27 Replies to “A Decisive Blow to the Patriarchy”

  1. Someone once said that the two most abundant elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity…..

  2. Isn’t it sexist to assume ones gender based on a silhouette? Would her version have curves like a REAL woman, as to not be confused with a man wearing a kilt?

  3. Is someone seeing a little stick figure penis that I’m missing?
    Has Foster’s overload damaged the gene pool?

  4. Why not the silhouette of a tranny? That way both genders would be covered.
    B, that was good. This is an excellent example of the latter.

  5. Skirts are so …
    so – misogynistic!! Sniff sniff, I’m so offended!
    Perhaps if she lost her sight altogether she’d then be happier? #makeMYvictimhoodreal!

  6. Aliens from space have to be injecting some sort of instanity gas into the earth’s atmosphere, there is just way to much insanity in the world today for it to be just a coincidence.

  7. I sent your quoe to my daughter. She has amended it.
    She figures it has to be carbon and stupidity.

  8. Maybe it’s a transman on those signals, in which case this Councillor is transphobic. She’s also clearly sexist because using a figure of a person in a long dress to represent a woman reinforces oppressive gender stereotypes. Either way, she needs to educate herself.

  9. I heartily encourage all women who suffer from illuminated walk-signal micro aggression syndrome to please step off the curb at will. You are woman ! Throw off the chains of patriarchy ! Throw yourself into traffic ! And remember, martyrdom is a blessing. Just think of the anarchy you will cause ! Noam Chomsky would be so proud.

  10. She’s probably right. Each time one hears a greenie speak, you tend to hear: “I see carbon, carbon everywhere!”

  11. Will those “new and improved” traffic signals be administered by the Ministry of Silly Walks?

  12. Exactly … will that part of the Twit Olympics ? Although I expect President Rodham boycott the Twit Olympics because of Putin’s bad behavior ?

  13. The Susan B Anthony crossing signal. It will be just as popular as the dollar was.

  14. I love the new signs at the mall after the handicap parking signs. Now space is reserved for expectant mothers
    So if your loved one is one week overdue I assume she qualifies to make my 70 year old bones walk another twenty feet at twenty below. I propose a new sign further down “parking for mothers with arthritis with pregnant daughters”
