11 Replies to “Mission Accomplished”

  1. Somehow the idea of Canada importing foreign oil, particularly US oil, seems to be a concept that would only make sense to a Liberal politician.
    Speaking of which, here is yet another post I put up on CBC’s fawning story of PM Trudeau’s 60 minutes interview, that our great socialist experiment in media control is subjecting to “moderation” (i.e., shadow banning till the story’s impact is long gone):
    “Interesting contrast between PM Trudeau: ” “I was a snowboard instructor, I was a bouncer in a nightclub, I was a whitewater river guide … I worked as a teacher,” Trudeau said, adding he’s not ashamed of his work experience.” and US leaders — Obama (Senator, Harvard law school grad, constitutional law prof), Clinton (Secretary of State, Senator, Yale law school grad), Trump (billionaire businessman, Wharton School of Business grad), Cruz (Senator, Harvard law school grad).”

  2. You’re writing as though the first two accomplished real actual stuff with results other then destructruction of USA.
    However if you count that as something to aspire to, you do have winners.
    The occupant of the white house with all his schooling is approximate equivalent to the current chief airhead of Canada.
    If the occupant of the white house has done something useful in his life, he is mastre at hiding it.

  3. Greenpeace Go Away,Sierra Club Go Away,EDF Go Away NRDC Go Away, and to all rco-freaks and granola munchers,tree huggers and the rest of you assorted green freaks GO AWAY,GO AWAY,GO AWAY SQUAWK SQUAWK SQUAWK

  4. Foreign interests are trying to subvert the economy of Canada, with the approval of the Canadian government.

  5. Once upon a time, nations had leaders who understood national interest, economic sabotage and treason.
    Not sure Canada ever had such.
    Some people will do anything for money.
    Next from the economy grows from the heart, Oilsands oil sold at a loss into the USA sold back to Canada at twice the price, Liberals:”We have grown the economy”.

  6. Bongo’s resume:
    Snowboard instructor. Night club bouncer. Drama teacher. Whitewater guide. Boxer.
    Big stuff.
    Yeah he has the qualifications to be Prime Minister. Hahahaha… the jokes on us

  7. Sell our oil to the US at half price and import US oil into eastern Canada at full price.
    Yeah, that makes sense.
    Makes sense to Quebec, that is. And our PM. And the Liberals. And the NDP. And environmentalists.

  8. Now … all comrade Trudeau needs to do is to import lots of that CHEAP Venezuelan oil. Then he will have helped prop-up his most admired Socialist state, while simultaneously driving Canada inexorably toward Socialism. Aren’t the “dreamers” … just soooooooo dreamy ?

  9. Blasphemy! Ignore the man behind the curtain…
    I am no rocket scientist but why can’t Canadians and especially our leaders see we are being used and not in the name of mother earth crapola either.

  10. In a just world, a few “charitable” organisations operating in Canada would be getting audited right about now. Not that I’m holding my breath.
