24 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. I watched a part of Justin Trudeau’s CBS ”60 Minute” interview. Lara Logan (strikingly cute) asked the right questions, and JT gave the right answers. I didn’t expect that he would be grilled, or even sauteed, simply because the interview is Hollywood style and ”made for USA TV.”
    Looking at the PR side and our perspective, we’ll see what happens after the American election.

  2. Re: Video!
    Makes a guy think–don’t it! I wonder what it’ll be like–waking up dead??

  3. Sandy Hook kid killings came up again during the Democratic Party debate. I’m led to believe the kid that did the killings was the son of a teacher at the school. I believe she was a Democrat; don’t know about her kid. I wonder if the raising of her kid was outsourced to some degree. I wonder if there is some correlation(s) in there somewhere.

  4. That was a deliberate PR stunt orchestrated by the globalists. Why was Harper never interviewed on 60Minutes? The US is not interested in Canadian politics or politicians. Justin is being “pushed” and given profile because he represents the “post-national” globalist agenda. Obama or Hillary will at some point announce their own “post national” leanings.

  5. how do you figure that?
    my understanding is the strict interpretation of the fine points of law view skateboards as some sort of vehicle and thus entitled to the roadway. look for a youtube video of the incident. it was a deliberate premeditated collision. regardless of your vigilante attitude.

  6. Why is this not on the front pages of every newspaper? Why are we being deceived like this and made to pay unnecessary taxes when no warming is happening? Who among the political class will have the courage to speak up? Have we already lost our democracy and freedom of thought? We seem to be governed by a controlled narrative that is patently untrue.

  7. No one will, as by and large they are all in the fraud to fill theirs and their friend’s pockets.

  8. Re: CBC Trudeau interview.
    Interesting to note that while I was watching it online, the program was featuring Viagra ads, three of them to be exact. I guess that older guys must be attracted to Lara Logan, or was it Trudeau?? In this day and age, who knows!
    Conclusion: The whole thing was ”rehearsed” and they both remembered their lines.

  9. AGW RIP.
    “Escaping the snow? You may want to avoid this Mexican city”
    “Temperatures are set to fall 20 degrees below average for parts of the country through the week. To put things into perspective, the daytime high for Chihuahua, Mexico Wednesday is 11oC, which will be colder than Windsor, Ontario at 17oC.”
    “B.C. ski season defies El Niño, Whistler reaches 1000 cm”
    “During the course of the week, I can safely crown the B.C. coast mountain range as one of the snowiest places in North America, but there’s noticeable snow accumulation south of the Cascades into Portland, and as far south as the Sierra Mountains,” Hamilton says.”

  10. Shows how inept the Dumbos are, and their process.
    Other questions came up about local schools, “mould on the walls, old equipment, yadda, yadda”.
    Hmmmm, so local school boards don’t exist, and its a presidential matter?
    Or, just deflection from actual national issues. In Flint Michigan, ask the local Dumbocrat hierarchy, they’ve been in charge forever. But no, gotta be Bush’s fault, I’m sure.
    Or a time waster, as Bernie the Commie is done like dinner. Either he is the total panderer, or he is just another clueless class warrior, where math and budgets are just big words that are hard to unnerstand?

  11. Yes, a well written “story” as you say. But is it accurate, i.e., true history? I know that the author is a novelist whose works are considered better than average but is he telling an interesting story or is he telling us actual history? Sorry to sound like such a skeptic but I have come to realize that not everything on the internet is the full and impartial truth. And it’s on the Slate website……… if you get my meaning.

  12. The law is the law, da proof is da proof. Yes, we have a lot of very stupid arbitrary laws especially when it comes to traffic, transportation etc, what the driver did was against one of those. What I am advocating is not vigilantism but a change of laws that would declare open season with no bag limit on skateborders if they get to way in way of their betters (which would be everyone else). It would be a law just as arbitrary as current laws but would make the world a better place by reducing the number of worthless skateborders getting in the way of drivers.

  13. I had some doubts also as there is some questionable material on Slate but the author does list his sources at the end of the narrative so I am willing to take him at his word. And good novelists are often some of the best researchers around.

  14. The only time I had a warm feeling for Marco Rubio was during the last debate when he commented about the Democrats politicizing the situation (a seriously bad situation) in Flint, Michigan.
    But on the whole, no one should be surprised by the strategy of the Democrats. It’s been class warfare and it will stay class warfare. I mean, “It’s not your fault that you’re poor and ignorant. It’s the fault of those rich people.” Doesn’t matter that the Democrat machine has been in power in these places for the past 35 to 50 years (Detroit and Flint) and in fact is still in power even as we speak….

  15. Mohammed down.
    “Danish documentary leads to cancellation of “Mega-mosque” project”
    “Last week, left-leaning state TV in Denmark, TV2, aired half of a 4 part documentary on Islam as it is preached in Danish mosques. Danish authorities have now pulled support plans for a new ‘mega-mosque scheduled for Aarhus.
    Denmark has produced and broadcast two parts of a four part documentary on Islam as it is preached in Demark which resulted in public furor.
    So far, two short clips taken from part I of the documentary of an imam preaching murder of apostates, (those who leave Islam) the beating of women, and other central dogmas of Islam have been translated to English here and here.”

  16. Liberal Alfred E. Justine government’s cover boy, What, MeIMoi Worry?
    “What, Me Worry? Whether he’s popping zits or being flushed down a toilet, Alfred E. Neuman doesn’t worry about anything.” (mad)
    “An ultimatum to Trudeau: Petronas threatens to abandon LNG project over new climate change rules”
    “Petronas is frustrated that Trudeau’s climate-change priorities are introducing new uncertainty for its proposed $36B Pacific NorthWest LNG project in northern B.C., a source says”

  17. He won’t care because, as one of the leftist elitists, he will never be affected by it. He’ll be insulated from the consequences.

  18. I am sure he is not particularly worried because I don’t think they consult him about serious matters.

  19. I agree with you. Justine is like a puppet with sawdust for brains. Sad days for Canada.
