Les Libranos (Bumped for Adscam Connection)

Developing… Seven high-ranking Quebec Liberals — including two former cabinet ministers — arrested
Update: A closer look at the Quebec political figures arrested Marc-Yvan Coté, former longtime Liberal cabinet minister

56 Replies to “Les Libranos (Bumped for Adscam Connection)”

  1. “Police uncovered several emails in 2011 showing a system of false invoicing and illegal financing engaged by Roche, and that the company received privileged information, and was able to rig the tender process to its advantage.”
    So pretty much the same practice as adscam, and in 2011. Big surprise.

  2. Yawn! Nothing to see here folks. Just business as usual for the Liberal Party of Canada.

  3. Vote for LIEBERAL GRAFT!
    This is standard operating procedure for LIEberlism, just fire hose money to those who belong to the ruling class club.
    The rest of us can suck lemons, or make lemonade.
    Yeah, they are ‘taking care of business’ alright @ taxpayers expense…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. The party built on lies and deceit is arrested for corruption and selling government favors ? Shocking … just shocking, I tell you … shock-ing

  5. Meanwhile the Ont branch of the Party contracts for even more wind powered electricity, though the current system is hobbled by over supply of renewable energy.Net beneficiaries of Ont energy policy are neighbours in Michigan and N York receiving power at less than cost. Many of the Wind hucksters are Liberal connected firms.
    Ont AG reported overcharging on electricity to the tune of $37 B since the Green energy fiasco began, but hey, saving the planet is worth it.

  6. Interestingly the decided to drop charges this week on a gaggle of liberal senators about to be nailed with Duffied charges, must mean that they don’t want their systematic corruption exposed in such large doses.

  7. Ken said “Yawn! Nothing to see here folks. Just business as usual for the Liberal Party of Canada.”
    Precisely. The line between Liberals and corrupt third-world style leadership is a fine one at best.

  8. As a sub-contractor in Ontario working for a GC with close ties to the Liberal government I witnessed firsthand how the awarding process worked. A nebulous pre-qualification process would first eliminate those without close ties. Then final award would be based on price and the ‘ability’ to perform the contract. If a contractor didn’t have the necessary contacts in the government then they were deemed to not have the ‘ability’. All decisions were made behind closed doors with no details on what constituted ‘ability’. I was once grilled by a Wynne aide as to my political allegiance. I told her I was a fiscal conservative, I then walked out the door and never returned.

  9. Hilarious watching how CBC was trying to spin the story! The first try, Liberal was only mentioned 5 paragraphs down and Nathalie Normandeau was only called a former politician. Every comment that they actually allowed called them on it and they finally added Liberal to the first line of the story.
    All I can say is CBC is one of the biggest contractors the government pays and it is time that the job goes out to tender!!

  10. I am waiting for Trudo’s words of wisdom on the matter. I suspect it may go some thing like this..
    We are the only current sitting Liberals who have yet to be caught in a scandal.

  11. Yes, BUT the current leader of the Quebec Liberal Party has assured us that NOW the behaviour of the LPQ is “exemplary”!
    They made a mistake,are sorry, now it’s “time to move forward”. That’s what these crooks say every time they’re caught,and the sheeple shrug and go along,and vote for them next election because they’ve learned their lesson and will be good little Liberals from now on.
    Let us hope,in the interest of fairness ( a BIG Liberal thing), that the Judge appointed to the trials is a good Liberal appointee who recognizes that everyone has failings,and if they feel remorse,well, that’s really all that’s required.
    A good tongue lashing which includes several four-bit words will suffice.
    But first,let’s drag out a trial for 18 months so taxpayer funded Liberal lawyers can have a good feed at the trough.

  12. Quebec is the most corrupt non-justice, non-jurisdiction in North America.
    World ranking somewhere below Burkina Faso.

  13. “I am waiting for Trudo’s words of wisdom on the matter.”
    A provincial issue.
    Unless or until it involves the federal party, I suspect he’ll simply ignore it.

  14. I am left to wonder if these arrests could have made any difference if they happened a little earlier, you know, like at the beginning of our last federal election to be exact.
    Harper’s campaign only nibbled around the edges of Liberal corruption, this could have been easily used as a powerful reminder to Canadians as to exactly why we kept the LPC out of federal power so long. This news is also a strong reminder as to how their arrogantly unrepentant ways earned them 3rd party status last time around. Not sure if the Conservatives could have made a difference with this ammunition but I guess if they were effective the MSM would have simply done an about face and got 100% campaigning behind Mulcair instead.
    Ha, Trudeau or Mulcair. With hindsight we can clearly see that it’s almost impossible to dodge a bullet when two of them are coming at ya!

  15. Que up the Butts mouthpiece.Lisping relentlessly.’
    “Not a smidgeon of corruption within the Liberal party of Quebec.”
    “All the best Prime Ministers come from Quebec”.
    Strange coincidence how charges have been disappeared for the rest of Duffy’s Liberal colleges.
    I guess only Conservative Brand Senators can over dip from the public purse.
    The casual acceptance of corruption in Eastern Canada is the best reason for Western Canada to start anew.
    Kleptocracy can not be reformed, it is institutional.
    Too many parasites all living easy at other peoples expense.
    Passing our bills on to our grandchildren is probably the most pernicious form of generational theft in history.
    Might be less destructive to sell the kids straight into slavery.
    But we cannot be honest.
    Government by thieves for the benefit of thieves,lasts as long as the victims remain ignorant.
    The big Lie is government. Enjoy your “free stuff”.
    Turdeau two is a blessing, in a way. Later generations might be grateful that this scam crashes and burns now.

  16. Smithers! Find out the name of the brilliant law firm that negotiated the perp list
    down to only seven and put them on retainer immediately, money is no object!

  17. The total cost to the taxpayer of all the liberal corruption over the last 40 years would more than likely cover the national debt.

  18. Why do Canadians keep falling for these quebec scumbags? I know why the libranos fought so hard to keep quebec in Canada I mean that’s obvious but the real question is why didn’t the rest of Canada try and help the yes side? If a referendum were held today I’d move to Quebec to vote yes and I’d help the campaign.

  19. “The casual acceptance of corruption in Eastern Canada is the best reason for Western Canada to start anew.”
    There being not a whisper of political cronyism and corruption in Western Canada of course.*
    “Passing our bills on to our grandchildren is probably the most pernicious form of generational theft in history.”
    So far, so good. Plus, when did you ever see swarms of twenty- and thirtysomething protesters and activists with signs that read: “NO MORE DEFICIT FINANCING!” “REDUCE GOVERNMENT SPENDING!” “WE DON’T WANT ANY MORE SOCIAL WELFARE PROGRAMMES!”? The little buggers have no more interest in belt-tightening and sacrifice than we do.
    * Alison Redford and Danielle Smith were unavailable for further comment.

  20. If the money was used for liberal agendas and liberal expenses, Canadians should never be outraged.
    They are so much smarter than the low information voter,
    and the Liberal government knows what is best for you..

  21. Just more liberal swine slopping at the trough of hard working, soon to be unemployed, Canadians..

  22. Thank you for confirming my points.
    *” Alison Redford and Danielle Smith were unavailable for further comment.”
    However Wynne is..McGinty was undefeated, the tolerance by voters for unbridled corruption is a proud eastern tradition.
    The Chretin Rump of Ontario held Liberals in power way past the time they stank on ice.
    “The little buggers have no more interest in belt-tightening and sacrifice than we do”.
    Exactly why Kleptocracy once established,can not be reformed.
    Keep taking, no making.Everybodies doing it.
    Not to mention the natural obliviousness toward taxes and cost of government in those age groups.

  23. As an aside, and if I could Kate.. Speaking of theft. I have a Presidents Choice credit card as I buy m diesel for my truck at a super store fuel bar, and want to take advantage of their bonus points. I happened to look at their invoice, and their lowest rate is 25.95%.. Highest is 27.95% What is prime now,1.5%?.. Cut this card up now.Speak to your friends about this. I am admittedly stupid and don’t read the fine print on all the paper they send me, but this is despicable.

  24. The liberals are the best at finding ways to make their kind rich off government policies. The brash and blatant adscam not withstanding, they do it primarily by stealth.
    Anecdotally, in the early days of the Chretien era, there were backroom musings of a development moratorium in Banff. That gave the liberal insiders a half decade to buy up property in Canmore. And thus they did. In Feb 2000, Tequila Sheila announced such a moratorium. Canmore property values skyrocketed. Liberal cronies benefited greatly.
    Liberal corruption is not exclusive to Quebec. There’s just more of them there.

  25. Don’t be an idiot. Pay it off monthly & it doesn’t cost you a dime in interest costs. All credit cards charge about the same on “overs”.
    I have one of these & points covered $130 of Christmas turkey, ham & trimmings for 6 people. I regularly roll over 20-30K points every 2 weeks on “free” food at Superstore, based on points earned outside Superstore & bonus points weekly. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the best deal going on groceries.

  26. Happy, pay off your credit card every month and you don’t pay the interest and still get the points.

  27. IT only matters if you don’t pay your bill every month. If you’re only using the card for points and pay it off monthly, you accrue no finance charges. Actual rate: 0.00%

  28. That re-distribution of Canadian wealth is absolutely disgusting. And it will nearly ALL end up in the pockets of a select few corruptocrats and will do NOTHING to ‘help’ the climate let alone the environment. How is WASTING money (a limited resource) considered “green”. And is this give-away the WILL of the majority of Canadians ? I find that very hard to believe.

  29. The federal Liberal arrested today may want to tell Canadians where the cash went, but CBC and CTV are not interested in telling Canadians. Most will never hear of this story, or will just accept the line that it is “Old news”, without drawing the obvious parallel that Duffy was old news at the time of the last election, too. No matter how much he wants to tell Canadians, this liberal has no means of getting his message out. Those who watch The Rebel are already aware of how this compares to, say, the Duffy money that was immediately refunded.

  30. There will be no coverage of this on the CBC or CTV. they are still engrossed with Duffy

  31. James, you won’t have to move if the referendum only allows non Quebecers to vote!

  32. It may well be the CAUSE of the national debt……and perhaps that is why Junior is cranking up the deficit and debt massively when it isn’t needed.

  33. it would be highly appropriate, with the never ending fiscal scandals the “vatican” keeps finding it’s self in.

  34. If there is any doubt! who did the Corrupt Scheme to buy the Ridings in Mississauga & Oakvile in order to maintain their control of Onatrio’s Tax-Payer Funding understand the Following.
    The Liberal Premiership tried to make the Deputy Chief of Staff the sucker to be blamed for the McGuinty & Wynne Premir’s Office; Illegal EMail Deletion.
    The only possible explanation appears to be the Usual Suspects of Liberal Corruption; the Backroom Liberal Crony Group wanted to have a Non Ontario Liberal , Ms. Miller, be blamed.
    She comes from the Liberal B.C. Party, which is a non-member of the proven Corrupt Liberal Party of Canada/Ontario/Quebec. This Cabal is responsible for the Adscam corruption which apparently continued after the proven corruption was to have stopped with the Gomery Commission.
    It seems in current news reports the corruption continued long after ,in defiance of the specific direction of Judge Gomery’s findings, let alone being illegal under Canadian anti-corruption Laws.
    When will the appropriate Legal Authority establish and advice the Canadian Citizen what action will be taken to root out this Overt and indifference to Canadian Law by a purported entity (s) which is chosen to represent the Laws of our Country.

  35. Did any one happen to notice that in both of those article they completely ignore the fact that several of these individuals are FEDERAL LIBERALS.

  36. “Judge Gomery’s findings” Mikesr
    Gomery made zero findings,, He is a corrupt obscene joke… A media circus of clowns

  37. CTV Regina supper news, didn’t mention once during the story, what political party the criminal politicians belong to, not once!
    It’s so disgusting.
