19 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Fox News says Trump is the winner of Mississippi and Michigan. The vote counts for the other two states are not finished yet.

  2. I would agree. Rubio is done like toast, as people connect him with the establishment.
    His one hour news conference was riveting to watch. Trump does not suffer progressive media fools with their baiting questions.
    Looks like the establishment better start practicing Wagner’s Gotterdamung.

  3. Just stop and look at the four front runners for POTUS.
    I don’t know how far in history one would have to go to find a worse slate, with higher unfavorable ratings, than this bunch! But it would be longer than I’ve been alive!
    There’s but one hope now for America (and, frankly, the rest of the world): Kasich drops out and joins Rubio as his VP running mate. Rubio’s Reaganesque inspiration coupled with Kasich’s experience would be, IMHO, an unstoppable force, both against Trump or Cruz, and ultimately Clinton or Sanders.
    We just elected the biggest GD clown in living memory to the PMO up here, and that’s bad enough!
    But the prospect of electing one of those four insufferable jerks to the most important and powerful office on the entire planet?
    I don’t even want to think about the consequences! For America. And thus for Canada and the entire world!
    The likes of Reagan, Roosevelt and Lincoln must be spinning in their graves right now!
    God help us!

  4. Now, … mmmm, let me see.
    The US congress(read ‘the establishment’, read ‘the Ruling class’) is sitting at 83% DISapproval rating. (Gallup)
    Mmmmm, but it is sooooo dang hard to understand why the estab candidates are doing so poorly and the anti estab ones are so, … well, .. favorable in the voter’s books.
    Advise: Thanks Romney, Ryan, Reid, Pelosi and all you other “experienced” politicos, but just go the hel! away. And take your $20 Trillion deficit with you. Yes a ‘T’.

  5. The governor of Ohio, Kasich, may be the compromise candidate as Rubio is done. Right now Kasich has a razor thin lead over Cruz in Michigan. But it probably won’t hold.
    I still like Trump. Really, he has weathered the attacks fairly well and now looks unstoppable. But we shall see in 7 days if that’s true.
    Hilary ran a good campaign in Michigan …. pressed all the right buttons and has run excellent (i.e., well produced and the right message) campaign ads. It’s a total surprise that she’s (currently) losing. The Democrat machine in Michigan is strong so I’m not yet giving the commie a victory.

  6. Interesting that Trudeau was modest enough to say in the Huffington interview that it was not appropriate for him to comment on the US election. But he already did make dismissive comments about Trump. Someone must have warned him to keep his mouth shut while visiting in the States.

  7. “Hilary ran a good campaign in Michigan” Hillary depends on the Black African American Vote… That costs lots of Money and a huge problem holding them for Democrats in the General….There is really no reason for the BAA to support Democrats.. They have never delivered diddly to Blacks or Hispanics (except to black Race baiters).. Republicans just have to get out into the LOST communities…
    Trump will be Elected in Nov.. The only issue is will Kasich win Ohio & become Trumps VP or will Trump pick his own VP…. hopefully Carly
    The best question put to Trump in Florida. Will he help the Republican Party raise funds for Congressional races… YES he said… All that money will dwarf the Democrats
    I think Democrats will dump Hillary before the convention.. FBI/DOJ.. She will get wiped out if she runs
    The sad sacks of BS opinion can vote in the same Urinals they get their info.. They are Piss-ant Morons

  8. It’s hilarious, the more the establishment GOP tries to ‘stop’ Trump, the more popular he gets with the average American voter.

  9. I forgot to mention that Cruz made a fatal mistake when he demeaned NYC. It played well in Iowa & Texas but he is dead meat in NY, NJ & PA…In the Primary & General….Trump can win all the States he won(including Virginia) & Cruz only wins in established Republican States….The delegate tally only tells part of the story…A one trick pony will not win the General

  10. CNN projects that Trump will win Hawaii. That’s three states for Trump and one for Cruz.

  11. Funny how control of the narrative works.
    The media is all in on “Stop Trump” their comrades are spending 10s of millions on advertising their contempt and hatred for Trump and his supporters.
    Result ?
    Trump voters increase.
    Could be an indicator of just how much citizens resent being lied to.
    Not to meantion the way the politicians used the anger of the T.E.A to get elected, then carried on funding the madness.
    By his enemies you shall know him.
    All those who have gotten rich and powerful by ripping off the working stiffs, hate Trump Voters.
    If you listen, Trump is OK, sort of, but those who support him are beneath contempt , in the eyes of the Guild Of Parasites.
    Most frightening for our elites, is the failure of the mob to heed their wisdom.
    Stunningly ignorant of the ordinary citizen to presume that those who have always lied to them before, must be lying to them now.
    Our professional politicians seem almost as lost in time as the French Nobles were, prior to Ma Guillotine.
    If not Trump, then the mob will clean house.
    Has to happen, as the parasitic overload is killing the host and poisoning the pasture.

  12. Kasich isn’t even on the ballot in many districts — he was never a contender, just a “look, shiney!” splitter.
