36 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. And so it begins.
    Those people — and there are a lot — who think Trump will be crushed by Hillary need their brains checked.

  2. See: Strunk&White, The Elements of Style. In a word … “brevity”. Short, sweet, and to the point ! Bingo !

  3. She is an endless source.
    Superimposing photo’s and footage of actions under her watch on to her speaking will do wonders.
    Her priceless;”What difference does it make at..”
    The chaos in Lybia.
    Blame the movie, Under sniper fire.
    The Vast rightwing conspiracy.
    Fighting for you.
    Every lie, Oh right that would be every word.
    I trust Trump will have the energy and enthusiasm to turn his attack dogs loose on these brittle parasites.
    Unlike our pathetic Progressive Conservatives did last year.

  4. Remember how Donald Trump called Jeb Bush “low energy” and it stuck like tar?
    Remember how Mr. Trump called Marco Rubio “Little Marco” and it stuck like tar?
    I can’t wait to hear what Mr. Trump has to say for Hillary Clinton. Maybe we’ve got a hint already.
    I’d call her “barking mad”.

  5. Well she’s already had her +7 years to “Make America Whole Again” with the failed Obamba administration. So it’s indeed time for some real “Hope & Change” and “Make America Great Again” hasn’t been tried yet.
    So what the hell, “What difference does it make anyway now”?

  6. The word is ‘adversary.’
    Donald is just getting started.
    People who underestimate Trump have not been watching.

  7. The Donald has given the Democrats lots of ammunition to work with as well. Pop some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

  8. That may have been true once, but if she is the one standing in front of the alpha wolf’s meat? He will use EVERY piece of substantial attack material that exists on her, the stuff that the media is too polite to mention. He will crush her like a bug with it all and burn what is left.

  9. The difference is that HRC has been protected and sheltered by a friendly, biased media and a corrupt administration. Trump knows what it is like to be under the proverbial gun of being on relentless defense, and knows how to turn defense into ATTACK. She is going to pay the price for never having developed the thick skinned armour that only true opposition and mano-a-mano that Trump was forced to grow by necessity. He is going to stuff her into his mortar and pestle and grind her into powder.

  10. Nobody had to make up anything for that ad. It’s like what Will Rogers said: “I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.”

  11. Now she takes credit for the failed state of Libya. Really? I think this assessment is more accurate. It seems even Kerry does not think the Libyan mission has been successful – far from it:
    (Gen) “Rodriguez estimated that it would take “10 years or so” to achieve long-term stability in Libya. He cited a “fractured society” and the lack of government institutions as major hurdles to overcome.
    “The continued absence of central government control will continue to perpetuate violence, instability and allow the conditions for violent extremist organizations to flourish until the (government) and appropriate security forces are operational within Libya,” Rodriguez told the committee.
    Rodriguez’s assessment comes nearly two weeks after Secretary of State John Kerry stopped short of declaring Libya as failed, citing the selection of a prime minister-designate to lead the new government. “It’s close,” Kerry said last month during testimony before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. “If they cannot get themselves together, yes, it will be a failed state.”
    Yeah funny things happen when you decapitate a state and leave the people to sectarian kleptocrats, organized criminals and apocalyptic terrorists. I’ll paraphrase Trudeau: when you kill terrorists then they hate you. Yes they do, even more than before. Who cares – let them die there instead of killing us here. Hate away; you can die for your cause anytime you want; we’ll be glad to help. We’re all better off without those pigs.
    What difference does it make now if it was a planned attack or a couple of people walking by? As Carly Fiorina opined, the difference is this weak US red lines bluff administration has presented the US as an easy target for every violent ass hole on the planet, with no fear of retribution.

  12. “I can’t wait to hear what Mr. Trump has to say for Hillary Clinton.”
    Scott Adams has an answer, frame Clinton as being anti-male.
    “Trump is well on his way to owning the identities of American Alpha Males, and Women Who Like Alpha Males. Clinton is well on her way to owning the identities of angry women, beta males, immigrants, and disenfranchised minorities.”
    I would suggest mixing that up with Clinton being anti-black (male). The blacks have been disproportionately hurt by the Democrats.

  13. If they had much, the Republicans who are antagonistic towards Trump would be using it already. They have criticisms, but likely not much that is truly damning.

  14. It is sad to see Sick Willie so frail. He can’t control his bladder (pissed himself) & the MSM covers
    up the little accidents…Only upper body camera shots allowed
    Hillary is popping Pills.. She doesn’t seem to understand Questions. In Ohio a middle aged Black women asked her about all the Children been killed by drug gang violence & drive by shootings. Her response was the Anti-Gun, mass killing events and the Gun Show loop-hole…Not much about Gang wars fit in her empty head

  15. That is the funniest ad I have seen in like forever. Some asshat regular said it was horrible, which means its great.. Can’t wait to see the next ones. This one covers a lot of ground. It is like a firesign theatre skit. The more you watch the more you see..Great Donald… keep it up.

  16. Hillarity will be annihilated. He doesn’t need to produce another advert. Just replay this over and over.

  17. Now, now, whether or not we lost anyone in Liibya depends on what the definition of is, is. Technically she is right, we didn’t lose anyone in Libya, we got them all back, in body bags. As she would say, “What difference does it make if they aren’t breathing, we got them back.”

  18. “People who underestimate Trump have not been watching.”
    And they are legion. And ill-informed. And not playing with a full deck.
    Just how many things have the Messed Media tried to publicize as “Trump’s done it THISSSSS TIME!!!!!!!!”
    And Trump keeps getting stronger, each time. Hell, when he went Full Donald on Dubya, I thought that’s it, he’s gone too far…..and hejust got stronger.
    Riot with the Chi-town RentaMob? No problem, just as strong.
    On that note, Glenn Beck and cronies have definitely taken their stupid pills, some would say he’s been taking them for years. He’s part of the cabal, wishing for a brokered convention, although he admits that “Paul Ryan” as the surprise candidate would be suicide, and he’s throwing knices at Kasich, for getting in Cruz’ way.
    Just why did Kasich get the ticker tape treatment last night, it was only O HI O anyways, not the world championship

  19. “Just why did Kasich get the ticker tape treatment last night, it was only O HI O anyways, not the world championship”
    If you are even slightly a constitutionalist… Ohio is a bell ringer of America… Trump would
    get clear sailing if Kasich was offered the VP position….IT’s up to Trump, does he want all the baggage of Republican bull Sh$t, or be nice to the hand ringing LOST emotional fools.. Kasich is a Jelly bean (all taste the same) that can bring the House & Senate together…
    I support a Trump Kasich ticket

  20. The only trouble with that is that should / could something happen to Trump then Kasich becomes president.
    Perhaps just a little too close for comfort… think JFK / LBJ.

  21. What the hell, in the comments of that link, there is a chart of Donations to the Hillary Clinton Foundation.
    Foreign Affairs and Development Canada $ 250 000 to $500 000.
    Anyone know if this is true?

  22. You could be right.. I am not convinced that it is the REPUBLICAN establishment that is against Trump.. The RINO’s could have infiltrated the party and are busy destroying it from within….
    Trump is not Stupid!

  23. I think this is great because between Trump and Cruz the left are confused as to Which effigy to create and burn. And Yes no matter who wins effigies will be burned!!

  24. I guess I should keep up,as I just finished posting the YouTube for this Trump ad on Reader Tips.
