57 Replies to “Super Tuesday – Part Three”

  1. Rubio is finished, now he can stop sounding ridiculous.
    Kasich gets a brownie badge, for winning his own state, big deal.
    Its all Trump from here on out.

  2. Trump was always going to win…The sore heads that would have sold out to special interests are still crying & manufacturing issues… Trump was a reality star of a Hollywood (TV) Production (Apprentice) and the script lines used in the (ratings) role playing are now used to discredit him.. What a pathetic exercise, do we type cast every actor who has played a whore…a real life whore
    Trump has spent his life in the spot light of NYC and everyone who has not spent their life in a drug infested fantasy, knows “everything” worth knowing about The Donald…
    The one trick politicians better get on the train…

  3. Well, the best man for POTUS just packed it in…the best man by far, no contest.
    Which in and of itself is an indictment of the state of politics in America.
    The U.S.A. is in for seriously tough times.
    And thus, so is the world…and by extension, Canada.
    The four leading candidates for POTUS of the Dems and GOP combined are, in no uncertain terms, a GD disgraceful disaster.
    When America, and the world, needs a Roosevelt, instead the get the likes of a Carter or another Obama in Clinton or Sanders.
    And when America, and the world, desperately needs the likes of a Churchill or Reagan, instead they are left to choose between two bozos in Trump or Cruz.
    Rubio was the closest man in a generation to the caliber of the inspirational leadership of Ronald Reagan, bar none.
    Game over, nothing left to do but wait, one way or the other, for the inevitable train wreck.
    And FWIW, Clinton just won the election, pretty much a wrap for her now.

  4. One of the contributers to the downtrend.com site referred to Rubio as a yappy chihuahua.

  5. Wow Al in Cranbrook. You know everything about winning elections – maybe you do…but my money is on the anti-establishment two ‘bozos’ having the best chance against the globalist Hillary liberal machine. The electorate is fighting mad. They want real change. I believe that means someone other than Hillary too.

  6. Sorry Al, I like Rubio but he sealed his fate when he joined the Gang of Hate. His support of amnesty is galling and is opposite of what the Republican base has been screaming for for years.
    Cruz would be better than Trump and Ebola would be better than Hillary or Bern.

  7. And to think I sent that son of a ***** Rubio 25 bucks back when I thought he was a legitimate conservative running against Crist in Florida. Fact of the matter is he could’ve been president. But he screwed himsel by hooking up with the gang of eight. Once I saw with Schumer I knew he was a no good phony traitor. Good riddance Little Marco.

  8. Another one that still doesn’t get it.
    Rubio was the spare in case Jeb Bush went nowhere. Establishment puppets both for the Same old same old Globalist gang.
    Trump or Cruz are their best chance if you want to see America move back in the right direction.

  9. Accumulated totals up to March 14 from Politico
    D R
    Alabama 398164 845543
    Arkansas 218120 401226
    Georgia 761218 1283265
    Kansas 39043 73006
    Iowa 1406 171369
    Louisiana 307120 298714
    Massachusetts 1204927 621132
    Michigan 1194643 1300278
    Minnesota 191647 104522
    Mississippi 220790 402271
    Nevada 11977 71748
    New Hampshire 250139 260915
    North Carolina 473468 416315
    Oklahoma 33069 454775
    South Carolina 369526 737917
    Tennessee 372082 844482
    Texas 1430159 2772666
    Vermont 134571 59863
    Virginia 782895 1016413
    8394964 12136420
    Up to now there were 3,741 456 more republican voters than Democratic voters.

  10. Rubio would have been a 180 degree change from that pompous ass, Obama.
    But change merely for the sake of change means nothing. Jumping from the frying pan into the fire is change, but to what end?
    Just listened to Kasich. Pretty thin odds, but he’s certainly a big step up from the rest. Perhaps if he immediately took on Rubio as his VP running mate, he could swing the game in his favor and land in the driver’s seat at a contested convention. Again, this odds to be sure.
    The office of POTUS is the most important position on the entire planet.
    Going out of one’s way to put a freakin’ clown’s name on the door of that office in order to prove how pissed off one is, is idiocy, slice it any way you want.
    Be it Trump or Cruz, the MSM are going to carve ’em up with glee and fervor like nobody can imagine. They’re precisely what the Liberal dominated MSM want! Indeed, and I’ve heard it said numerous times by their members, Rubio was their worst nightmare come true. And virtually every poll over the last several months backed up that worry. Rubio beats Clinton, hands down. And in virtually every poll, Clinton beats both Trump and Cruz, handily!
    But Republicans/Conservative are so blinded by the proverbial light of their own self indulged anger and hatred, they’ve gone out of their way to sink their own ship, one torpedo after another.
    Nothing left now but for Americans to pick their poison.
    And trust me on this one: A helluva lot of Republicans/Conservatives are going to stay home in November. All the while others will be lining up in droves to vote Democrat in order to keep this clown as far away from Washington as possible.

  11. the best man for POTUS just packed it in…the best man by far, no contest
    That could be true, though I disagree.
    Keep in mind that this is not a process to select “the best man for POTUS”, rather it’s a traveling circus popularity contest.
    Popularity has little to do with professional qualifications for the average majority voter. Trump has been solidly building his popularity with grass-roots America since at least 2004, and that’s the main reason he will win.
    It remains to be seen if the person who pulls-off the biggest popularity contest on the planet can govern effectively. I’m convinced he couldn’t do any worse than those who preceded him since Eisenhower, and sure as hell better than anyone else running now.

  12. Geez AL, you really are all lathered up over Rubio.
    There is only one poll that counts, it is in November.
    Sure The Boy may be the second coming in your eyes.
    I suspect more voters saw what I did.
    A professional politician, no talent, no accomplishment and poor judgement in picking his allies.
    Almost a GOP Obama.
    Trump against Hillary now that is entertainment.
    Finally a Republican candidate with the stones to actually attack the withered witch and her brittle band of sycophants.
    Watch the media, these are the real enemy,very subtle pushing Rubio, as the “Only One to beat Hillary”.
    A media dominated by progressives.
    Sure I am gonna trust their polling.
    I am sure Tom MacClair of our NDP was all set to be PM too.

  13. Trump will dominate … again. Put away the charade … he IS the vehicle of change chosen by the people. The rest of the charlatan est. should step down

  14. Perspective: 3,741,456 represents roughly 2% of the 130,000,000 plus who will vote in November.
    Don’t think I’d be betting the farm on 2%.
    Neither Clinton nor Sanders have done much of a job of motivating Democrats.
    On the other hand, I’d wager Trump, and to a slightly lesser extent, Cruz, will motivate the hell out of of those leaning towards the Dems in November.

  15. You don’t get it, do you Al!!! The plebes have had it up to the eyeballs with the ESTABLISHMENT! Of both parties.
    It may well trigger a depression …. a depression that is on the horizon regardless of who wins. However, there is an extremely slim chance that he could turn the tide.
    If Trump is defeated, the next election cycle will destroy both parties with Americans becoming as vicious as Democrats. There is no saving the dysfunctional system as it now is.

  16. Ummmm, no. The only remaining candidate running for the Republicans that would have been worse than Rubio was Kasich. Rubio might as well have been President Boehner. He would have been another establishment, backroom deal RINO. Cruz is the only conservative running. Trump is by no means a conservative, but if Cruz won’t win, then better to have Trump burn the whole place down so we can start the rebuilding of the corrupt cesspool of union and crony capitalist sellouts, liars, and hypocrites that is Washington.

  17. Don’t know about the entrails of the various critters today.
    There was this guy some 2060 years ago today that got backstabbed in 44 BC.
    The Ides of March: The assassination of Julius Caesar and how it changed the world
    “As it happens, the murder of Caesar did turn out to be a key moment in history.”
    “But in his muscular assumption of power, and his popularity among the citizenry, he threatened the deep vested interests of the patricians, who had run the Republic and the Senate for so long. It was enough to seal his fate.”
    Parallel lives.

  18. Let’s see now…
    N. Korea run by a lunatic, armed with nuclear weapons, and just as likely to commit his nation to mass suicide as anything else.
    ISIS and Al Qaida competing to see who can slaughter the most innocent men, women and children worldwide.
    Putin looking to rebuild Russia into the second coming of a Stalinist Soviet Union.
    Iran looking to become the central power in the Middle East with their own nuclear arsenal, with which to push for their own idea of a global caliphate.
    China flexing its own muscles in the S. China Sea, while building up a military capability to back it up.
    European Union on the verge of collapse under the weight and stress of a mass refugee (Islamic) insurgence.
    Africa becoming a terrorist haven, spreading like a plague from one nation to the next.
    Not to mention $19 Trillion in debt, with no cessation in sight.
    Yeah, right. Helluva good time to blow up Washington, eh? No doubt this one is on all of the afore mentioned’s wish list! Indeed, most of ’em probably can’t believe their good fortune right about now!!!
    Jeeeezus Christ, what are people thinking!!!

  19. FWIW … I’m with Al from Cranbrook, not that he needs my support.
    Those who are clamoring for change! must be the same kind of people who wanted change! in Alberta. Who wanted change! in the last federal election. Chump change! if you ask me. So now they think Trump is going to vindicate all those poor downtrodden angry people who feel put upon by the “elites”. Do they actually believe that someone who leads Trump’s kind of lifestyle in places like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6oZeEiyb_w is not a member of those “elites”?

  20. I knew your bubble was a little off center when you sang the praises of Keynesian economics and now I see that you a little more clearly as being a sympathetic or openly hostile to all things anti-establishment. You a Cuckservative, and you are to be counted in the cluster of those who are willing to go to war all over the planet, pretending to have the best interest of the people. You would be counted amongst the moneychangers, me thinks.
    The Dems/RINO’s have been spending the Nation into debt which will never be paid off, therefore economically enslaving multiple generations with hardly a glimmer of hope in sight. The Chinese are salivating at controlling the US, but Trump is now the wild card which they and the rest of the world see as greatly disrupting the banksters plans of empire building.
    Trump is his own empire builder, leveraging and dealing to make things bigger, stronger and faster. He is a man who has vision and the means and know-how to get it done. He can motivate and cut to the chase of a matter, looking for win-wins, not just a taker.
    You are going to have to deal with it, like it or not.
    Trump has a heart full of compassion and speaks the language of the common man and woman in America. That is who’s sweat and tears have built the nation. And they can see that they have a spark of life left in a leader who has the ability to listen, learn and react with amazing clarity and conviction, based on sound principles.
    He may not be the best America has to offer, but he is certainly better than The Lizard Queen and The Marxist. America has a fighting chance to be great again.

  21. Somebody asked if anyone like Kasich … I find that the principal in the Simpsons is rather like him.

  22. Oh, bulls**t! Sang the praises of Keynesian economics? When? Openly hostile to all things anti-establishment? When did anti-establishment become its own “ism” du jour???
    Watch Rubio’s closing speech that I posted. He gets it! And he knows what has to be done to turn it around! Statements like “burning the place to the ground” or “blowing up Washington” is just so much demagogic claptrap, populist ranting that appeals to basest elements of lowest common denominator of the body politic. It’s pathetic, simplistic, and ultimately dangerous. Presidents have to a helluva lot better than that trash!
    I hear people compare Trump to Reagan, and I shudder at the mere thought. Reagan would be appalled with this clown and his antics! It’s an insult upon the legacy of one of truly great presidents in US history!
    Like I said, you can pick your poison now America. Clinton, you lose! And Trump, you lose!

  23. Wow, I feel for Al in C. He doesn’t even get slapped around this bad over on WK.
    He’s wrong about Rubio, Marco is a total sellout in my opinion. Marco made the wrong choice just like Al did.

  24. Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa … as IF any single politician in DC is now, or will in the future handle ANY of these issues effectively … or MORE effectively than a newcomer. Career (read establishment) politicians are interested in ONLY themselves and in reelection. Sorry, time to DRIP on them. Don’t Return Incumbant Politicians ! Ever !

  25. Trump will not play the game with Hilly.
    This will be fun. The Duchess will not be amused because Trump doesn’t give a rat’s Ass. He’ll hit her on the foundation, on the vanity server, on BLM and SJW, and Bingham and Syria and the Iran sell out. And he won’t stop.
    Critically, Trump does not care. He is tearing down the Temple. He doesn’t care because he needs nothing, wants nothing. He wins because he has already won.

  26. President Trump.
    Get used to it.
    Trump -Cruz would be a real blast.
    Watching the Guild Of Parasites heads explode if Trump proposed it would be priceless.
    Trump can bring in the real liberals, the ones who have no party.
    They were left behind as the Democrats went full statist.
    Those young socialists,voting Bernie, can easily be Trumped.Stick it to the man.
    The only thing that will stop President Trump is murder.
    The RINO/CINO cabal are already exposed.
    The media smear machine has met their match in a master showman and a brutally cynical public.
    These two groups will collude with the democrats to throw everything at Trump.
    Trouble for them, is their audience already knows what they are.
    Cruz as attorney general would be terrifying for most of our well established kleptocrats.
    As President he would be too busy to really go after the fools and bandits.

  27. Had Rubio gotten out last Tuesday instead of today Cruz wins ms and NC and gets a lot closer to trump in FL
    Now with him out and the map getting much tougher for trump it seems likely that we will have no clear winner before the convention.
    If so then it will be either Cruz or kasich – as trump has no path to the nomination once we reach the convention.

  28. My only problem (and it is a BIG one) with a VP Rubio is that I don’t want ANY amnesty-advocate anywhere close to power. Power to enact that policy. Rubio needs to retire, and go make a living the old fashioned way … WORK ! Maybe Insurance salesman ? Cause he talks real purdy …

  29. Relax AL, Show business is Show Business. I would not expect a Canadian to understand “The NYC attitude” If you are familiar it is normal, if not you find it offensive . Trump is for real & the way forward demands Cruz & Kasich to compete aggressively, makes for good TV & Copy…A life of watching the CBC does not prepare you for the TRUTH…..(BTW I know CBC, CTV, Global & NBC Network having spent a career working THE SHOW) The more the nonsense the better the ratings
    Cruz or Rubio have not won any KEY State…. Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, Florida…Where do you think they could win? Imagine a Northerner (NYC) winning the South.

  30. Al in Cranbrook.
    The best man packed it in , really.
    Rubio is a patsy.
    Bought and paid for.
    That’s the problem they have with Trump, on his own nickel.
    If he isn’t killed he’s going to change the world.
    Bring jobs back to the US, deny the TPP, tell the lagards in the EU to pay for their own defense.
    Is that all bad?
    Maybe even send the UN a bill for rent!! Perfect, instead of our Mr Selfie sucking up.
    For the better?
    Maybe. Likely.
    Beat Hillary, yes, he will, she’s going down.
    Orange jump suit down. Jail.
    He’ll beat Bernie.

  31. Gord,
    If Trump has a big lead that would be a stretch.
    The US needs a wake up call.
    Trump Cruz
    or Cruz Trump, I don’t care.
    A Bush coronation at a convention would enrage.
    Send Hillary to jail. She’s a criminal.

  32. “And in virtually every poll, Clinton beats both Trump and Cruz, handily!”
    Why are you still talking about Trump? I heard from Jeb! and others just as smart as you that Trump wouldn’t make it past the first debate. Don’t you know Trump is really dumb compared to all those Establishment elites? So don’t worry.
    Now if I were to look for someone to win the election, I’d want someone that can outsmart the elites. And that’s the kind of guy that would be a good president in dealing with the global problems that these elites have allowed unchecked for 25 years.

  33. My take. I think a lot of people are floating on a cloud of helium while dreaming in Technicolor. And I think when the smoke clears, the big winner will be Hillary Clinton. Just look at the polls. I believe Cruz would have buried Hillary. Too late now!!

  34. Just thought of it….
    Who will believe Hil-LIAR-y when she SWEARS the oath of office??
    Oh, that will be rich. Bwahahahaha!

  35. Looks as though Trump won 4 states tonight. (Missouri was a squeaker, but Trump prevailed.) Kasich won 1.

  36. Summary remarks like “change for change’s sake” and “clamoring for change” miss the mark by 1 mile. Ten miles. A hundred miles. You’re off a thousand miles.
    Here’s a characterizing summary remark for you to chew on, “failure to represent.” We’ll have one thing straight one way or another, Washington will reflect its citizens, and not citizens reflect the image of Washington. Both parties have this backward. Democrats aren’t going anywhere. The longest-lived catch basin of fierce crackpots on earth. The oldest political party on earth. Republicans are sent to check the madness and they’ve failed. This happened before. At least twice. Representatives sent to wage battle become entangled in the swamp and part of the problem. Both parties are committed to growing government power. It’s perfectly and typically American. It will probably happen again.

  37. Missouri is very interesting:
    Statewide results
    3,039/3,041 precincts (99.9%) reporting
    Hillary Clinton 310,602 49.6%
    Bernie Sanders 309,071 49.4%
    626,077 total votes
    Statewide results
    3,039/3,041 precincts (99.9%) reporting
    Donald Trump 382,093 40.8%
    Ted Cruz 380,367 40.6%
    John Kasich 94,533 10.1%
    Marco Rubio 57,006 6.1%
    935,794 total votes

  38. Don’t be afraid Al. I understand that you’re upset that Rubio is out of the race. And the problems you identify are real. Your statements and anxiety and questioning of Trumps abilities reflect those of the establishment of both parties. I expect to hear similar fears expressed many, many times more in the lead up to the actual election.
    I’m convinced that Mr. Trump shares some very important characteristics with WW2 General George S. Patton. Patton made a number of observations on fear.
    These might apply to the current political situation.
    “All men are frightened. The more intelligent they are, the more they are frightened.”
    “There is a time to take counsel of your fears and a time to never listen to any fear.”

  39. Al, you posting from the church…thump thump thump, that is the sound of rubios bible thumping
    said it before, will say it again, bible thumpers need not apply if they can’t separate their religion from their politics
