There Goes The Narrative!

Vancouver Observer, March 10th – Homeless Saskatchewan man given one-way bus ticket hopes for new life in B.C.

Two homeless Saskatchewan men who say they were given one-way bus tickets to British Columbia have arrived in Vancouver.
Charles Neil-Curly, 23, has been homeless for about five months and living in a North Battleford, Sask. shelter, but he says the province cut his funding, forcing him to find somewhere else to go.
Neil-Curly says he asked for a ticket to B.C. and was on a bus later that night with his friend from the shelter, 21-year-old Jeremy Roy.
The pair reportedly received the tickets from a worker with the provincial government and Saskatchewan Social Services Minister Donna Harpauer says the case is being reviewed by her department.
Workers from a local shelter were on hand to welcome Neil-Curly and Roy when they arrived at the Vancouver bus station Wednesday, offering them a place to stay.

Bad Saskatchewan! Bad!

“I hope Saskatchewan learns from this and says we’ve got to invest in our social services and get people the best care to get them on their feet again, not push it off and hope fate will take care of them.”

And now we get the rest of the story … Man given 1-way ticket to B.C. wanted in Saskatchewan courts
And then some.

23 Replies to “There Goes The Narrative!”

  1. So Saskatchewan sends its worthless people to BC. BC loves it just like Canada loves it when Syria sends us their most worthless people.

  2. There is always without fail the rest of the story.
    Mass media can’t tell it, it would ruin their drama created by lying and omissions.
    That is how it supposed to work, except the blogs, they usually screw up the narrative.
    Though since not everyone is interested in reading blogs, the low information voter will remain ignorant of the truth.

  3. As I mentioned yesterday about this incident fitting into the “You must be a Liberal” file as an adjunct to that comment. You must be a liberal if you think that the government can vet 25,000 Syrians when the government can’t even vet two Canadian welfare recipients!

  4. Liberals love to say that homeless people are helpless victims of addictions or mentl illness.
    When you go to a homeless shelter what do you see? White trash, drunken natives, and blacks.
    No chinese no east Indians or pakistanis. I guess members of those groups are somehow magically immune to addiction or mental illness.
    or…..he’s an alternate explanation. Those blubbering about addictions or illness are just plain lazy.

  5. If this is all that the Sask Party detractors have then I would guess we’re all doing pretty well here in Saskatchewan. Two homeless guys were provided with free bus tickets to BC and you would think that Premier Wall personally supervised the loading of boxcars with undesirables to be transported to gulags. Maybe the NDP can drag out a decades old video of the Premier acting out while tipsy at a gathering. What’s that you say? They’ve already tried that? I’m not big on conspiracy theories but this whole sordid little event reeks strongly of NDP/big union involvement with a little help from the media being too lazy or too unwilling to check the facts.
    In Saskatchewan a political party requires a minimum of two seats to hold official party status. The best thing that could happen in this province is for the NDP to end up with either zero or one seat on April 4 and be banished to the hinterland. The diehard lefties could either stay and enjoy the prosperity or move to some socialist hellhole and bask in the misery.

  6. … and 99.9999% of the time … a suspended drivers license … is due to multiple DUI’s. Yes, this kid SHOULD be taking the bus … right to the local AA meeting. What is it with the Native Americans and their inability to manage their liquor intake ? Yeah, yeah, …. it’s all the fault of white eyes for taking their happy hunting grounds … yeah some 23yo kid was born into the 16th century … don’t be stupid. Hey kid! Get an education ! Technical or practical … either way. And develop a work ethic. Unless you prefer to piss your life away.

  7. Vancouver Observer is one of the worst socialist rags on the west coast, right up there with the Tyee. Pure crap online.

  8. I’ve heard it speculated that since they never developed fermentation, they don’t have the same resistance to the effects that asians, europeans, etc do.
    I’ve also read that alcohol in older societies was a driver in development of civilization, the ability to drink something that was resistant to all the crap (actually) in water prevented even worse outbreaks of disease.

  9. Just like blacks are disproportionately at risk for sickle cell anemia, the Sino-Siberian genome has its own susceptibilities. Gallstones and general lack of adaptation to carbophydrates and non-animal fats in the diet is one known effect, and there’s speculation that the genome is more susceptible to alcohol.

  10. The story I heard was when the first one asked for the bus ticket his buddies response was, will you give me a ticket too. Being an election period you can bet the dippers are trying to make an issue of it but I don’t think its carrying much weight with citizens other then those that are already addicted to the socialist poison. That the wacky press in ‘la-la land’ would try to make an issue out of it is no great surprise, after all birds of a feather in the socialist agenda. In reality the dippers have had small pickings for issues in this election and anytime anyone says something to me I just look at them and ask, so”so do you want the province to become another Alberta” and that usually shuts them up.

  11. After this story ends, we will have sufficient material for a Three Stooges remake,
    “The Return of Neil,Curly and Roy”.
    And we wonder why our real GDP and Productivity numbers are tanking. No stimulus will
    ever be enough for Neil,Curly and Roy.

  12. I had heard on CBC Radio one yesterday, that a local business man had offered the two men jobs. This is all to the good. The only drawback and not always realised by the general public is of the shock to a man’s system.
    I have had my ups and downs in the labour force. I know what it is to just not have anything to do for a few months. I hope the future employer will realise that it may be hard for them to jump right in and work.
    I read a book by a man in England who explored the homeless men there. He said once a man is two years idle, there is a strong chance he may never get working again..
    This is where a job at minimum wage demands a very high work performance. Many such jobs do demand this.
    Of course some jobs entail congenial tasks and no hard grind. They get filled quickly.

  13. migod Kenji, that, THAT comment about pissing their life away. goes to the centre core of my view of the whole issue of addictions, poverty, homelessness, social nets etc et friggin cetera.
    one crack at it. wherever one finds themselves popping into existence, it’s ONE and only one crack at it. including unlimited fine tuning over decades. but still, bottom line, ONE crack at it.
    this is where the work ethic comes from, individuals deeply ingrained in their psyche there is ONE pass thru this realm. no reincarnation, no time travel, one time out of the starting line.
    it boils down to the major onus to advance oneself is with the individual. whatever resources are available, it still takes WORK and PLANNING and more WORK to derive the most utility out of those finite resources.
    and the clock ticks and the pages of the calendar flip and the decades pass. and the learning process never stops for people who as they grow and progress thru this single pass come to realize it’s all true. one chance, spread out over a lifetime.
    so why are there so many who look at life like it’s the same day just repeating itself? objectives limited to the here and now and the means to acquire their next fix?
    etc etc.
    captcha 2016 !
    have a nice weekend SDA, gotta finish a stairwell. ciao !!

  14. Geez,they look just like a modern remake of “George and Lenny” in that photo.
    The fantasy that they were going to B.C. to find a job comes from the 1960’s,when a Prairie boy could hitch hike out here and find a job within days.
    Now,and ever since the 1980’s, jobs are scarce,and you have to have good job finding skills and a top notch work ethic to find one. I’d bet the employer who offered these two a job will soon regret his decision,as they look like two perpetual losers.
    A work ethic is instilled in a person at a very early age,as mine was by my hard working parents. I used to bitch about it to myself when I was a kid but have thanked them a million times for that huge favor ever since.
    Anyone who spent a few seasons working on my Dad’s commercial fishing boat knew how to WORK! His spoken threat was to “throw the sonofabitch overboard” if anyone didn’t pull their weight.I never saw anyone who didn’t,and it was a good thing as most of the guys he hired were local Indians or Metis who couldn’t swim.
    My last few years on construction sites my type became rarer,as young kids don’t seem to have that ethic anymore. My favorite episode was when the Super came to me and said the part of the building I was to work on that day wasn’t ready because his laborer had just called in and said he had to stay home because his girl friend’s act was sick. The man’s language was inspiring to hear!
    So, Saskabush has just sent us two of their finest citizens,maybe they can hook up with one of the many SJW outfits in Victoria and eke out a living pretending to “help the oppressed”.
    The kid who’s supposed to be in Court on the 21st should apply for sanctuary,as he may be tortured if he returns to the fascist Province of Saskatchewan.
    And in Victoria, he can probably find someone gullible enough to believe that.

  15. Which leaves us in Victoria with a semi permanent Tent city which some protesters don’t want to leave until they are ‘given’ homes, not just places to live while they get back on their feet, if that was ever their intent…

  16. And there are two chances the real story will get the same traction as the narrative – slim and none !

  17. I searched for the stories on the Sun and Province websites, and both of them have BURIED these stories as fast as possible.
    Still there, but no more front page.
    Leftwing Lapdog media, disgusting

  18. Bill, the dregs and slackers that are left, majority are our home and native friends, that have nothing better to do anyways.
    In court proceedings today, they turned their backs on the judge, as they didn’t recognize his jurisdiction. The judges comments are even worse, it soudns like he has pre-determined things, from his SJW point of view. Pathetic, the rot is deep within and high up our legal system too.
    What is left in Victoria is just your typical lazy indian wankfest. You know the meme, “Its white man’s fault”, no matter how lazy or irresponsible said native is. No,that’s not racist, we have too many natives/FNs/Turtles, that refuse to accept personal responsibility for their place in life, its just gotta be whitey’s fault, end stop.
    Let them sit in the rain forever. I would actually propose building a new fence, around the deadbeats, and fence them in. Let them figure out their next step. Most people in Vic don’t GAF, though there are sympathizers, who then drive back to Oak Bay and Broadmead to their million dollar homes, in their Jags and Bimmers, cuz they have so much in common with their native brothers…….

  19. BC doesn’t want out pipelines or our oil, we don’t want their trash on our streets. A message to BC bums. Go to Vancouver, sleep on a park bench, or hang out on East Hastings until you contract HIV or whatever else you catch from having sex with degenerates. We don’t care. ”F” the lot of you!!
