her “negatives” then Trump will. Trump will show ZERO hesitation viciously and viscerally attacking her on her CRIMINAL “negatives” and they will stick like feathers on tar.
    And I don’t buy this notion that you’ve raised that Trump has a more narrow grassroots level of support. Amongst the more conservative voters perhaps, however Trump is drawing from across a more diverse pool (e.g. Reagan blue dog democrats), and expanding the base more than Cruz has or can. Yes, Trump is scooping up the Perot vote, but there is a big difference, and that is exactly the point – Trump is bringing them into the Republican tent. In short, Trump knows why third party candidates like Perot have failed, and is creating a third party movement WITHIN the Republican Party. The questoon is, how big will President Trump’s general election victory will be?

  11. Show me ONE EXAMPLE of this “fight” you hallucinate about ? You mean the Republican leadership cowering at the prospect of a government “shutdown” ? You believe the Republican base will spend a single silver-alloy dime to prop up the Rep. frauds who talk tough like you … but wither at the mere threat of a Twitter campaign by the left ? Dream on. Cruz shot himself in the head by putting Christ on the throne of his campaign. A position that Christ himself showed no interest in assuming during his own 33years. Cruz BLEW IT ! There aren’t enough votes in fly-over country to undo his stupidity.
    And this opinion is coming from what most would consider an hardcore evangelical Christian. If Christs parables taught us anything, it is moral, and spiritual pragmatism. For all his Ivy League education, Cruz was unable to read the New Testament for “content” … not dogmatism.

  12. Ironically you are correct about me … I DID vote for Perot. But not for the reason you cite. I voted for Perot, because Bush ran such a horrible, non-existent, campaign that I didn’t believe he wanted to be President. So I simply gave him what I believe he wanted … a vote for someone else. I have also voted for Democrats who I believed were actually more Republican, than the Republican’s who ran. Trump is possibly the single WORST Presidential candidate in the HISTORY of the USA. And it is CLEAR testimony to the abject FAILURE of the GOPe that he is even still in the running. And yet not a single mea-culpa has come from the GOPe … rather, they have doubled-down on stupid by trotting-out Mitt (failure) Romney to “shame” all us Trump voters and scold us like petulant children. F-em … till the whole party is turned upside-down.

  13. Show me ONE EXAMPLE of this “fight” you hallucinate about .
    You seem to have Ted Cruz confused with John Boehner. Cruz’s whole career in the Senate has been in opposition to the establishment. Have you noticed not a single establishment Republican has endorsed him? All his financing is from small contributions from the grassroots. When the time comes to turn out votes, Trump will not have the advantage of committed volunteers, just people with chips on their shoulder who by and large were too lazy to have ever gotten involved in grassroots politics, but nevertheless are angry that no one, for some reason, “listens” to them, despite their years of total non-involvement in politics.
    Unlike you, most people don’t have a problem with evangelical Christians. Most who do, make gross caricatures of their actual beliefs.
    By the way, how did that Perot vote work out for you? The recession and the last 8 years of Obama were made possible by the person you truly supported in’92, Bill Clinton, when he signed legislation that allowed Fannie Mae to buy any piece of paper with the word mortgage on it, regardless of the quality of the loan. Or is your family one of the few not to take a hit during the last 8 years?

  14. …this opinion is coming from what most would consider an hardcore evangelical Christian.
    ” Kenji ”
    If you address most the way you address others, here, most probably consider you a cynical loser.

  15. I LOVE evangelical Christians. I am one … and spent the better part of my life volunteering for an international Christian youth organization. I am speaking of presidential politics, not faith. And I am sorry to say it, but it does not profit our fellow believers to “proudly and loudly” confess their love of Christ over and over and over in the political arena. We get bashed, beaten, and dismissed when we do it out of context and purpose. We Christians have entered the contemporary political arena like sheep to the slaughter. We need to become more “worldly” without becoming part of that world. We need to play the game better. Our Leftist opponents say that the end justifies the means … well, we need to adopt that policy if we ever want to change the world for the better. And I am not arguing that we hide our faith under the proverbial bushel … but we need to reform our message. We need to explain God’s words and wisdom in a manner that can be grasped by those (who believe themselves to be) hostile to God … and esp. Christ. Here’s how NOT to do it … stand on a podium in IOWA after a modest win and drone on for the better part of an hour about how Jesus helped you smite your enemies. That’s just as asinine as half the things Trump says. Wise up ! Because it will ensure the continued marginalizing of Cruz and slowly turn him into a card-carrying GOPe as he learns that nobody will even take a meeting with him unless he “compromises” (read: cave-in and surrender).
    No, I knew Perot was a “protest” vote … however … if you recall he was crushing it early on and was looking like a winner … until he chose a running mate who … “didn’t know why he was here” … and then Ross started telling bizarre stories about his daughter getting kidnapped. The dude totally LOST IT (mentally). So, what’s to suggest there will be any different story with Trump ? 1) His support is far broader, 2) He’s running – and winning – as a Rep., 3) The American people are 8years worth of pissed, 4) Hillary Clinton has negatives equal to Trumps.
    Oh no, we took a hit (lost my job, as our Firm was trimmed from 360-to-60 employees). Lucky for me, I never gave up my Self Employment work and connections. But we had to scramble and tighten the belt to weather the worst of it. But we did weather it. God has always shown me the way to salvation in earthly ways as well as eternal.

  16. So help me understand … YOU voiciferously argue that Cruz is the best Rep. candidate and call Trump all manner of names, but when I voiciferously argue that Trump has the momentum and backing necessary to win the presidency … I am somehow “offending” you (and presumably) others ? And worse … I am a cynical loser ?
    I took the time to more fully explain my personal beliefs above. I hope it clarifies my depth of thought and belief on the topic of Cruz using Jesus as a political prop (I guess ONLY when conveniently speaking in Bible Belt primaries ?). All I can tell you is what Mr. Wolf explained in Pulp Fiction … “I am sorry if I appear curt with you, but time is short.” November is looming, and Primary season is upon us. Please do not take any of this “personal” as I quite literally have NO IDEA who you are. I suspect we might actually quite like one another (in the flesh), unless you have an aversion to an occasional naughty word or two. In fact, I tend to be attracted to people who are empathetic … and your sensitive concern for my loserdom … actually touches me deeply.
