7 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Face it. Nothing is going to change until Lisa Laflamme, Peter Mansbridge and PSAC pres. Robyn Benson get electrocuted by their CSA-approved, Limited Edition, turdo a doo vibrators.

  2. Yes, the quotes from the letters are accurate because I recognize the one that I wrote. And the response was the same – the CSA has no regulatory authority or legislative role in Canada – a disavowal of responsibility by then Minister James Moore. So the effect of that statement is that even if a product is CSA approved, none of the regulations that they impose have any legally binding effect in Canada, period. So a CSA approval is effectively a non-guarantee of functionality or competence.
    And it begs the question, if the CSA is not an authority, then who is? And secondly, the Supreme Court ruling on copyright ownership is even more incredulous and arcane – that individuals within the country have copyright ownership to the pieces of legislation that they add to the legislation. So as an individual, I would have to quote the source on legally binding regulations before I could quote the legislation or face copyright action.
    Either the law is owned by all of us, and we have free use of it and responsibility to obey it, or it belongs to no one (which is a very dangerous place to be). Either the law is absolute, or it is optional. And while I appreciate the experience brought to the table by the industry representatives involved in the CSA, at the end of the day, their meddling for their own interests is corrupt, and the final say on whether a piece of the code is appropriate or not must reside with representatives of the people, the Parliament, or we have another star chamber, like the Supreme Court, that we can neither criticize, chastise or dismiss, another pocket oligarchy without overview. No check, no balance.

  3. Well Said.
    Having been 30 years at the receiving end of the ever growing extortion from CSA, there is no law in Canada.
    We see the same lawlessness in far too many regulations.
    The attitude is obey my authority and buy our product.
    We are a kleptocracy.

  4. Good Riddance to James Moore, politician.
    He defines CINO, his performance was abysmal, and would be right at home in the Fiberal party.

  5. the stonewalling non-answers remind me a bit of my visits over the course of 2 years to the local Lieberal MP’s constituency office.
    I wanted to know what sort of audit, followup or assessments were being done to check if Cdn foreign aid to Ahfricah was making a reasonable difference.
    the office staff refused to provide an answer. Foreign Affairs sent me piles of info on the existing programs. I didn’t ask that. I asked about followup.
    At the end of the 2 years they denied I even asked the question. I sighed, told them I would write it all out again plus all the questions in the intervening period and hand deliver the request.
    At which point the c*nt in charge of the office threatened to have me charged with trespassing, so I left. after that, on those balmy Friday nights I would walk to the office with photcopies of Lieberal maleficence and scotch tape and WALLPAPER the bay windows. Adscam stuff, they sure provided lots of ammunition.
