29 Replies to “He’s A Leftie”

  1. Shouldn’t be too hard to find. Go to the local government employees union hall and find the only guy there with paint on his hands.

  2. Take note, all you other so-called “conservative” politicians – if you want to connect with real people, you actually DO use real-people terms like “jackwagon” instead of the anodyne and sterile “suspect”.
    Wall just got a lot of bonus points for that one.

  3. LOTF,
    Actually, “suspect” is now too harsh. Now they use “person of interest”.

  4. Just another socialist out for a late night walk. I have a solution. Nationalize all the hardwares, then we could keep track of who buys what!!

  5. It is rather typical for communists, fascists, socialists and national socialists to do this kind of stuff.
    Just run of the mill ‘ists going about, spreading their good will.
    It’s for the women, children, the elderly, the minimum wage workers and generally anybody that needs to be helped by the ‘ists, the `experts`, the `journalists` and other assorted low life.

  6. Jack-a$$?
    Like the 1500 Canada post mailboxes vandalized in Quebec. “Organized jack wagons”!

  7. “Jackwagon”? And that’s a REAL expression?! Like “dad burn it” or consarn it”?
    Actually the guy walks just like Ryan Getzlaf. Check if the Ducks were playing elsewhere last night.

  8. Perhaps it was Prime Minister Jackwagon’s response to Brad Wall’s comments about a carbon tax.

  9. Could be worse, Tommy Douglas’ campaign manager, Daniel C. Grant, used to burn crosses on people’s lawns.

  10. I guess “jackwagon” is a just a short term for “a worthless subhuman piece of K-9 excrement overdue for natural re-selection”.

  11. It’s just the beginning. There is no scandal ,but they are sure trying to create one.Power is too high and they have done nothing about the cost of living. Wait times for medical services are to long . All the money is wasted . The sask party is arrogant. All lies to a large extent propagated by unions in cahoots with the NDP. All we heard when revenues were good was the public sector needed to be compensated like oil workers . Well how about now ? Power is to high and the average Sask power wage is well in excess of 100,000. Wait times for medical services are far less than they were under the NDP. And yes Lean didn’t produce the desired savings but do you think it could work with the employees fighting it at every step. As a matter of fact as far as I can see any move that would save money and give better service is fought .As well there was a huge infrastructure deficit to deal with and I believe there has been progress in that area. Meanwhile we get the same old Mediscare crap from the NDP. I only hope the voters have enough intelligence to see through the balony.

  12. OT but R. Lee Ermey won a golden globe for that performance in Full Metal Jacket. I defy anyone watching him in that to try and forget those scenes. Amazing.

  13. No doubt this “jackwagon” was fuelled with a bit of liquid courage possibly purchased at the Co-op or Sobeys thanks to the Premier’s massive privatization of liquor sales (by SGEU standards anyway). The perpetrator is obviously of the same mentality of those die-hard socialists back in the day who used to contribute to their cause by knocking down the election signs of PC’s and Liberals (Liberals in Sask. weren’t always left-leaning peckerwoods).
    The vindictive childishness of the NDP and its mindless followers never ceases to amaze.

  14. I figured it out!! He’s from The Acme Locksmith and Saw Sharpening Service and he sprays the locks with WD-40 every Saturday night. On Sundays, he repairs Briggs and Stratton engines!
    Seriously, sad to see all those small businesses gone!
    I grew up in a small Sask. town where the guy who owned the Esso station would drive to the Hotel every morning. He’d scrape the ice or clean the windshields and leave a card under the wiper blade that said: ”If you appreciate having a clean windshield, please fill up at Esso!”
    Now what do we have?? Guys spraying paint on windows!

  15. It saddens me as well that businesses like the locksmith and engine repair shop are disappearing. How are people going to get such things fixed? Oh, I know: there’s a smartphone app for that, isn’t there?
    Meanwhile, I do a lot of my own maintenance because I learned much of it from watching my parents, both journeymen in their respective trades.

  16. .
    The Brits use the term ‘Tosser’ … ‘Wanker’ is Australian. Canada calls them “Jerk-offs’
    Now you know.

  17. Surprised it didn’t start sooner. The election date is fixed so we all know.

  18. “…The vindictive childishness of the NDP and its mindless followers never ceases to amaze.”
    You are still amazed? Fundamentals of socialism. Look at Karl Marx – not a grown-up.

  19. Wanker is quite common in British usage, including English, but tosser is particularly English.

  20. Poor gnat, jackwagon is about as offensive as being called ‘old stock Canadian’ by PM Disgusting.
