29 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!”

  1. Damn fine commentary! As I always suspected,Justin is a genius/statesman,he just likes to fool us peasants for his own amusement.
    Thank Allah he hired this guy to explain it all to us. Now I feel justified in not only voting for Justin, but voting for him with the names of all my dead ancestors.
    By gads,it’s good to be alive and in Canada, eh?

  2. ” If you kill your enemies, they win”
    I will keep on calling him Justimbecile Trudeau.

  3. I think there should be posters and TV/facebook/twitter ads showing Justin’s photo and that quote.
    Canadian P.M. Justin Trudeau: “If you kill your enemies, they win.”
    Sweden’s government would grant Trudeau a Nobel Prize for Stup…err I mean peace.
    Justin’s a victim of his boxing hobby, too many punches to the head. He’s not responsible for… anything he says.
    Or does. Or fails to say. Or fails to do.

  4. Nice try, but that wasn’t what Bush was saying:
    …Bush continued: “I appreciate people’s opinions, but I’m more interested in news. And the best way to get the news is from objective sources. And the most objective sources I have are people on my staff who tell me what’s happening in the world.”
    So you see, Bush was actually aware that there is a world out there and that he could not rely on the media to provide correct information.
    Whereas the boy blunder doesn’t know anything beyond the reach of his comb. But that is just the way you like him!

  5. I like this idea Ezra.
    Bring ‘er down to a level that even a hipster might understand.
    Hope to see more of this guy.

  6. That…was hilarious (and brilliant). Plus, I have to think that quite a bit of fun was had in the making of that…

  7. When Bush said that, he was president. The president receives morning briefings the NYT can only dream about.
    Justin said that when he was campaigning. Huge difference.

  8. Except Dubya knew to ignore the newspapers because the information would be lacking/biased. And he attended his briefings, something Obama rarely does.
    Did you know Dubya was a voracious reader?

  9. ‘…Canadian P.M. Justin Trudeau: “If you kill your enemies, they win.” ‘
    The world needs more of those dead winners.

  10. .Canadian P.M. Justin Trudeau: “If you kill your enemies, they win.”
    I feel so much better now.
    So according to our fearless leader, killing my enemies is a win win and must be his approved method of dealing with enemies.
    A PM preaching tribalism and feudalism OH Joy.
    However I shall keep it in mind, if killing my enemies means they win.
    Then these parasites I have identified as enemies of me and mine, should be killed.
    It is all good, they die as winners and I am free of their relentless drain on my resources,their destructive interference and their unbelievable arrogance that they are necessary.
    Now are they bigger winners if they are killed in highly stylized ways?
    Is there a scale of winnerdom for this idiocy?
    What are the rewards for these winners?
    72 Versions?
    Obviously we need to make more of these enemies into winners.
    The hashtag;”Winners cause Sunni Ways”.

  11. Steven Harper – his resume – snowboard instructor, bouncer , whitewater rafting guide, and (part time ) teacher. Write a few lines about what the narrative from CBc ,ctv and global would be !

  12. Using the logic of “if you kill your enemies, they win,” then conversely, killing yourself means you win?

  13. Rage Twit | March 16, 2016 2:12 PM | Reply
    Using the logic of “if you kill your enemies, they win,” then conversely, killing yourself means you win?

    or letting them kill us.
    Either way Canada is in serious trouble with Justimbecile Trudeau in charge.
    But hey! half of Canadian voters ( the female half and a few gays ) are happy because Justin is so good looking that he is “dreamy” ! and that is all that matters to them.
    Who cares if terrosists murder us? Trudeau is a dreamy stud muffin!

  14. Canada — a land where four women and a man with a husband are given half an hour on TV to lament the lack of women’s equality.
    They say it’s back. Usually when you toss out the garbage you hope it goes to the dump.

  15. “If you kill your enemies, they win.”
    Excellent news … as this uber idiot of a PM plans to expand the footprint of Islam within Canada with another 300,500 (!) violence-indulgent invaders.
    Hey man! Follow your daughter home!
    Our gov’t, with all its heart, truly depreciates us and the nation we’ve built in good faith, paying taxes and obeying the laws of civil behaviour.

  16. The United Nations is a clown assembly, three-quarters of its members have no moral right to suggest anything to anybody and the other quarter suggest the wrong things. North America which has two powerful, functioning countries has 1% of the vote, Africa which has sixty basket case economies has 30%.
    This is an organization that seriously needs to be redesigned, otherwise we should walk away from it and so should the rest of the developed nations.
    So-called progressives think we should do more at the United Nations. But progress will only come in this world if a much better model of international dialogue and decision-making can be designed. Not that I am advocating world government, but if there is to be any framework for international decision making, this certainly isn’t very appropriate. This would be like a Canadian parliament in which 280 MPs were from the downtown eastside of Vancouver. Even our Senate looks golden in comparison to the UN.

  17. The Che Guevara cap is to die for. And that checkered bandana. Just wow! He will fit right in at York U.

  18. We, as a country, have had intercourse, to put it politely. Makes you long for the Cold War days sometimes, doesn’t it, when there were chess players at the table? What we have now is, at best, an amateur, in training, checker player at the helm.
