18 Replies to “Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 20 Incompetent Politicians To Drive Your Car”

  1. JT on 60 Minutes right now. He was a bouncer? Where exactly? A day care center?

  2. The 60 Minutes item was a puff piece. It’s as if it was put together by the PMO. They blah- blahed about his old man, his whacko mom and his dead brother. Also touched on his extensive qualifications for the job. They did mention his extensive travels with Peeair, visiting ”world leaders” including the Pope. No mention of his close friendship with ”Papa Fidel” or his admiration for Communist China.
    As an aside, I heard on ”CBS Sunday Morning” that more people died last year from ‘Selfie-taking’ accidents than died from shark attacks.
    We can hope.

  3. The puff piece was indeed authored by someone close to PMO, maybe by Jr himself. It is a short piece but contains such whoppers as:
    (Trudeau Sr.)
    “He enshrined into law a charter of rights and freedoms — similar to the U.S.’s Bill of Rights – that still defines what it means to be Canadian today,..” Really how did I ever manage 40 years without it?
    “Pierre Trudeau died two years later. It was the largest state funeral in their history and more than 20 million Canadians watched Justin Trudeau — then 28 — deliver the eulogy for his father.”
    Exactly 2 world leaders showed up, Fidel Castro and Jimmy Carter. Funerals aren’t competitive, but largest in Canadian history? I wonder. Maybe whoever wrote it should learn more about Canada.

  4. Did Logan not know that Trudeau a self declared feminist does not consider honour killing barbaric?
    Wasn’t she raped in Egypt doing her job during the Arab spring?
    I suppose some journalosers will sacrifice their core beliefs to prop up an ego obsessed homophobe on national media

  5. Ha ! Yet I wonder how much is budgeted for scraping the graffiti, feces, bedbugs, and God knows what the vast unwashed masses leave stuck to these shiny new trolleys ?

  6. Too funny … yes it will obviously be a puff piece … and more importantly, a complete worship piece for leftist politicians and how they will “rescue” the world from conservatives. Rinse and repeat. Regardless of any bothersome details … like FACTS.

  7. If Canada was so oppressed under the Conservatives, why weren’t there celebrations in the streets like those on V-E and V-J Day when Prime Minister Hot Air was elected?
    Oh I know why there weren’t any: Canadians are so restrained and subdued, aren’t they?
    If one collected all that’s been said about how good the Liberals will be for the country, packaged it, and sold it, they would become an instant millionaire in the fertilizer business.

  8. You said “incompetent politicians”. Not sure why you used such a redundant statement!

  9. I don’t want to disappoint anyone here guys and gals, however I rode in a streetcar in Hong Kong airport that had no conductor. Where the operator would normally sit, there was a computer. No union problems there I tell you!! And the cleanest airport I’ve yet to see.
    In passing, I was shaving in the men’s washroom. An older gentleman was there to assure that everyone had what they needed, and he kept things gleaming. There, three young lads entered one of the washrooms, and began to take pictures. The flash from a camera was reflecting on the ceiling. The valet went to the back and made a phone call.
    Within a minute, a young man wearing a camo uniform, a black beret and and what appeared to be a 9mm piston showed up. He led what I identified as a Belgian Malinois on a leash. He tapped his baton on the door of the toilet, and uttered a few worlds in Chinese. Within ten seconds the three boys left the area. I was impressed!!

  10. I like coming here now and then to see how upset you right wing faggots are. You never let me down, thanks for the laughs.

  11. – I like coming here now and then to see how upset you right wing faggots are. You never let me
    -down, thanks for the laughs.
    Wouldn’t it be lovely if we lived in a world where I could post a similar comment on (y)our taxpayer funded TV propaganda website and not have it immediately deleted?
    Sadly, I foresee more of this in the future, godspeed.

  12. I was going to delete most of these comments as off topic, but then I realized I used the words “incompetent politicians”…

  13. Back a few years ago here in Northern California along State Route 3(Hiway 3)in Scott Valley Cal-Trans(or Whoever)installed these deer warning system for one million smackers and it failed big time they have long since removed it

  14. … Just when I thought that there couldn’t be anything DUMBER than a “high speed” train linking a “drought-ravaged” Central Valley which … evidently … is sinking due to over-farming and the consequent depletion of aquifers. ALL due to the SIN of capitalistic industrialization.
    Your story reminds of when I was working in Tahoe City in the mid 1970’s on summer ‘vacation’ … There were constant Highway Patrol public service messages on the radio which cautioned drivers to NOT swerve to avoid wildlife (mostly deer) on the road… but that it would be better for the occupants of the car to NOT swerve, leave the road and crash into a tree, or into oncoming traffic. It was an era when human life was still valued more than Bambi’s. Then Disney flooded our children’s minds with unrealistic depictions of wildlife … and PETA was elevated to relevance.

  15. Word “faggot” when used by right wingers reflects their homophobia, when used ny leftists reflects their noble progressive way of thinking. Double standards twice as good.
