Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

Claudia Rosett;

You remember UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, a.k.a. the UN outfit with schools in Gaza that have doubled as rocket depots for terrorists attacking Israel. Opened in 1950 as a temporary jobs and aid program for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA has become an ever-expanding fixture of the UN and the Middle East, a de facto patron of Hamas in Gaza, and welfare-dispenser for what is today a population of some 5 million “registered Palestinian refugees” — a project that down the generations has helped foster both a Palestinian culture of grievance and dependency, and money and jobs for UNRWA itself. At the UN, all other refugees come under the aegis of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which seeks to resettle them. Only the Palestinians have a dedicated agency that has turned refugee status into a bizarre form of hereditary entitlement.

14 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Sometimes I think the United Nations will go on as long as the Tea-Approving Commission which was was set-up somewhere around the time of the American Revolution for Independence.—–It was eliminated in the 1980’s (?) when the quiet Club of Political Cronies expereinced exposure for what it really was, A quiet Club of Lower Ranked Political Cronies being paid off.——-The only way this Not-So Quiet Club of World Wide Political Cronies, especially UNRWA and unfortunately as it reputation diminishes, UNESCO, will be increased exposure to the corrupted use of the United Nations Funds.
    The Majority of Funding for the U.N. comes from the American Tax-Payer and Canada contributes an equal amount on a per capita. basis. Unfortunately for the Canadian Tax-Payers it appears the New Liberal Party Of Canada Prime Minister has already decided or more likely been told Canada must GIVE MORE. This could even be mentioned in the 60 Minutes Publicity Pump-Up Performance prior the Barak and Justin get-together this month with their Wives and the greatest number of Liberal Party Suck-Ups who can squeeze their attendance into a Government Expense Report and not be called Marc Harb or Mike Duffy.
    There won’t be many Important American Suck-Ups. POTUS Obama is a Lame-Duck in many Ways and P.M. Justin Trudeau has already Shown himself as being Bought by the Washington Elites.

  2. Why is … “The most transparent administration in the history of the US” … continuing to HIDE the spending of taxpayer funds on EXTREMIST leftist and radical Izlamic Org’s. ? I don’t know … maybe you should ask our FIRST Islamo-Marxist President ?

  3. How many millions of $$$ does Canada give to Palestine? ( trough the UN or directly)
    Where can I vote against this wasting of money?

  4. The implications of the opinion piece on UNRWA are profound and there is more.
    The United Nations was formed post World War 2 to prevent the horrors of another world war that had cost hundreds of millions of lives. To provide a forum to resolve disputes and assist the advance of the ideals of Western Civilization: the nation state, the Golden Rule and critical thought.
    One of horrors that truly frightened Europe was the Holocaust, Nazi Germany’s systematic extermination of 6 million Jews, simply for being Jews.
    The moral/political to guide the proceedings and founding and joining nations of U.N. was the U.N. Declaration on Human Rights. Essentially, an expanded statement of Judeo/Christian morality of the Golden Rule.
    In 1990 as the Cold War ended 56 Muslim majority countries, of the O.I.C. the Organization of Islamic Conference(Co-operation) issued the CAIRO Declaration on Human Rights stating that the original U.N. Declaration on Human Rights was invalid/over ridden in any conflict by Sharia Law.
    Immediately, those countries should have had their full membership reduced to observer status. But that didn’t happen and the O.I.C. members, the largest voting block in the U.N. General Assembly, has been overtly extending it’s influence w/o being subject to challenge ever since.
    That’s how countries that violate Human Rights(U.N. Declaration) get to serve or chair the U.N. committee that examines such violations.
    No one, except little Israel, not even the U.N. Security Council has had the moral/political courage to challenge that in public debate.
    This even though the Security Council authourizes and pays for fighting the growth of Islamic Jihad in Africa, the Middle-East, and world wide.

  5. The UN seems to be eminently qualified to manage our indigenous problem here in Canada.
    They could simply step in and continue to treat our aboriginals as invalids and children, the already ongoing strategy for our very own ignorant leftists for decades now. This strategy achieves it’s goal though, since a leftist’s main concern in social meddling has always been feeling righteous and good about THEMSELVES.
    But, the huge bonus would be, the UN would guilt the EU into throwing multiple billions our way, since…. you know…. they created the problem in the first place!
    Imagine the size of the TV screens our chiefs could afford then.

  6. Hillary Clinton justifies all the Arab Spring nonsense on the UN and EU advise. Regimen change through violence is a communist hallmark. The UN is DOA unless Bernie the commie wins.. a civil war would bury this worthless nonsense.. bring it on… you stupid hammers

  7. Um larry, WW2 killed hundreds of millions, really now, I’v read 50-60 million, butt in my math that would probably fall short of hundreds. The nazis killed 6.7 million Jews, and historians now are considering upping their total count from 15 million to 20 million. So, even if you add 20million + 60million, you only git 80 million, which I’m certain falls short of 100
    You have a lot in common with Al-millions of degrees-gore!!

  8. I recently returned from a medical mission in a third world country. Our team paid all our own expenses and we were able to provide surgical services to the needy in that area. The hospital was run by a charitable religious order, the members of which seemed to spend virtually nothing on themselves and everything on the facilities and care of the needy. Their care was exemplary. We stayed in a lovely little hotel compound which included an outdoor restaurant and even a small swimming pool. The cost was the equivalent of $55 US per night on which we received a slight group discount. It was about the average rate for a nice hotel in the town — no hardship whatsoever. There was however, one five-star hotel in town at which the starting room rate was $350 US per night with luxury banquet facilities, up scale restaurants, shops and a museum. Three guesses as to who was staying there!? You got it — the UN, masses of them — holding a series of “meetings” apparently more or less with themselves, along with excursions and tours of the area and as far as anyone could tell, rarely rubbing shoulders with any of the locals beyond what they were exposed to on their guided tours.
    Time to cut them off! Unfortunately PM selfie has grown up with expensive tastes so I expect may taxes will be siphoned off to pay for him and his entourage’s jet-setting ways, all the while aggravating, not helping, the plight of the less fortunate.

  9. So create or exploit a crisis, prolong it indefinitely, while siphoning off the money.
    The Useless Nutjobs can do this well.
    I bet if the Syrian Army were to intercept the UN “aid convoys” they would find some real interesting “Tools”.
    Agricultural implements..naturally.

  10. We will remain a member of the UN as long as it exists, no politicians have the guts to opt out. Certainly not this government, the Liberal Left worship the UN, it is their shrine.Never mind there it is rife with despots and dictators.
