30 Replies to “Sshh, Art Is Happening”

  1. I don’t know much about art,but I would pay to see this artist hung in the National Gallery! By the neck.

  2. The fact that you guys are now talking about this is – in part – why it’s art.
    But hey… if this doesn’t float your boat, go stare at the landscape you bought at the Brick and contemplate your bitterness.

  3. Art, sure John. So are the cat droppings in the litter box then.
    The bitterness likely comes in knowing that it is tax dollars poorly spent that prop up these incredible artists.

  4. If … anyone … in any government agency actually GAVE taxpayer dollars to enable this mental case to put his illness on display … they should be summarily FIRED or impeached. Sick. Bunch of sickos.

  5. I thought that I was just repotting a jade plant Saturday. Little did I know that I should have made a video of it.

  6. … the little munchkin…
    is it a little boy
    hiding in a hippo body
    wanting so badly to be
    a little hippo girl?
    see what I did ….I wrote poetry
    that make me special, that makes me an artist.
    now where is my grant money.

  7. So this is what the decline of western civilization looks like or my mom thinks my art is beautiful.

  8. Sadly, that happens a lot here in Canada–getting funded for such nonsense, I mean.
    No doubt that’ll increase under Prime Minister “being a layabout was good experience for being a prime minister” Truedork.

  9. Comedian Tony Hancock poked fun at how art is perceived in his movie “The Rebel”.

  10. This is the prime reason that patrons, and not government, should be funding the arts. You get what you pay for, and we all know that almost everything the government touches turns to crap.

  11. JohnJohn
    Is that you dressed up in the pink tutu? How quaint!
    When do you get your brain surgery for the sex change?

  12. Wow ! I am (obviously) not as artistic as you, since I failed to identify this tableau of mental illness as “art”. So, can you tell me … is that a Haiku ? I forgot the meter for a proper haiku, but yours seems AWESOME ! I am moved. Your “art” has transformed my world. Wow … you totally changed my thinking about myself … you have made me f-e-e-l so much more “human” today with your un-rhyming words. You have made me question my own gender. Question my own shape. Question my own hobbies. Wow. You SHOULD receive a MASSIVE govt. grant to “inspire” others as you have moved me. A few more poems like this … and you will be giving a recital at Donald Trumps inauguration.

  13. “I thought I recognized her.”
    That, that is female? I just vomited in my mouth.

  14. Urrrp … me too … except I was so thoroughly revolted that some spilled out onto the desktop

  15. Well, they could be moobs, but ya know, some days, ya just can’t tell. Either way, fugly!

  16. You’re welcome to check, but you might projectile vomit if you get too close.

  17. “The fact that you guys are now talking about this is – in part – why it’s art.”
    Nope not even close. Hate to break it to you, but it is not art anymore than that rusty cloth hanger left in your cranium is art. People look at and talk about both. but these ain’t art, these are mistakes.

  18. I am not one for ad hominem attacks but when I saw the pink tutu’d “gardener” I couldn’t help but be reminded of the dancing hippos in Disney’s Fantasia. Good lord! She was actually drooling.
    On the other hand she looks promising for a Canada Arts Council grant.

  19. The Empress has no clothes and a big tutu. I seem to see a lot of similar exhibitions
    in the streets of our cities.

  20. Is there a bigger representative of nihilism in a single picture?
    Modern art vomits up this bile and the trained seals clap for more. It’s no wonder the arts are dead.

  21. You’re no longer allowed to comment that doing art requires talent or skills, that would be discrimatory so whatever anyone decides is their creative output must be accepted as art. The only saving grace to common sense is that without government support these supposed artists would starve and no body in their right mind would buy any of this crap and actually display it.
