26 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. The cream of the crop? When I was an undergrad, that might have been the case. Back then, many countries didn’t have universities that were comparable to those in North America. Over the years, though, that changed and, in those same regions, students now either stay in their own countries for their education or they don’t go as far.
    I read a story a while back that many of the foreign students we get here aren’t top quality. Lots of them simply weren’t good enough to get into the schools back home but still wanted to get a degree.
    Many Canadian students aren’t going to university nowadays, partly because of a lack of suitable jobs and partly due to the high cost. Rather than running with lots of empty seats, universities are recruiting students from overseas and aren’t particularly choosy about who comes.
    So now we have a perfect situation: lots of foreign students who want that magic piece of paper and many universities that dearly want to be over-subscribed. The result is that those same students may now fill those lecture theatre seats that would otherwise be empty. Since many of those students come from well-off families, those institutions can make lots of money in the process.
    It’s all about filling seats and how much can be charged for them.

  2. Hillary tells the world that she’s going to destroy the coal industry, destroying tens of thousands of jobs.
    She then tells the world, that “We didn’t lose a single person in Libya.”, in the face of the public murder of an ambassador.
    She then wins several important primary elections.
    What does this tell you?

  3. Hey to those who hate Russia and Putin…..maybe watchthisfirst.
    Having said that i think what he is doing in crimea ect ect is deplorable and very contradictory to his own words. But still the guy has balls and a spine. so does the czeque prime minister.

  4. Gord Tulk | March 15, 2016 12:36 PM | Reply
    “If you want to really upset these Brahmins ask them about Ted Cruz.
    THE REAL anti-establishment, anti-crony candidate is Cruz – not trump.”
    Seriously Gord?
    Wife Heidi is Region Head for the Southwest Region in the Investment Management Division of Goldman Sachs in Houston.
    Some of Ted’s Friends:
    “With a diverse background, starting as Director of the CIA, Chad Sweet went into the world of big banks — from Investment Banker at Morgan Stanley to VP with Goldman Sachs. He would then work for the Department of Homeland Security in the Bush Administration. Currently he is the Co-Founder of Chertoff Group.
    Sweet cofounded Chertoff Group with former Bush and Obama administration Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. Hardly the pedigree of an outsider. In fact, his neocon bona fides could not be better.
    As a leader of the Chertoff Group, Sweet “advocated for expanding NSA metadata collection.” Again, this belies Ted Cruz’s public position on the NSA’s unconstitutional surveillance of Americans.
    Cruz’s foreign policy advisor is James Woolsey, a player who would be drafted in the first round of any neocon fantasy team owner.
    Ted Cruz’s choice of Elliot Abrams to help craft his foreign policy is disappointing. Like his colleagues on Cruz’s council, Abrams is a leader in the neocon world, and he is a leader of what is perhaps the most powerful and pernicious group in the neocon network: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).More here:
    Gee, if those folks are outsiders, then you must consider PM Light One to be an intellectual,a financial genius and a leader extraordinaire.
    Maybe you should join Musk’s Martian Mission.

  5. “Myths of Layton legacy leave Tom Mulcair in tough spot”
    “Q: What was the computer’s New Year’s resolution?
    A: The obsolescence of the working class in the service of capitalism.
    I kept my mouth shut.”
    “He came on a bicycle. I escorted him down and he went away on his bike.”

  6. Shutting down. Awaiting subsidy from NDP.
    Oldest commercial wind farm in Canada headed for scrapyard after 23 years
    TransAlta is very interested in repowering this site. Unfortunately, right now, it’s not economically feasible,” Wayne Oliver, operations supervisor for TransAlta’s wind operations in Pincher Creek and Fort Macleod, said in an interview.
    “We’re anxiously waiting to see what incentives might come from our new government. . . . Alberta is an open market and the wholesale price when it’s windy is quite low, so there’s just not the return on investment in today’s situation. So, if there is an incentive, we’d jump all over that.”

  7. There’s an interesting thing about Windfarms … I’ve seen many, many, many of them blighting beautiful landscapes. Formerly pristine landscapes. In every corner of the USA. But I have NEVER seen a strip mine … ever. I understand that government regulations require restoration of the landscape at the end of the useful life of strip mines. The hole is bulldozed and filled, and landscape restored. This is also true for garbage dumps, and a number of other “impactful” human blights on the landscape. So you can guess my question … why is there no federal mandate to immediately remove these FUGLY wind towers from the formerly pristine landscape they blight at the end of their useful lives ? Do we really have to look at rusting, paint-peeling hulks of junk forever ? And what would the cost of removal ADD to the “cheap” power they (sometimes) produce ? Hey Eco-leftists ! I thought you were advocates for a level playing field ?

  8. I see free speech is still alive and well…
    Senate set to vote on DARK Act TODAY, bill would criminalize any and all claims that say non-GMO food is safer
    A piece of legislation that would prohibit states from enacting GMO-labeling laws, as well as make it difficult for companies wishing to voluntarily label GMOs, is expected to hit the Senate floor for a vote today.
    GMO-free labels increased from 19 percent to 45 percent over a one-year period between 2012 and 2013. It’s difficult to say what might happen to one of the world’s fastest growing markets if the DARK Act were to pass.

  9. Just like we always knew, if voting made any difference, it wouldn’t be allowed.
    Voting is for suckers. The fix is always in. Especially in Canada, with no hope for anyone not a party hack.
    Here in NB, the PC Party expelled a cabinet minister for questioning duality, while “disappearing” two MLA’s for mentioning the word bilingualism.
    I just became a Trump supporter.
    “Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.
    “The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That’s the conflict here,” Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held. ”

  10. This is the guy who rushed the stage where Trump was speaking:
    (The Bernie Sanders’ campaign has mocked Trump’s startled reaction.)
    Tommy DiMassimo—the flag-desecrating young man from Ohio whose attempt to get onstage with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump was thwarted by the Secret Service Saturday—is also a budding filmmaker, whose work is posted on YouTube and often seems to involve images of black people being tortured.
    Prior to his newly-found Trump fame, Mr. Dimassi,o was a child actor, according to his IMdB resume. His page features a professional-looking headshot of DiMassimo as a youngster and credits including two appearances in 2004 on the series Reno 911 as well as a 2008 credit on the Tyler Perry series House of Payne.
    Like many young thespians, Mr. DiMassimo wanted to branch out into producing and directing later in life, prior to branching into Black Lives Matter activism.

  11. One of these things is just like the other: Killers.
    Mohammed and socialism: Killers.
    “Female suicide bombers kill 24 at Nigerian mosque”
    “One bomber blew up inside the mosque and the second waited outside to detonate as survivors tried to escape,…”
    “Venezuela to Shut Down for a Week to Cope With Electricity Crisis”
    “President Maduro extends Easter holiday from two to five days
    Drought has cut power generation at hydroelectric dams
    Venezuela is shutting down for a week as the government struggles with a deepening electricity crisis.”

  12. George Soros is a donor to John Kasich’s campaign.
    George Soros is funding Black Lives Matter, which disrupted the Chicago rally for Donald Trump.
    NO WONDER John Kasich (who has really changed his campaign message in the last week) has bashed Trump’s speech as inciting violence and riots. Soros says he’s going to keep funding the anti-Trump troops.
    Kasich now sounds like a shill for the global order.
    “The group is backed by numerous organizations, including the George Soros-funded groups MoveOn.org, the Institute for Policy Studies, and Demos.
    MoveOn.org has been playing a prominent role in organizing anti-Trump activism, including last weekend’s shutdown of the billionaire’s rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion.
    Another group endorsing Democracy Spring is the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The DSA’s Chicago branch drove protesters to last weekend’s nixed Chicago Trump event, as this reporter exposed.
    The AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest labor federation, announced in a press release earlier this month it is ‘all in behind Democracy Spring,’ perhaps indicating significant mobilization.”

  13. from the comments in the link:
    “Socialism can only work in two places: in heaven, where they don’t need it and in hell where they already have it. ” – Winston Churchill

  14. The perks of a Harvard education:
    Ironically, the debate topic was supposed to be about renewable energy.
    “The black debaters simply ‘chose’ to point out their opponents’ skin color and begin advocating genocide,” reported InvestmentWatchdogBlog.com. “They expressly stated that these were their ‘sincere beliefs,’ not just an argument to win a debate.”
    Feliciano and Davis are not some anonymous student crackpots posing as serious debaters.
    They form a respected two-person debate team that took second place at the 2013 Cross-Examination Debate Association Nationals, according to Infowars.com.
