30 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Kate, thank you for tonight’s feature about the last Czar. I just purchased a King & Country (lead) statue of Czar Nicholas on horseback.
    Continuing on the Russian theme. We watched Child 44 this evening. Forty-four young boys are murdered in post WW II Soviet Russia. The movie, while apparently not too true to the book, is an excellent depiction of the fear filled lives of people in post war Russia until the collapse of Communism.

  2. The Romanov family has a Canadian connection. Czar Nicholas’s younger sister Grand Duchess Olga emigrated to Canada in 1948 and eventually settled in the town I grew up in, Cooksville, Ontario (which later became part of Mississauga.) She lived in a small basic bungalow with her husband far from the grandeur that was her childhood. My Ukrainian grandmother who could speak Russian knew her. She moved to Toronto the year I was born. She died later that same year.

  3. I’m surprised that you’re surprised. Patrick Brown is Tim Hudak redux. Ontario PCs keep buying the same bill of goods.

  4. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/snl-compares-donald-trump-campaign-nazi-germany-article-1.2554391
    WTF is wrong with Conservatives?
    The Liberal/Left owns government, the media, all schools, hateful Hollywood, and on and on and on.
    We may as well change our name to the Nazi Party as that is who the Left runs against every time. See Trump, Harper, Bush…ad nauseaum.
    Ten years in government in Canada and the Conservatives will be known for boutique tax cuts for re-election purposes only. What an absolutely wasted opportunity.
    Never thought Cons would be such pussies. Such pushovers.
    Electile dysfunction thy name is Conservative.

  5. Libertarian Lauren Southern assaulted in Vancouver. Progressive protester pours a bottle of urine on her for saying there are only 2 genders. Funny thing about progressives. They demand acceptance and practice intolerance. They care not about free speech and stifle debate atll costs. Theirs is the only voice that needs to be heard. Everyone else is a fascist.
    The science is settled…. there are 29 genders or whatever their claim is now

  6. There is an Associated Press article with a link at Druges suggesting that Trudeau’s visit is bringing “star power” to the White House. Truduea works for the globalists and I believe the media has been given the directive to talk him up (Vogue interview, Sixty Minutes etc.)These things don’t happen by accident. Someone was given a directive to write this spin piece re Trudeau which mentions, among other things, how “thrilled” Obama was when he got elected. (Two peas in a pod, I guess or “Misery loves company”.) Anyway, the writers assigned to this piece duly put the puff piece together, but I believe wished to send a signal that all is not as it seems. Lower down their is a reference to Trudeau’s background “Justin Trudeau is a former teacher, nightclub bouncer and snowboard instructor.” Nightclub bouncer?? Really? I believe it is a subtle signal that something is amiss. Even if he was a nightclub bouncer, it is not the kind of thing you would expect to make international news. Many dumb Canadians will be pleased by all this positive US coverage of Trudeau. Little do they know that it is simply part of the agenda to manipulate them and cover-up his weaknesses. We do not have a PM. We have a puppet in charge who will do what he is told. His primary job is to engage in photo ops which help to market the NWO agenda. Defending Canada’s interests will not happen under Trudeau’s watch.

  7. They have lost me. I will not be voting for Brown’s Conservatives in the upcoming election. I am not sure who they think they are appealing to.

  8. bingo !!!
    I’ve said it since hudak had the mantle, nothing but a clucking chipmunk taking his marching orders from the big power boyz, ie extreme right wing ‘mercun ‘think'(??) tanks. THAT is why he LOST big time. we do NOT need or want the ‘mercun version of conservatism.
    feel free to try, try, try again Ontario cons, you need an antiHudak to take back Queens Park. remember the rule about voting: pick the one who will do the least damage. use that as a guiding principal in choosing leaders.
    also what kuzo said.

  9. Conservatives in Ontario are truly screwed. Looks like I’m not going to be voting for the Ontario PCs in my lifetime.

  10. Just when the Premiers were giving the Liberals push back on a carbon tax, Pat
    Brown endorses AGW and a carbon tax. If he truly believes this, he might just as well jump
    into bed with Wynne and kiss Ontario goodbye. Turn out the lights first,please.

  11. well they make do lots of cars!! my ex boss from decades ago was an American import and that’s what he called himself, as in “we ‘mercuns”.

  12. Remember ET’s “diagnosis” of Obama as a “pathological narcissist”?
    This expert thinks The Donald is even worse and more dangerous — the worst he’s ever encountered in politics.
    Donald Trump and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: An Interview with Sam Vaknin

    Shmuel Ben David “Sam” Vaknin is an authority on the subject of narcissism, having written the widely read and very favorably reviewed book, Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited and Narcissistic and Psychopathic Leaders. He may be described as a polymath, with extraordinary expertise (and experience) in abnormal psychology, and with focuses including temporal physics and politics (See his Web site, YouTube site, and Wikipedia bio)..


  13. They will try anything. Trump is an egotist, but I don’t think he is a narcissist, and that hillary is a psychopath.

  14. Well we agree on HRC being a psychopath. And her husband.
    I think Trump is a textbook narcissist. It hardly seems debatable to me.
    As the shrink said to his shrink wife, of Basil Fawlty in that hilarious Fawlty Towers episode after a typical series of cockups:
    “There’s enough there for a whole conference”.
    I find myself wondering if The Donald has daddy issues (something of which I myself have more than a passing acquaintance).

  15. Daddy issues? From what I remember from reading The Art Of The Deal (whoever strung The Donald’s stream-of-consciousness taped ramblings into a coherent book deserves a Pulitzer), Trump’s daddy gave him $250 million on his 18th birthday. Trump’s description of his father kinda makes me wish we could vote for his dad.

  16. Trump is an egotist — brags, thinks he’s great — but I do not think that list if narcissistic traits applies to him. Thing is, he is very successful and unique. He is not one for false modesty. There is no evidence that he lacks empathy, lies, etc. Obama — yes – but that list of traits is not Trump. It is just another attempt to discredit him. His friends like him.

  17. So CTV has a big billboard in downtown Ottawa with a picture of JT and Obama (same pic as in the National Post.) I guess they don’t think this is partisan. I do. There is a lot of media push to try to build up Trudeau’s image as a “serious player.” Someone has decided that Canadians get all giddy when Americans pay attention to them. Personally I find it embarrassing, and they are definitely overdoing it. Raises the question of who exactly is running the country while Trudeau gads about as a media “star”. We know it is not the former nightclub bouncer.

  18. Am I dreaming, or did I just hear Bernie Sanders quote a Black Lives Matter spokes-leech telling him “You’re white, you don’t know what it is to be poor”???
    Oh, REALLY?

  19. Next time she should bring a bodyguard – one trained in the ancient mystical arts of pounding people’s teeth down their throats.
