When jihadis strike, don’t lecture me on Islamophobia

The attacker walked in and stabbed two military personnel claiming Allah told him to, so why lecture the public on Islamophobia? You have that little faith in people?
Full marks to Toronto’s police chief for immediately saying that the knife attack at the army recruiting centre was terrorism and for the Allah reference but c’mon. Also on the show terrorism expert and former CSIS op Phil Gurski on military folks bing targeted, Anthony Furey on Canada’s UN relativism, Trump wins, Rubio bows out and why Clinton and is unfit for office. And the one thing Rubio said as he left that resonates with so many people.

20 Replies to “When jihadis strike, don’t lecture me on Islamophobia”

  1. This default “be guard against islamophobia” position is hard-wired into the DNA of politicians, police chiefs, and the press. It is found in their suck-hole gene – which steers them to say the “politically correct” things (as opposed to the truthful and “right” things) at public rallies, promotional interviews, and during broadcasts, and, more often than not, is responsible for putting them in their lofty positions in the first place.

  2. Nothing annoys me more than cant and PR rhetoric from public safety authorities.
    We need a calm, honest statement of the actual risk, naming the cause and objectively estimating the public danger:
    “Isolated attacks inspired by Islamic extremism continue to be a potential risk to Canadians, particularly in large urban areas, generally conducted by individuals who might be wielding a weapon, whether a knife or a firearm. Canadians could get on with their everyday lives while remaining vigilant of their surroundings where appropriate. Report suspicious activities to the police.”
    We do not need “nothing to see here” or “It’s A Small World After All” or “let’s not succumb to Islamophobia”.

  3. On the Islam Question, and the Downside of Social Media
    Jeffrey A. Tucker
    Islam is the new communism, that scary foreign thing we are supposed to fear above all else and hand over our liberties and property to the state so that they will protect us against it. The state is once again trying to play up cultural themes in order to tightened its control, and it is working once again.
    This new culture of Islamophobia has emerged gradually over the last 15 or so years, but in recent times it has reached a fevered pitch, to the point that the man on the street can be counted on to quake in fear at the very mention of this great religious tradition. This is mainly due to a predictable historical myopia on the part of citizens (see Orwell) and incredible ignorance about the history and meaning of the Islamic religious tradition and its gigantic contributions to modernity as we understand that term in the West.
    A great place to begin to understand, rather than fear, is Mustafa Akyol’s brilliant lecture at the Austrian Scholars Conference.

    Tragically, Islam now falls into that category of an officially approved bugaboo – exactly of the sort that Mencken said that Americans must constantly invent in order to have an outlet for their tendency to blame everything and anything but mainstream bourgeois society for all ills.

  4. Oops! That “could” ought to have been a “should”:
    “Canadians should get on with their everyday lives while remaining vigilant of their surroundings where appropriate.”
    Mea culpa!
    Also of course, military personnel should be issued a separate, more specific advisory through their own security hierarchy.

  5. Yet the media pretend there is NO coordinated internationally call to Muzzies worldwide to go all stabby on Joos and Infidels … it’s all just some queer coincidence. No no no … it isn’t Muzzies Calling for a THIRD Intifada. Don’t be racist !
    And what red-blooded, homegrown, Muzzie doesn’t want to show solidarity with their Palestinian brothers by stabbing warriors for the Great Satan ? Don’t our “journalists” READ ? I mean read something other than the Daily Kos

  6. You can do better Brian. You’re starting to write like Andrew Coyne.
    “Trump wins, Rubio bows out _and_ why Clinton _and_ is unfit for office. _And_ the one thing Rubio said as he left that resonates with so many people.”

  7. “Tragically, Islam now falls into that category of an officially approved bugaboo…”
    Sorry, no, quite the contrary.
    Whatever negative view of Islam and Muslims the public might have is clearly NOT being cultivated by governments.
    Quite the opposite in fact: governments are telling their citizens “this has nothing to do with Islam” which is disingenuous in an entirely different way from a blanket fear and loathing of Islam.

  8. Islam = dog$hit, end of story, Rizla, no matter how many leftist dhimmi you quote. Maybe you ought to try thinking for yourself, it’s not illegal – yet.

  9. My comment on the story that CBC wrote regarding how the guy is the victim:
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    Content Enabled
    Maybe somebody should go to the mosque where he was praying and see what their preaching. Have any of their other members been recruited by ISIS? Is there a pattern of violence and hate speech coming out of this mosque

  10. One must read “The 100 Year Walk”; Dawn Anahid MacKeen; 2016: prior to forming any lasting and probably more accurate opinion on Islam amd it’s adherents.

  11. Question: does anyone think the guy who wrote Rizla’s article (who whined among other things “The state is once again trying to play up cultural themes in order to tightened (sic) its control, and it is working once again.”), is smarter than these people?
    I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. As far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world…
    – Alexis de Tocqueville
    The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities – but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.
    – Winston Churchill
    If the people of this religion are asked about the proof for the soundness of their religion, they flare up, get angry and spill the blood of whoever confronts them with this question. They forbid rational speculation, and strive to kill their adversaries. This is why truth became thoroughly silenced and concealed.
    – Abu-Bakr Muhammad Al-Razi, Persian physician and scholar
    Consider the Koran, for example; this wretched book was sufficient to start a world-religion, to satisfy the metaphysical need of countless millions for twelve hundred years, to become the basis of their morality and of a remarkable contempt for death, and also to inspire them to bloody wars and the most extensive conquests. In this book we find the saddest and poorest form of theism. Much may be lost in translation, but I have not been able to discover in it one single idea of value.
    – Arthur Schopenhauer
    … it should in fairness be noted, that in speaking of Muslims, we realize that of course the vast majority are law abiding, loving people, who just want to be left alone to subjugate their women in peace. … but the western world needs to make it clear, some things about our culture are not negotiable, and can’t change, and one of them is freedom of speech. Separation of church and state is another, not negotiable. Women are allowed to work here and you can’t beat them, not negotiable. This is how we roll. And this is why our system is better.
    – Bill Maher
    Mahomet established a religion by putting his enemies to death; Jesus Christ by commanding his followers to lay down their lives.
    – Blaise Pascal
    We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Muhammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with a wild god.
    – Carl Jung
    Let us attend to [Mohammed’s] narration; and we shall soon find, that he bestows praise on such instances of treachery, inhumanity, cruelty, revenge, bigotry, as are utterly incompatible with civilized society. No steady rule of right seems there to be attended to; and every action is blamed or praised, so far only as it is beneficial or hurtful to the true believers.
    – David Hume
    Our Biafran ancestors remained immune from the Islamic contagion…In this way we came to be a predominantly Christian people…It is now evident why the fanatic Arab-Muslim states like Algeria, Egypt and the Sudan have come out openly and massively to support and aid Nigeria in her present war of genocide against us. These states see militant Arabism as a powerful instrument for attaining power in the world.
    – Emeka Ojukwu, first and only president of Biafra
    When you think about what Americans accomplished, building these amazing cities, and all the good its done in the world, it’s kind of disheartening to hear so much hatred of America, not just from abroad, but internally… For some reason, nobody seems to be talking about who we’re up against, and the sixth century barbarism that they actually represent. These people saw people’s heads off. They enslave women, they genitally mutilate their daughters, they do not behave by any cultural norms that are sensible to us. I’m speaking into a microphone that never could have been a product of their culture, and I’m living in a city where three thousand of my neighbors were killed by thieves of airplanes they never could have built.
    – Frank MIller, artist, writer, film director
    Islam is very different, being ferociously intolerant…And there was to be no nonsense about toleration. You accepted Allah or you had your throat cut by someone who did accept him, and who went to Paradise for having sent you to Hell.
    – George Bernard Shaw
    A void is made in the heart of Islam which has to be filled up again and again by a mere repetition of the revolution that founded it. There are no sacraments; the only thing that can happen is a sort of apocalypse, as unique as the end of the world; so the apocalypse can only be repeated and the world end again and again.
    – G.K. Chesterton
    …[Mohammed] declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind…The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mahomet is the prophet of God.
    – John Quincy Adams
    That these men then have no knowledge or love of God is undeniably manifest, not only from their gross, horrible notions of him, but from their not loving their brethren. But they have not always so weighty a cause to hate and murder one another, as difference of opinion. Mahometans will butcher each other by thousands, without so plausible a plea as this…Such was, and is at this day, the rage, the fury, the revenge, of these destroyers of humankind!
    – John Wesley
    There never came against Israel a more antagonistic nation. They oppress us with the most oppressive measures to lessen our number, reduce us, and make us as despicable as they themselves are.
    – Maimonides; this was written in the 12th century
    That is a simple rule, and easy to remember. When I, a thoughtful and unblessed Presbyterian, examine the Koran, I know that beyond any question every Mohammedan is insane; not in all things, but in religious matters.
    – Mark Twain
    Europe is no longer Europe, it is Eurabia, a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense…The Muslims refuse our culture and try to impose their culture on us. I reject them, and this is not only my duty toward my culture – it is toward my values, my principles, my civilization… The struggle for freedom does not include the submission to a religion which, like the Muslim religion, wants to annihilate other religions…The West reveals a hatred of itself, which is strange and can only be considered pathological; it now sees only what is deplorable and destructive…People are afraid to speak against the Islamic world. Afraid to offend, and to be punished for offending the sons of Allah. You can insult the Christians, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the Jews. You can slander the Catholics, you can spit on the Madonna and Jesus Christ. But woe betide the citizen who pronounces a word against the Islamic religion.
    – Oriana Fallaci
    The Pope gets ridiculed every day, but you don’t see Catholics organizing terrorist attacks around the world.
    – Salman Rushdie
    So many people can’t live their childhood properly because of him [Mohammed]. So many people are sufferers of his disasters. So many people know what’s right as wrong and what’s wrong as right because they think the darkness that he chose exists. Human emotions and human creations haven’t progressed in many ways, because of him.
    – Turan Dursun, Turkish Islamic scholar and former Mufti who later abandoned his religion and was murdered as a result
    The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within.
    – Will Durant
    Qur’an… an accursed book… So long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world.
    – William Gladstone
    England is a cesspit. England is the breeding ground of fundamentalist Muslims. Its social logic is to allow all religions to preach openly. But this is illogic, because none of the other religions preach apocalyptic violence. And yet England allows it. Remember, that country was the breeding ground for communism, too. Karl Marx did all his work in libraries there.
    – Wole Soyinka, Nigerian writer, poet, playwright, and Nobel laureate
    But let’s leave the last word to a known admirer of Islam – that’s only fair, isn’t it?
    Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers…then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world.
    – Adolf Hitler

  12. Has anyone asked the Chief if Islamophobia killed Vincent and Cirillo or if Islamophobia brought honour killings to our land? Was Islamophobia responsible for the 24 Canadians murdered on 9-11?
    The cowering before Islam is despicable, and dangerous to all of us.
    The man should resign in shame.

  13. Just heard a tape Ralph Goodale where he actually states perhaps lone wolf behaviour may be copied from other lone wolves, and we need to examine “root causes. Really he has not been reading Mark Steyn, or he would have stayed far afield from the amalgamated union of lone wolves. Talk about setting yourself up.
    One questions Why we have a Minister of Public Safety, if despite repeated attacks, aborted attacks, planed mayhem by Islamic influenced agitators, there is no evidence of a conspiracy by Islamic groups, and no threat to public well being.

  14. I urge people to read the Koran, the first thing that becomes evident is how hateful and violent it’s teachings are towards Jews and Christians. I personally view the Koran as a War Manual, Islam has been waging war for 1400 years with no peace to be had, why because the Koran mandates that Muslims wage war on non-believers and as such that mandate will ensure Islam is always at war with it’s believers and the Kaffirs. The teachings in the Koran ensure Islam and a percentage of her followers’ continue to wage Jihad for eternity.

  15. The shill of the con artist.
    “Who you gonna believe?
    Or your lying eyes?
    I have a couple of Muslim friends, they claim no understanding of the Jihidize.
    However it does not matter, if the killers succeed in being the public face of this cult, all will suffer.
    It is impossible to accept the word of men whose religion debases their honour.
    Islam,just another group of parasites.
    With an institutionalized justification for their freeloading.
    Once we get enough of Justin’s People I expect the Indian Industry will face sever competition for tax dollars.

  16. And Tony Blair’s.
    After all, they began the process of toppling a psychotic irreligious murderous despot so that MUSLIMS could be free of tyranny – just as Reagan did for the mujahedin, who then repaid America for their newfound freedom by murdering 3000 office workers, police, and firefighters.
    What’s that, it was really about oil? Oops – bull$hit.

  17. We just need to find lone wolf attackers, sit down with them, show them love and empathy, that psychopathic hatred is “not their fault.” That will make them peaceful Liberals, I mean citizens.
    Just don’t turn you back on them.

  18. Cruz recently mentioned in one of his speeches about Obama sending the bust of Churchill in the White House back to Britain. He needs to do it again, and again. So does Trump! Both need to say during the election that it was a mistake and they will be asking Britain to please return it.

  19. Root causes: cultural conflict. I’ll bet this lad spent some time in Quebec’s $10.00 a day daycare system.
