57 Replies to “Super Tuesday – Part Three”

  1. lolol…without religion we have countries like N. Korea, Communist China and Russia and Albania and …who have slaughtered their own citizens by the HUNDREDS of MILLIONS!
    You once again show your hatred of God, His Word and His Church.
    Moral and Natural law have their foundations in the substance and character of God.
    Your attacks are petulant and waste our time. Why not go troll over at an Islamic website for a while, learn what tolerance is all about.

  2. Al, you’ve been watching too much PMSNBC and CNN for their “expert” analysis. Kasich is nothing more than a Blue Dog Democrat, running under the GOP banner.
    Rubio was embarassing. He sounded ok leading into the race, but once in, sounded like another soothsayer, all cart, no horse. Jeb’s latino cousin, essie.
    And all the talk and rumour, innuendo, about the GOP running a third candidate, an outlier, WHEN Trump gets the nomination? It was talked about on the Bachelor show last night.
    Suicide, that will be the end of the GOP, and give Hitlery Cankles the WH.
    Party of Stupid

  3. Yeah, Marco had his resignation speech well-rehearsed a long time ago, he was a dead man walking for a long time.
    The speech was as windy as Kasich’s.
    Sorry, too polished, too smooth, too rhetorical, as usual.
    Hey, Al…………he couldn’t win his HOME state. Try and digest that for a minute.
    At least Kasich could.
    Stop believing everything that the propagandists at PMSNBC and CNN tell you.
    The media has been throwing its heavy artillery at Trump since Day One. How’s that been working out so far? Remember the saying, What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger?
    This is the epitome of that. Get on the bus, or get out of the way.
    All those “polls” that say Cankles beats Trump? Um, yeah, polls are for dogs (thanks Dief)

  4. Starting with 17 candidates, now winnowed to three, Trump has 52% of the delegates so far. If that holds, he wins the nomination, but closer to the end of primary season. Remember when Trump’s “ceiling” was 1/3? Assuming he gets no votes out of withdrawn candidates isn’t holding up. Also, just look at Missouri last night, with Trump & Cruz virtually tied, Trump got 20 delegates while Cruz got only five. For all intents and purposes, the way delegates are distributed going forward, we have a two man race, with Trump far ahead while his pluralities will give him a slightly higher proportion of delegates.
    In fact, he could very well pull way ahead as his momentum grows. While the dinosaur media try to block him from the front, GOP losers try to nip from the rear, always on the chase. GOP elites are positively moronic to mount an anti-Trump campaign at this point in the process. Challenge him on ideas, support whom you wish, but let the voters decide. If there any hint of that being denied, the GOP is DOA on election day.
    They seem willing to blow up the party to protect their privilege, to use the 182 withdrawn candidate delegates as bait in their quest to maintain their standing, grudgingly accepting they can’t just have a meeting to dump Trump, justified by their surety all he has going for him is “a lot of votes.”
    The final nail in their coffin would be a brokered convention where Trump came in with a few votes short of 1237, and the other candidates including the departed make an agreement with Cruz. The public would see establishment old school political dealing to get rid of the dealmaker outsider.
    Bye bye to the millions of voters who turn out for Trump. Now they stay home, or vote Democrat. Say hello to two-term President Hillary Clinton who is already 90% there and growing with every slime on Trump. Even if the brokerage fails, as is likely if it gets that far, the party would now be divided and very exploitable as not ready for prime time. She’s a train wreck, but her delusions carry weight with her supporters, Berniites & independents.
    OTOH if Hillary is indicted or a strong case against her is leaked, we have to go back to the drawing board. Meanwhile the GOP needs to stop eating their own and get behind their voters’ choice; to do otherwise is political suicide as they give in to establishment brinkmanship.
    If all politicians are deemed equally horrible, the voters, particularly in the large cities, will go for the “progressive,” cool candidates feeling it’s a safe bet. It happened in Canada and will happen in the US if the tired and failed GOP establishment continue their elitist quest to lose the POTUS election.

  5. …”if the tired and failed GOP establishment continue their elitist quest to lose the POTUS election.”
    THAT may be their ENDGAME.
    You gotta wonder.
