10 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Sorry to mess up your first comment, but I have a powerful computer and great internet,
    but something is bouncing my ass all over this blog site.
    Frigging Robots, or Obama, NSA, has declared war.
    Battle Cry. … Death to all Liberals … yo..

  2. It makes sense that would turn out to be wrong.
    In the real old days, Og had to get it right when he was tasting that left-over tree rat his buddy caught 2 days previously.
    ‘Ug, taste like crap’

  3. pfft
    I contradicted this ‘common knowledge’ in grade school with an experiment involving salt, sugar and a cotton swab.
    no one believed me. I was labelled a ‘freak’. lessons in life come in many forms and times.

  4. You could start a worldwide, multi-million dollar campaign to re-educate people about this misunderstanding, but keep in mind that one ignorant tweet from Gwyneth Paltrow is all you would need to be right back at square one.

  5. yup, my grade 5 teacher told us the whoooooooooooooooooole world wuz flooded, even mount Everest, so I’ma go turn the kitchen tap on, plug the sink, and see if we can replicate that one. Does any one have Noah’s phone # or E-mail addy
    I would say a full 50% of every thing we’v been taught in pubic school is bullsh*t, and the other 50% is all most bullsh*t

  6. There are SO many things we were told in school that have been proven false over time, from history to science,it’s quite amazing that anyone would just throw themselves on the altar of any belief extant today without a thorough scrutinizing of the alleged facts.
    One “fact” we were taught that I still remember from early grade school, because it hit close to home, was that the Vikings had settled in Manitoba long ago. We kids were so thrilled by that fact, we changed our daily “cowboys and Indians” play fights to Vikings versus ???, for a while.
    CAGW is just the latest and greatest “fact” we are being fed, but there have been many others.
    When did the schools quit teaching critical thinking?
    And,more important, will they ever start to teach it again,or does that complicate matters too much?

  7. Huh ? And I have always wondered where the fellatio taste zone was located ? Should I go deep ? Should I use the whole width and surface ? Or should I limit contact to the very tip of the tongue in a quick flicking motion ? And why is this zone so similar to the seafood taste region ? Can’t we fund a government study to answer these urgent questions ?
    Sorry, but sometimes the “candid” Trump comes out in me, and I just cannot help but make some coarse comments. However, research such as this might discover an answer as to why Bill Clinton preferred using cigars ?

  8. Don;
    Critical thought or the scientific theory will not reappear until the progressives are seriously reined in. I doubt that happens as progressive thought is very well established and reinforced through much of our ‘culture’. IMHO it would require a massive failure of the way people provide for themselves.

  9. I always thought that map was total bunk. I’m not sure how I managed to be smart enough to not bother worrying about it.
